Even though our innate nature is to love, because of the way most individuals are conditioned, it’s not the default setting of our minds, at least this is how it was for me. I’m not saying I walked around hating, love would arise occasionally, but it wasn’t there naturally. To me it’s not a love hate thing, it’s more so a quietness, self centered thing. It’s very difficult to love when most of the thoughts I had were focused on myself, but as I said it doesn’t mean today I walk around with the thought that I have to love everybody, what does happen though is when the mind gets unstuck, love naturally arises. There are certain energies that need to be cultivated for love to naturally arise, if there’s no cultivation for this to happen, there will be very little natural love because it will be blocked by one’s conditioning.
Think of it as cutting your finger, the cut will heal naturally, but if it isn’t kept clean and and ointment isn’t put on it, it will get probably get infected, and depending on one’s body to resist infection, it can turn into something serious. This is basically how hate arises as one becomes so conditioned that the natural ability to love (heal) gets buried so far down it very seldom arises, if at all. Very few people hate all the time, most just fluctuate between quietness and selfishness, but as with the cuts ability to heal naturally, the more one does things that cultivates healing, the more the natural process of healing occurs. Cultivate love and you will naturally love, cultivate an “its all about me” mind and that’s the exact energy you will put out and live by. Understand these differences and allow love (healing) to naturally take place, or not and risk the possibility of living with an infected (conditioned) mind.

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