Below is an excerpt from “It’s Monday Only in Your Mind” pg. 82: A Moment of Grace
On a day which wasn’t much different from any other — I was driving pass a wedding and I had a moment of clarity: I asked myself, “If I continue on this road, how am I ever going to be there for my children? These are the most important years of their lives, and I need to be there for them.” I made a decision right then and there that I was going to get off this pain medication. I was going to do whatever it was I needed to do. Although I wasn’t aware of this at the time, my life as I knew it was about to change, forever.
This clarity came from my having a thought about someone other than me. It was probably twenty years since I’d truly thought of anyone else. As far back as I can recall my thoughts were always centered on me. This is our Conditioned Mind, our I Self at its best. Just this one thought of not thinking of me, saved my life.
Now some people may say God planted this thought in me, and that may be true, to an extent. As I understand it, love overcame my conditioning for one split second — the love of my children. Where it arose from I don’t really know, but it did. At the moment when those thoughts occurred, I was willing to do what was necessary to cooperate with life instead of fight it. All my life I was always in collision with my true self (with love). The self that was there when my existence started, before my ego, my I Self, took over. At my moment of clarity, my true self (love) arose to overcome my Conditioned Thinking. I am eternally grateful for this. It doesn’t benefit me or anyone else to attach a belief that something outside of me did this; all I know is because of what happened to me at that moment, my entire life changed forever. God is just a word. What happened to me in that moment, words cannot explain.

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