Everything in life is learned and this is what makes up your life. Regardless if it’s healthy for you or not, it will still be done because it‘s what you have learned; what is learned is done to alter the way that you feel. You spend a lot of time focused on learning the best tools you think to use for this. This is why alcohol is so widely used because it works so well to alter the way that a person feels. Drugs work well also, as does gambling, sex, work, food, music, TV etc. These are just some of the things used to alter the way that you feel, but understand when you can just be with the way that you feel with no needed alteration, it will be then that you will not have the need that makes you reach for a reward. At this time you will know a peace that passes all understanding because you will be in a place that few go. Go there and stay there regardless of how you feel and you will understand that feelings aren’t based in facts, they just are; the reward for knowing this is the peace that passes all understanding.
Who are you without your created story and do you need it to live? Who would you be without it; the real kicker which is the essence of your spiritual awakening is to undo the story you have spent your entire life creating. A story has been created to make you who you are, but because you now are starting to understand this created story has caused most of your problems, you now have to unlearn what you yourself put in place; not really so much you, but the Conditioned Mind. This is why people go to therapy, to identify the defense mechanisms that have been put in place to cope with life. Once you realize this, you can take action that just may alter your destiny…

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