What a person is up against in life and why change is so difficult, even if truth is revealed to them and they’re trying to live by it, is because a deeply rooted belief system that’s almost impossible to break free from is in place. I say almost because even though this belief system is constantly reinforced and remains the default setting of one’s mind, if a person has a shift in their perspective, their created reality changes. But with it in place it’s why there are so many different beliefs in the world and why everyone thinks theirs is the right one; it’s so deeply engrained it is impossible to see beyond it until something removes the veil of delusion.
The thoughts that one attaches to that make up one’s belief system, are done so because it’s thought they’re beneficial, if not they wouldn’t be attached to. If these thoughts aren’t seen as erroneous they remain in place. The more one thinks their created belief system is the right one, the harder it is to see beyond it. Seeing the world through thought is delusional because everyone has different ones and that’s why everyone see things differently.
There’s only one truth and until this is seen, life remains delusional. To get to the point where it’s not delusional, one has to get beyond the thoughts that hold their belief system (conditioning) in place, regardless of what it is. It all begins as one single thought and then a person’s conditioning determines what happens next. Attachment to it or not is the difference in how one’s life is viewed and if there’s going to be unity or separation with life. The truth is one is never separated from life, but it feels this way when there’s a thought that makes one think they are. One’s entire life hinges on a single thought that makes life what it is, so skillfully choose which ones you attach to.

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