Your story isn’t necessarily true, it’s true in the sense that it’s your version of your story, but deciphering if the content of your story is true is difficult. This is so because you are the creator of your story and they’re believed wholeheartedly. This is what directs your energy and how one’s life is lived. The thing to also investigate is how many stories there are. There’s the parents story, the childhood one, the teen and young adult story. There’s the boy meets girl story, the get married story. The work story, family story, and on and on. There are so many stories and only one you, so which story are you? If you say all of them you should be able to sense why it’s so difficult to see the true version. There’s the true version in there somewhere, but that’s probably the only story not written yet. When that one is written all the others will fall away.
So how would a person know which one of their stories were true? My experience has been I know which one is true because there isn’t a need to create the others. You see, the true story arises, it’s not created, it basically is what’s there in the present moment. This is the value of using the body as an anchor for present moment living. The body doesn’t create stories, only the mind does, so when the body is used to be present no story is needed. This is beautiful in its simplicity. Grasp this and most stories will cease to exist because the need to create them won’t arise and without a storied version of truth there’s no deciphering what is actually true.

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