Natural truth isn’t a made up story nor is something that can be manufactured. There‘s only awareness of it when the lies are exposed, so expose your lies and natural truth will arise…
To me it’s clear what truth is and here’s why, fifteen years ago I started to look into a different way to live my life and at the core of this looking was the revealing of my lies. I didn’t know much about anything, but I did know I needed a different way to view life. I understood one thing, that my own mind created all my lies. So I set out to find out why this was and if it was possible to change this. As this process of self inquiry proceeded, my lies were slowly being revealed and as this happened I became less and less attached to the lies. It didn’t become about anything else, it just wasn’t all about the lie of needing to fulfill my wants and desires; when this happens, awakened qualities ( natural truth) arises. This doesn’t mean everything goes your way, it doesn’t matter how it goes because there aren’t the lies of a story of wanting and needing things a certain way; without a story natural truth is revealed.
Truth is difficult to describe in words because it’s interpreted differently by everyone, but I have found truth is the space of what is. What is has many labels dependent on what’s occurring at the time. It can be horrible, beautiful, or neutral, the label doesn’t change what’s actually occurring. Being in the space of what’s occurring changes it and that’s because without a label there aren’t lies, there’s only space. In this space there’s no lie and without a lie is when natural truth is revealed. It’s not a made up truth, it’s the truth of just being in the space of what’s here right now and not needing to add a lie to it. In this space is where you’ll become aware of truth, but it has nothing to do with you directly; it’s a natural truth that arises when the lies are revealed…

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