The old saying if you don’t play with fire you can’t get burned is so true when it comes to being tempted. If you can stay out of the lions den you will remain safe. It’s so important to not put yourself in harms way when it comes to temptation, but it’s done because the way most minds are conditioned, there’s a lack of awareness and discipline to stand up against temptation for a long period of time. I see this in myself although very slowly my conditioning that attaches to I is losing its grip. There’s so much of our make up associated with temptation that one should sit with this to see how much control it really has over you. Why this is so is mainly because of the temporary pleasure that’s gotten from giving in to the temptation. Food, alcohol, drugs, sex (alone or with someone) gambling and so on, many things are used to satisfy the sense pleasure and if there isn’t awareness of this, it will be difficult not to get pulled around by the temptation.
For myself, I was controlled my entire life because of never having the awareness or discipline to stay out of the lions den per se, so in essence I was always in harms way. Of course satisfying I is at the root of this and whenever a temptation is given in to initially it feels good, but it only last until the mind that told you to give in to the temptation poses the question why did you do that. It has taken a few years to finally stop giving into temptation and it’s only because there’s the awareness of I wanting pleasure. Grab that cookie and see how long the satisfaction last, by the way sugar is as addictive as cocaine, maybe more so. The point of this isn’t to say the pleasures of life can’t be enjoyed, just watch who is attaching to them and why. See if you are putting yourself in harms way which reinforces I to remain in control. If this is done you just may be able to stay out of the lions den and lessen the control I has over you so you can truly live life happy, joyous, and free. Free from what? The alluring temptation of the control of I.

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