There are basically two ways to view and live life. One is from the mind, which is the view of ideas, concepts, beliefs, and stories, and the other is from the heart which needs none of the things listed from the mind, especially the stories. When the minds view is in control it produces stress, fear, tension, greed, anxiety and a slew of other things that don’t necessarily add anything to life. When the heart is the controlling view, there’s a tendency to be relaxed, and as one learns to sit quietly and the mind settles, relaxed becomes one’s normal state. There are many preoccupation of a mind state that keeps one entrapped to all the things mentioned before. These preoccupations will only subside when something is in place that allows them to. Living from the mind is learned and because it’s so much more influenced by the world, unconsciously it becomes the normal view.
Living from the heart will have to be learned if this is to change. Any suffering that occurs is directly linked to one’s thought about it, so if you don’t have the thought of suffering than you won’t suffer. Simple, but this will only occur through understanding and learning what it will take to change the mind view. Mind and heart reactions are much different, and because the mind has been conditioned to fulfill I wants and desires, I becomes the core of the mind made suffering. When one says I want peace, initially it’s from the mind, but for it to become of the heart, two things have to happen. I and want have to be removed so all you are left with is peace, and until that happens the mind will continue its control of the way life is viewed.

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