Life really isn’t as it appears. The Conditioned Mind constantly tries to create a world that makes one wonder if they're happy. This created noise is an illusion that blocks one from seeing their own innate goodness and all this occurs without permission. When there’s an understanding that we’re just a manifestation of Universal Energy and not much else really matters, we can become still enough to see our creation not as the Conditioned Mind makes it appear, but as it was meant to be, lived from out true intention to be an instrument of stillness. The only thing that keeps one in a state of unawareness of this stillness is the Conditioned Mind.
Stillness breeds truth, truth breeds freedom. freedom breeds clarity and clarity breeds stillness. One day you’re in this form and one day just like that, you’re not. The base of your life determines how you’re spending the time that you have in this form. If it’s to serve your I Self you will never come from a place of stillness and it will be very difficult to see truth and find inner peace. If it’s to be still with all you heart and soul, the mind will settle and it will allow inner peace to be revealed which allows unity with all beings. They may not be in unity with you and that’s because of their conditioning, but unity with oneself is what’s important and how you will know you’re in unity with yourself is by the unity you have with all beings. This is the unity that only comes from one’s own heart. Separation is an illusion that’s created by the great illusionist, the Conditioned Mind, unity is what occurs when the conditioning falls away and the mind is still.

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