What if you decide that every person you meet is perfect just as they are and although their behavior may not be to your liking or even to the world’s liking, they in no way need to be any different? How much peace would there be in your life because of this decision? It’s not like if you don’t like the way someone behaves that they are going to change, so why waste the energy on trying to change that which will not be changed. And since you can’t change the person or the unloving behavior exhibited, accepting them as they are will most definitely change you; after all you are the only one you can change and that’s only if you’re aware there’s something that needs changing.
This simple way of viewing people will have a profound impact on your life because it takes away the unloving energy of judging. How this impacts you is it stops the downward spiral of the judging energy which affects everyone. This is true even if the person does the most horrific act imaginable, judging them does nothing to change what was done, but it does keep the energy of what was done active; it’s actually all the same unloving energy. This occurs because regardless of the harm done, judging would just keep the unloving energy of what was done in place. I’m not saying love people who cause harm, what I am saying is don’t judge them. It’s in the space of non judgement that love naturally arises and it’s because of the decision made that every person you meet is perfect just as they are, no matter how unloving their behavior may be.

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