There are two ways to live life, one is from the perception that we are directly involved in everything that happens. This requires that we make constant judgements as each situation occurs; we instantaneously label things as they happen. This is what makes life personal. This is the way most people have been conditioned, so this is the only way one can be lived. The other way that life can be lived, but this must be learned, is to just watch what happens. This is much different because you don’t get pulled into what happens. You’re a participant because you’re alive, but you learn not to judge and label what happens. If you are in traffic, you watch the label arise, but that’s all you do. You acknowledge the fact that there’s traffic and that’s it. You don’t have to take it any further because it doesn’t add anything to the situation. In this case you’re in traffic, but by just watching being in traffic instead of making it about you, there’s a freedom that’s not there when the situation is judged and labeled instead of just being watched.
Just think of the many scenario’s that this can be directly applied to and see how differently each situation affects you when it’s watched instead of being judged and labeled. It’s amazing how much more peace there is in your life when it’s simply watched. Don’t take my word for this, see the difference for yourself as you learn to watch what happens in life instead of being pulled into it. The situations that occur don’t change, just the way it affects you does. Become the watcher and be the recipient of peace, or not and remain a prisoner to the judging and labeling process that keeps you in bondage to the judging and labeling process of the Conditioned Mind.

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