To be with what’s actually happening now as opposed to a made up story is the difference in being at peace or still looking for it. If the next thing that arises is attached to, this means one is not at peace. This attachment is at the core of the Conditioned Mind. It’s why one has to be always doing something and reaching for the next fix. These fixes come in many forms and it doesn’t matter what it is because it covers over what’s happening now. You see, the Conditioned Mind is subtle in its relentlessness, it never stops because there’s nothing in place to stop it, so it remains in control. It uses many disguises, but the bottom line is if you always have to be doing something (reaching), you are in the conditionings grip and this is so even if what is reached for seems to be beneficial to you. Where does the measurement of what’s beneficial come from? The world, the government, religious leaders, the Bible, etc, I think not, what’s beneficial comes from love alone and it doesn’t need what someone else thinks or says for it to arise.
Love always arises in what’s happening right now, but it’s only noticed if the mind is settled. Because so few minds are settled, this mostly goes unnoticed. It’s why understanding the Conditioned Mind is paramount in breaking its hold. There are many people who have good intentions to do what’s loving, but they don’t because they can’t as unconditional love isn’t in place, conditioned love is. Even though to love is natural, our conditioning has become so deeply engrained that more nonsense arises than love. There’s one full proof way to know when the conditioning is in control and that’s when it’s noticed one is stuck in an outside view. Looking within is the only way this conditioning will be noticed and that’s only if one is aware of what’s actually happening now.

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