Saturday, January 18, 2025

Plan Plans Not Results

Don’t put all your efforts in results because the Universe has a way of taking care of things its way which isn’t always the way that it’s planned…

It was pretty funny, the day my view of life shifted and I began writing. I had to go to work that night which just put things in their proper perspective. It’s not that I wasn’t excited about what was happening in my life, but I had to be careful not to confuse my wanted results with what was actually happening. Dream dreams, but leave the results to the energy that has more wisdom to put your plans on a plain that will probably be better for you than what your own plans are. You can call this energy God or whatever you want, but understand things will work out the way that they work out.

Put all your effort in your dreams and do whatever it is you need to do to make what you want to happen come true, just don’t put your all your effort in the result because the Universe has a way of taking care of things and it isn’t always the way that you’ve planned. When you plan plans instead of results, whatever the results it will probably be because of your plans, but it won’t necessarily be the way that you want it, but it will be the way that it is…

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