There are no shortcuts to waking up for the sleep of unconsciousness. You cannot think your way to consciousness or happiness, but for some reason you can think your way to misery and all one needs to do is look around and see this truth. It will take what it takes for ever how long that is to wake up, and that may be many lifetimes. My experience of the shift of my view that took place, was and is a happening not a doing, it’s the transformation of energy from an “I” view to one of quietness. I may do certain things now that I understand this that puts me in alignment with this quietness energy, but the transformation remains a happening not a doing. To me this goes for Buddha, Jesus, and anyone else who has ever awakened, it’s something that’s bestowed upon a person, it’s not something that is chosen.
Many get stuck because an awakening is thought to be a doing and because of this most people remain stuck in “I” which is form. Until it’s understood “form is emptiness, emptiness is form “l” remains in control as it keeps trying to do. This is not what I think, this is what’s going on right now in my life and has been for the last nine years; prior to that I was totally unconscious for forty nine years. Hold on to all the beliefs, march if that is what you think needs to be done, judge and slander in the name of righteousness, just know this energy is unloving and makes the road to waking up that much more difficult to access. Remember the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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