There is surely nothing other that the single purpose of the present moment. One’s whole life is a successions of moment after moment. If one fully understands the present moment, there will be nothing else to do and nothing else to pursue. Unfortunately this isn’t the way it is for most, so the past and future are constantly drawn on to satisfy the mind agitation of not being in the present moment. Many different stories are used as an alternative to this way and it’s not my place to label them as anything. I’ve found something that works for me and that’s what I share. It’s funny because it’s not a concern of mine if one agrees with what I share or not. I understand we all see things as they’re revealed to us, but people feel the need to tell me how their way is better. There is no right way, there’s living in a way that only benefits oneself and there’s living in a way that benefits all beings.
About all that I know is this, at one time my Conditioned Mind controlled me as if I was a puppet on a string. Because of this, I lived mostly a self serving existence and my life wasn’t much of a benefit to anyone. Nine years ago this changed and the things that I did began to benefit others. I know I write a lot about the Conditioned Mind, but it’s what was revealed to me so it’s what I share; it’s the only thing I can share. As I become more and more anchored in the present moment, the created stories are needed less and less; yours and mine. Without the attachment to my or your story, there’s a peace the mind settles into because it’s the only thing that’s there.

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