What’s done is done and for the most part it can’t be undone, but the cause of what’s done can be changed so it’s not repeated, especially when what’s done is unloving. How this change takes place is by the shaping of one’s heart so what’s done comes from a place of love more often than not. If this shaping isn’t a constant in one’s life, a lot of what’s done will be from an unloving place of the Conditioned Mind. It may not be an intentional act that produces results that cause a glaring hurt, but a simple act of talking about someone behind their back is also unloving. Don’t judge another if you can’t cast the first stone and that’s all unloving behavior is; a judgement. Conditioned Mind judgements are formed unconsciously just because of all the energy one is exposed to, its why a shaping of the heart is needed. Although it has been my experience that the shaping of the heart is more of a not doing than it is a doing.
As I have become more aware of the self centered I that was in place for so many years of my life, this awareness has resulted in an ever so slowly transformation of energy from unloving (all about me) energy to loving energy. There’s really nothing to do to become more loving because it will then be the story of love instead of being genuine and natural. In the space of stillness where one’s thoughts aren’t in control, the shaping of the heart takes place as one’s innate goodness arises. There’s no judgement here. When you judge it’s unloving, it has to be, it’s the nature of judging. I don’t care how it’s justified and for what cause, any judgement arises from unloving energy. Judge not for you shall not be judged and if you are and your heart is shaped to love, it won’t really matter.

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