We are a divided society because we are selfish and we only want things as we think they should be, and when they’re not, look out. Just look at the recent USA election, the people who oppose the president elect are doing so out of selfishness because things didn’t go their way, so now the must stomp their feet and act the way a spoiled brat child would. This is separating energy and that’s the point people are missing; I would write this same article had the president elect been a woman if the same behavior was being exhibited. As long as we as a people act selfishly by succumbing to our selfish energy, it doesn’t matter what happens, it will never go the way that we want, so the selfish energy will always be in control. I see this in me and I don’t enjoy it very much when it arises because it causes suffering to me and all those around me. This selfishness rears its ugly head in circumstances that don’t go one’s way and the conditioning justifies it to cement this selfishness deeper inside.
Most people will justify their selfish behavior by lying to themselves that they’re only opposing something because it what’s best for everyone, but that’s one of the tools the conditioned selfishness uses. This article isn’t about the US election, it’s about the energy of selfishness making babies out of adults who stomp their feet and cause undue suffering to humanity. Here’s the kicker, the moment this isn’t agreed with, it causes separation between us and lo and behold one’s selfish behavior is reinforced and so the contribution to humanity suffers. The very thing that’s being opposed is the very thing that’s being reinforced in yourself. This is how energy works and if we’re to ever unite as a people, selfishness will have to fall away and if it doesn’t, the energy that makes an adult a foot stomping baby will continue to be reinforced.

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