Life can be compared to taking a trip down a river, even though there’s one river there are different parts of the journey; the beginning, the middle, and the end. At the very beginning there’s getting a feel for the river, but even before beginning the trip one should know if there has been some previous rain or not and how much to understand what the conditions will be like and also the weather and where the end is. I equate this to getting to know your own mind, the more this is understood the less surprises there will be. When the journey begins, it’s usually very calm as one just floats along with the current, kind of like just being along for the ride. As the journey continues there are obstacle in place that will need to be avoided, if they’re not it can damage or even flip the raft (self sabotage).
There will be times when there’s not much paddling because it’s calm and there will be other times when there are rapids and one needs to row and steer or possibly get sucked up by the river, life also does this as there are times when life is seen as a burden. The other thing that needs to be done is to notice the beauty all around you, it’s a very big part of journey, you don’t want to get all caught up in the rowing and destination and not see what’s around you. Never miss an opportunity to see the beauty around you. Learn to enjoy the ride because one day as with any journey it will end and when it’s all said and done, all you want to be able to say is, what a ride!

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