Excerpt from “It’s Monday Only in Your Mind: You Are Not Your Thoughts – pages 138/139
This cooperation has nothing to do with the material plane. We can be greedy, yet still be rich. We can hate, yet still have people who love us. We can be miserable and still live to be a hundred. But there is one thing we will never have when life is lived from the plane of our I Self and that one thing is a connection to Divine Love. Not God’s love for us; that’s there regardless of what we do, but our love for God. Our love for God is what happens when our heart stays open.
The more the heart remains in its natural state of openness, the more love there will be for God and for life itself. Real joy of living is not based in anything outside us; it can only materialize when there is cooperation with life. This can only be done by continual learning what will keep our hearts opened so Universal Love can become our mind’s default setting. Universal Love conquers our negative Conditioned Mind Patterns, one day at a time.
What has happened to me is not something special. It is available to anyone who is inclined to believe there is more to life than what meets the eye. If you are willing to search within and learn how to identify and stop the noise in your head from constantly drawing from your Conditioned Mind Patterns, you will have a chance to be in cooperation with the Creative Intelligence of the Universe for a truly miraculous change to occur in your life. As the song Amazing Grace states: “I once was lost, but now I’m found; was blind, but now I see.”

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