Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Kindness: A Game Changer

Start with one random act of kindness and let it sink deeply into your heart. As kindness slowly becomes ingrained in your subconscious, you become a game changing instrument for all the world to see…

Random acts of kindness emits an energy of unconditional love as long as it’s done with no strings attached. If it comes from the Conditioned Mind so you can get a better seat in heaven or move up on the angelic chain of command, this will block your hearts energy to love. A random act of kindness is a start, but the heart will have to keep on expanding and remain open for kindness to become your minds default setting. If the heart remains open all the time, acts of kindness will happen all the time because kindness will be the only thing that’s in place. Start with one random single act of kindness and let it sink deeply into your heart, in this process as kindness slowly becomes the default setting of your mind, you become an instrument.

You can only emit the energy that’s in place and this is the message that others will see; an open heart goes a long way in deciding what that message will be. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but good intention don’t provide you to be an instrument of kindness. For kindness to be the message the world sees, it will have to be something that’s cultivated so it becomes embedded in the subconscious.

One can only act as it is seen and as it is seen is a result of years of subconscious conditioning. To be an instrument of kindness the conditioning that blocks it from being your minds default setting has to be changed. Once it is and it all starts with a random act of kindness, the heart opens and kindness becomes the minds default setting which will be the game changing message the world will see…


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