All hate arises from within oneself. This doesn’t mean dastardly things aren’t done on the outside that allows hate to arise, but anything from the outside is only a trigger of what’s within. One of the most misunderstood things about hate is the one hated basically goes unscathed while the hater feels the full effects of the hate. This is the exact opposite of love, but because of the way we’ve been conditioned, the energy of hate seems to be much more prevalent. I wrote something on a post the other day about Hitler’s hate coming from his own heart, but what really happens is all hate is mind based so it comes from the mind. Although Hilter may have been driven by a passion which seemed like it was in his heart, it was misconstrued because it was mind based. The Pharisee’s hate from Jesus was the same, it had nothing to do with Jesus, it was triggered by the hate that was within themselves.
Love doesn’t need thought as hate does to be, thought actually blocks love. One can just love, but one cannot just hate. There has to be a story attached to hate for it to be and the story originates from the Conditioned Mind. True love needs no such story and if one thinks it does, it’s from the head and not from the heart. A story of love may seem like it’s the opposite of hate and although the results may be different, it’s still a story; it’s made up just like the story of hate is. Love is natural, it’s seen all around and a story isn’t needed to recognize it. A baby’s smile, a puppy or kitten, random acts of kindness, silence, the beauty of the world, all examples of love that needs no story to be. That’s how one will know when something is from the truth of love, because it wells up in the heart naturally without an attached story being needed.

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