The mind would never become agitated if one didn’t want the present moment to be different and what is wanted different is decided by your own mind looking for something that’s going to provide a form of pleasure in this moment. This is where awareness to what one is attracted to helps. Without this awareness the agitation is never seen, and one succumbs to it because they have to. There’s no choice in this without awareness and even then the draw is is so powerful it most likely will not be overcome. Awareness of what one is attracted to is key in breaking free from the grip of the Conditioned Mind, the only reason the grip is even so is because of the selfish nature of what’s at the core of these attraction. It’s the reason why one wants something different and reaches for money, greed, porn, gambling, drugs, alcohol, programs, and even God to name a just a few of the things used to fulfill this mind agitation.
When using the body for present moment awareness the attractions aren’t as powerful and although they will still be there because you’re alive, they won’t have as much control over you as they do now. You may say the mind agitations aren’t in control of you, but just by saying that they are and this is because if the mind wasn’t agitated, there wouldn’t be any response. This is how you can tell if the mind is agitated, it will respond to things without much giving it much thought. When the mind isn’t agitated, there will be space between what arises and the response to it. The space is the result of developing discipline and fully being in the present moment. Without this discipline one will remain a slave to their mind agitations and be selfishly attracted to things that don’t allow for the space to be free.

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