Let it go seems to be the catch phrase of what many get caught up in, but it’s much more beneficial if one can just learn to let it be instead of let it go. Let it be is much different and easier to grasp than letting something go. It’s not that letting go of something is hard, but not many know how to truly let it go, mostly letting go is just given lip service. Letting go by most becomes a doing and this is where it gets tricky. Let it be requires no doing, it’s what’s there and that’s it. Nothing has to be done when you let it be because it’s already done, one just has to be. Most of our struggles with things is because of the lack of understanding of what’s really happening. The dog only chases its own tail because it doesn’t understand it’s its own tail that is being chased.
The lack of understanding to let it go causes much suffering and in many instances it even kills. People stay entrapped to using things that causes their own demise and it’s mostly because one doesn’t know how to let go. People will say he or she just couldn’t let it go, but no one can if it’s not learned how to. Let it go isn’t really required if one can learn to let it be. There’s no pushing anything away, there’s just being with what’s there. Very simple, be with what’s there because it’s what’s there, nothing earth shattering here. No need to struggle with trying to let it go, just let it be and be with that. If you can just allow life to flow and let it be, you may find to let it go will not really be needed as it’s much simpler to just let it be.

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