It’s more important why something is done and the energy behind it than the actual doing. Why are you doing what you’re doing? It’s a great question to reflect on. Why do I write an article everyday and post it on over fifty social media sites? I have been told I do it to satisfy my ego and although the Conditioned Mind is tricky, I know this isn’t so. When I first began writing and posting, it started out as the short blurb that are at the beginning of my articles. Someone asked me where I got them from? I answered that they come from within me as I live my daily life, so I was asked if I could write it down and post the article behind the blurb. To be honest I thought it would be a good way to market the message of my book, though my intentions have always been to further expand on sharing the insights that we’re and are revealed to me. I was always ok with if my book was read and put in the bottom draw, then that’s just the way it is. I was not going to allow the gift of writing a book to become a burden to me.
This is the way I view my entire journey, I share from the love that has arisen in my heart and there’s no attachment to any results. I’m clear on what I do and why it’s done, this is freedom. There’s not a need to become anything other than what I am. It’s so important to be clear on this because it will allow what is done to be truly from the flow of the heart. Mostly when life is lived from the head, there’s all kinds of self serving agendas with results placed upon these agendas, but they don’t really enhance one’s life in the way one is looking for, so more agendas are created and more results are needed. Living from the heart doesn’t take that much energy so it’s why when one lives from the heart, it’s mostly from love. Be clear on why what is done is done and if it isn’t from the heart, ask yourself why this isn’t so?

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