I think, although I try not to do too much of it lol, the biggest misunderstanding of my writings are that the view of life I have today is the view I always had. To me, whoever is looked upon for inspiration or whatever, it should be noted that most likely they didn’t always see things as they do now. I have the luxury and in the same breath misgiving of viewing life in two completely different ways, it’s where my insights arise from and the reason why I see what I see. Having lived unconsciously for so many years is actually my greatest asset. When I write about something, it’s always from a lesson that I learned from my past self serving view. It’s never about being smarter or knowing more than anyone else, but what is there is there and it’s what’s shared. When I talk about quietness or stillness, it’s because I lived a life of noise. When there’s talk of attachment, it’s because attachment was my master.
Everyone learns from life’s experiences, it’s what’s done with what’s learned that determines how one lives today. If it’s learned that one needs to have money to be happy, then that will be the pursuit. It’s not right or wrong, but the key is to understand if the pursuit is true. Would money really make everything better? Substitute money with anything. For me I went through a life of much suffering, always reaching for the next fix and today I see this for the lie that it is. When I write something, it’s because I can see the self serving prison I was stuck in and I have been provided with a view of true liberation. I know I’m very direct in my approach, but I’m not insensitive to anyone else’s view, it’s just that I’ve been where most people are and I can see the lies that far too many get stuck in.

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