Life is a journey and it’s a gift, but it’s up to each individual to make sure you’re not asleep throughout it and become awakened only when your final destination is reached…
Everyone who is alive is on a journey, no one remains in a state of stagnation. Life is always moving forward whether we are aware of it or not. It’s like when you take a trip that requires a plane to get to the destination, after the plane takes off it’s not even noticed that you’re moving. This is how life is and before it’s realized your journey is over and you are at your destination. Unfortunately during your journey if all you did was sleep you missed the entire trip and you cannot go back and repeat it because you have already reached your destination.
When we have reached our so called final destination (the end of life in this form) and our journey is complete if we were asleep we missed what occurred on our trip. So you can either be awake for your journey or you can be asleep, but it will go on either way, and once your destination is reached the journey is over. The key is to not be asleep for the journey and only wake up when you reach your destination because by then your journey (life) is over and the greatest misgiving is now you realize you have been asleep for most of it; this is how far to many lives finish up. There will come a time when it‘s realized the journey is now complete, but if you were asleep for it there’s nothing that can be done to go back and redo what has been done; don’t let this be your journey‘s end result. We are given the gift of life, but it‘s up to each individual to be awake for the journey so when your final destination is reached (the end of life) you can say, what a ride…

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