Look down at your feet. Regardless of where they’re planted this is your beach. If it isn’t it’s because the need to reach is in place and it’s blocking you from finding the beach you’re already on…
When all of a sudden you’re not at peace, what is it that takes you from it? The Corona beer commercial that tells you to “find you beach” always reminds me if I’m not at peace it’s because I left my beach. For years I was constantly searching for my beach and expect for brief moments, my beach eluded me for most of my life. Why this was so was because my beach was always contingent on something that was outside of myself and whatever its form, it was always a beach based in what I thought I needed to provide comfort. There’s no need to list what these beaches are because there are so many; they are the things reached for. These beaches come in many many forms and unless you truly takes a step back to see this, the reaching will always be there. But finding your beach will never happen.
The lies of the Conditioned Mind will dictate what you will reach for as your beach. Until the conditioning to reach is changed your beach will continue to be sought and never be found. The only way this will change is by going inward to discover why there’s a need to reach and once this is revealed, therein lies your beach. Your beach isn’t from the thought realm though, it comes from the still small voice within that tells you it doesn’t matter where you are or what’s happening, all you have to do is look down at your feet and regardless of where they’re planted this is your beach. If you need something else it’s because the need to reach is still in place and it’s blocking you from finding the beach that you’re already on…

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