If life has to be a certain way for it to be okay, it’s as if a burden is being carried around because needing life a certain way creates the load of having to make constant adjustments…
Nobody knows what this life has in store for them between the time they are born and when it ends. Today you can be going along with what’s considered the perfect life and in an instant it can change, and it will for someone. Some turn of events is occurring right now as I’m writing this that’s turning someone’s life upside down. Moments ago it may have been just the way that it was wanted, but now all that has changed. The point of this writing is it will hopefully allow you to take a moment to reflect on life needing to be a certain way for it to be considered okay and how when it changes, there’s a burden that’s carried around.
So much time is spent trying to maintain a certain existence. When the moment comes that it changes, will you be ready for it or will the change be resisted and hence will you allow the change to create an unnecessary burden? Life is life and without a moments notice it changes, and can even end; this is occurring right now for someone. The question to ask yourself is what burden are you carrying around that you deem so important? If life ended right now, everything, and I do mean everything you’re carrying around will be let go of like it or not. It all goes away, none of it matters whatsoever from concern for children, parents, the state of the world, your favorite team, jobs, and so on. So why is it being carried around and allowed to hold you down? That’s the million dollar question to ask yourself if you‘re ever to be free, or not and remain attached to the burden of needing life to be a certain way, creating the load of having to make constant adjustments…

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