An instinctual reality only occurs in the present, self-serving desires disrupt this from being seen. Only a mind that’s settled in the present can understand an instinctual reality…
Sometimes it’s difficult to know what the right thing to do is. I’m not talking about clearly recognizable things, sometimes it isn’t so clear as to what should be done. It’s especially difficult when it involves other people. For myself letting go allows for me to have a more instinctual reality with some of my responses to people. This is all part of the learning curve of letting go. It matters little what the intentions are if what comes out of the mouth isn’t from an instinctual reality.
This learning curve isn’t to be held to strict adherence, it’s more so used to stay open minded to the expanding instinctual reality and not get caught up in a self-serving reality. Instincts have to be at the forefront when others are involved. It’s not always easy to understand where others are coming from so it’s better not to judge and to try and deal with situations from an instinctual reality. This is much easier said than done, but by practicing quietness it gets easier to decipher what the right instinctual action is. We shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves because of the Conditioned Mind, the slow process of awakening has to be accepted if there is to be peace. On the other hand our conditioning is not to be ignored because we won’t learn from it and the same reactions will be repeated over and over again.
Although life may seem mundane at times, it’s only a self-serving reality that makes it so; life can never be mundane. Each moment is new unto itself, and when it’s lived instinctually, it’ll be realized what a gift life truly is. It’ll be understood that what your learning curve affords you is not the mundane life of living in the past or future, but the ability to live in the present, and respond to life from an instinctual reality instead of reacting to it from a self-serving reality; the more this is done the less your reality will be mundane…

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