The energy of the ego is selfishly self-centered which only exist to make a reality that only suits itself. It can’t see beyond its selfishness so it lives in this made up reality…
Egotistical energy (selfishness) is stored to rise up when needed which doesn’t allow the processing of truth; this in turn creates a lack of humility. When there’s a lack of humility as the operative energy of your life, you’re constantly trying to create a world that is based in a made up reality to satisfy your I Self (ego)…
Because of the way the ego (selfish energy) controls, it doesn’t allow humility so you’re blocked from learning to cooperate with Universal Love; you stay self-absorbed in a self-centered perspective. This probably stemmed from childhood when someone or something hurt you and you vowed to never let that happen again. The vow originates from the I Self, the ego. It tries to protect you from ever being hurt again, but winds up causing more hurt than what was originally experienced. This happens because egotistical energy (selfishness) becomes stored energy which does not allow the processing of truth. This in turn creates a lack of humility. It’s impossible for your I Self (ego) and humility to co-exist in the same moment. When you lack humility as the operative energy in your life, you’re constantly trying to create a world that is based in a made up reality (it’s only real to you) instead of a reality based in truth; this creates a life of coping instead of one that’s truly lived…

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