I was in a discussion with someone yesterday about whether or not belonging to a program is a choice. This is part of how someone responded in the discussion: “I choose to belong to a program like I choose to workout or kiss my wife or walk the dog … because all of these activities contribute to my life … and you telling me what is “truth” whether it’s seen or not, is just plain arsey” I, I, I. The word arsey had to be looked up, lol. I’ll touch on this as it has been revealed to me, but please before you respond, sit with it first. Because of my experience this is what’s seen and try to understand this point, the bondage to I is very subtle and whatever one attaches to that makes you think it will enhance your life, it’s only I that makes you believe this. I’m not going to mention specifics here because every path is only a pointer, but nothing, no program or person’s way should be attached to, they can be investigated to see the truth they reveal, but if it becomes “your so called way” it’s only your I that’s attached to it and it now becomes your prison (bondage).
There’s no path, program, or way that can enhance life because life doesn’t need enhancement, life is life. If life isn’t accepted exactly as it is, the I attaches it’s story to what it thinks will make it enhanced. Everything in life is a pointer to make you look within and as long as there’s one iota of I attachment, something will be reached for out there and one’s own magnificence will never manifest; it can’t because I is blocking it. Please see this and basically just stop thinking, period. Get very very still so there’s no I story. Thoughts come and go, live life as it is and don’t make it into something that it’s not because it doesn’t need to be any other way. Don’t make it someone else’s way, or a programs way, make it totally your way, but that will only happen when I doesn’t attach to any other way but what comes from within oneself.

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