Monday, February 6, 2023

Formed Stories

Every story is formed for one reason and that's to make you think life is better. If it was this easy you could just go around making up stories whenever life wasn't going your way…

There are very few hard line facts in a story so what is it that makes a person think a story is needed to make life better? The only reason stories are made up to begin with is because of the way our minds have been programmed. They're used to keep the mind in a state of agitation by making one believe things need to be different for life to be better. It's what the ego uses to keep one in bondage to a self that doesn't exist. This is how most conflicts are started, because of an ego that forms stories. And whatever the story is whether it's a God that's going to make things better, a superior race or the annihilation of one that will make things better, it all stems from one's story that if things were different life would be better. 

Create a story or not, that is the question. It really has nothing to do with the story, but it does have everything to do with trying to arrange life and thinking if things were different it would be better. This is what needs to be understood if the falseness of a story is to be revealed. If attaching to a story is found to make life better by all means make it, but for me I would have to say life is better without forming stories; especially that they exist only in the mind. If stories are seen to be real and have some facts to back them up, make them, attach to them, use them, just don't be surprised when they’re needed to fall back on to make life better that they don't do what you thought they were going to do…

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