The greatest challenge one has in awaking up is being able to just be with I Am, adding nothing, taking nothing away. If there can be awareness of this even for one second, liberation will follow. There’s no proving oneself in the I Am, the Conditioned Mind will protest this and at first this will be strong and plentiful, but as time goes on and I Am stands unshaken, the protest will lessen as it loses its protesting energy. Something has to be in place to lessen this grip that makes one attach to everything but I Am. This attachment comes in many shapes and forms and they are the norm of what the world offers, but the world is misleading in what it offers. It promises liberation, but it doesn’t make good on it. It may give you all the stuff that it says is needed for liberation, but even if one attains the whole world but loses themselves, they have attained nothing, especially liberation.
Space needs to created between I Am and what’s added to it, the more space there is, the more liberated one will be. It’s simple math, the more one spends time in the space of I Am, the more love there will be in one’s life. Many lives are lived with protesting energy without even realizing it’s occurring. Anytime I Am is added to, true love of the heart is being protested and the Conditioned Mind takes over to make up a story of what needs to be reached for so life can be pleasant. After all the only reason something is protested is because one thinks (a story) the present moment isn’t good enough so it needs to be changed to what is deemed as pleasant; the I want, what I want, when I want it mind. In the space of I Am nothing needs to be added because nothing needs to be different so in this space there’s the understanding I Am is enough.

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