At the core of all wanting regardless if it’s something being pulled in or pushed away is a self that’s only in place because the idea of it has been formed. This isn’t to say that the human form doesn’t exist, but it exist without the label of self being applied to it. This will not be something understood naturally because so much identity is wrapped up in the belief of this self. The mind will fight you on this and it reinforces self because the mind needs labels, but think of this, if your name was different or if all your memory was wiped away, wouldn’t there still be a body that existed? The idea of self you have spent your entire life forming wouldn’t, at least not to you, but the body would and if what is being said here is simply seen without labeling a self seeing, you will get a glimpse into the place of true liberation.
The idea of self is a prison because it doesn’t allow awareness aware of awareness, this is basically the space of I Am, but without labeling it. This space is always there without an idea, label, or concept being needed, it’s not even space because that’s a label. Think of awareness aware of awareness like this, instead of having the idea of a you (self) holding onto something, we’ll use a fork, can you just see the holding without giving it a label: just holding, without observation. This is either there or it isn’t, if it’s tried to make it be there, it becomes the self trying. The idea of self is so deeply engrained and subtle and it constantly reinforces itself. Self is not the doer nor the observer as there really is no self, there’s just awareness aware of awareness, that’s it.

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