If you want to truly experience all that life has to offer you will have to create some space to allow grace to manifest in your life. This creating space is like putting an addition on your house. Let’s say you have a family of four and you only have a two bedroom home. You can live there the way that it is, cramped and confined, or you can put an addition on it and create more space which will make the living so much more comfortable and so much more beneficial for everyone involved. Not putting on an addition (not creating space) is how it is with the noise in our ahead. The noise controls and limits and it keeps one cramped and confined as it goes round and round, that is until there’s space created that allows grace to enter your life.
The noise in the head will not allow you the grace that’s needed to truly live your life and it will not allow the space that allows grace to be your focused energy. Grace is not something that you can make happen, it’s not something you can study, it’s something that occurs when the space is created so it can arise. The space of grace is what happens when you stop trying to manipulate life to make it how you think it should be. You were born by grace all without one iota of assistance from you. Grace is the difference between being happy, joyous, and free or being stuck in a mundane existence, and if space isn’t created to allow grace to arise, mundane life will be…

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