There is no reason whatsoever that a person has to suffer in any way today because there is enough info available to prevent it, but this is a truth that one must find for themselves. No book, video, guru, religion, self proclaimed enlightened teacher, program: 12 step or otherwise, or anything else can show you truth, they can only point the way and that’s it. I know today what I’ve always known and although I’ve been pointed in the same direction for years, it’s message did not click with me until I was ready to see it nine years ago. It may not always be understood why I do what I do or say what I say, but if you knew what I knew, you would do what I do.
I see much needless suffering in the world around me (and I say it’s needless) and that’s even with those who proclaim they’re awake. It doesn’t take much to know whether one is truly awake, all that needs to be seen is where one’s attachments are and suffering will not be far behind. If you want to stop suffering, stop using the mind and learn to use the body. The body is always in the present moment, it is why the breath is used in meditation, you can’t take a past or future breath, you can only breathe now. When the body is used as an anchor to remain present, the mind made suffering loses it control, and lo and behold you begin living your life in the only place it exist; where your feet are. In this space one finds true love, but this isn’t a story of love, it’s the love of the present moment where nothing else exist.

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