I knew yesterday’s article was going to bring up some conditioning in people because it didn’t fall in line with the way societies experts sees things, but I don’t really care about that. At the core of the mental relations I wrote about yesterday is pleasure and it’s this constant pleasure seeking that keeps all the conditioned nonsense in place. Someone asked me if these mental relations in place were the cause of OCD, from my experience I would have to say yes; the Conditioned Mind is the cause of many mind based disorders. If OCD conditioning wasn’t in place there wouldn’t be a need to have things a certain way. I’m no expert in the sense of understanding how the brain works, but I understand the mind, mine in particular, and that’s the difference in how the experts see mind based disorders. The pleasure seeking of needing things a certain way is at the core of so many mind based disorders. I’m using my own experience as the base of where I get my facts from.
I use to cry out to God for help, but the bottom line was I only cried out because I wanted things different. I don’t even come close to doing this today because I’m ok with the way things are and I have found the God I was crying out to doesn’t exist in the way it was being used. The constant pleasure seeking of wanting things my way has ceased, and it’s because I don’t mind what happens today and therein lies my peace. One who always needs things different is one who is always discontented and why one is always discontented is because one always needs things different; the dog chasing its tail syndrome. The pleasure seeking will subside when the attachment to mental relations are let go of, but until that time one will always be looking for the pleasures the mental relations makes you think you need.

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