The way I see things is much different than the most, but this doesn’t separate me, it just makes my view different. I don’t have a need to make up a story of needing to help others or do good deeds to be contributing to life and humanity. All I found that’s truly needed is to do is what’s in front of me, be present, and create an attached “I” story. The world can be saved, just don’t attach to it and therein lies the difference between what’s been revealed to me and others.
There’s nothing one can truly do to gain more self worth because that would mean things would have to be deemed as needing to be different in order for you to be complete, and this just isn’t so. If you aren’t complete as you are, you have to ask yourself why. Putting out completeness energy is all the contribution life and humanity needs. If something else is needed, your contribution to humanity basically becomes non existent, your energy is now taking. I know we all see things as the conditioning in place dictates, but the nonsense this energy generates puts one in the position to be controlled by taking energy not contributing. Even when it’s thought to be contributing energy, it takes a very settled mind to see if this is truly so.
This is not to say don’t help others or do loving things, just don’t attach to it, that’s what I’m talking about. I’m real clear the world is as it is and I’m not really sure if it’s suppose to be this way or not, but I do know in the space of stillness my life has transformed. If I died tomorrow the world will go on. I won’t leave a legacy behind as this or that, I did and do what the Universe revealed to me and that is that. In this space of that is that energy, is so much peace it’s impossible to explain and if you can truly get beyond the story of contributing to life and just be in the stillness of the moment, your contribution to life and humanity will be beyond anything you could make up as being needed.

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