The more we grasp for answers outside ourselves the more in the grasp of fear we are. When we look outside, its only because we are fearful of what we might find inside.
Sunday, April 30, 2023
Mind/Heart Connection
If you ever want to truly be happy, joyous, and free, learning to keep your mind and heart in sync is imperative. Whether this occurs consciously or unconsciously it's the only way the happy, joyous, and free state will occur. Some do this without being aware of it and others develop a practice to acquire a mind/heart connection. Mostly it has to be practiced because of all the influences that aren't conducive in making this mind/heart connection one's natural way to live. It’s the natural way to live, but it's not known because of all the influences that don't support it.
All it takes for a mind/heart connection to occur is looking inward and wherever your heart is that's where you are. Although the mind will tell you this is ridiculous, truth is just look inward and see where your feet are as opposed to where your mind is at. The disconnect from being where the heart is as opposed to where the mind is causes most suffering. This is because over there is a mind made story while being where your heart is isn't. Without a mind made story life can be lived as it truly is; with a mind/heart connection that keeps you right here instead of over there somewhere…
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Separation of Duality
An awakening is a shift from being caught up in a dual self world, to seeing what’s really going on beyond the distractions of duality. The phrase higher self is often used to explain what being awake is, but attachment to self causes duality anyway it’s looked at. You must go beyond any thought of self to truly awaken because any thought of self whether higher or lower is a distraction that keeps you locked in a duality distraction. Any thought of self creates this duality; oneness is the only true state of being. I’m old enough to have seen the old cartoons where an angel and devil would pop up on someone’s shoulders when they were about to make a decision. To me regardless of which self won out it was still a decision made by self. A belief of a higher self as opposed to a lower one makes for a nice story, but it just creates more separation.
This form that has manifested for humans to experience life only does what it does because of the conditioning in place. If there is less of this conditioning to not be controlled by self, count your blessings because most people (form) will die consumed in self. It makes no difference whether it’s labeled higher or lower, self is self and until self is truly let go of, duality and not oneness will be the controlling energy. This duality causes separation because it creates a you and a me. Whenever this is the way life is viewed there has to be separation because there’s a self that’s doing the perceiving…
Friday, April 28, 2023
Familiar Habits
A plant will lose its flowers because it’s growing. If the current flower doesn't fall away, growth will not occur. It's the same with us, just substitute the flower with our habits. Life is a natural process of learning and growing, but the base of growth is dependent on seeing the new that's replacing the familiar. For years I used an old lawn mower and was constantly repairing it just to keep it running. This is the way many people live their life. Constantly making adjustments and repairs just to keep it running; not true living. It wasn't until I purchased a new lawn mower that it was realized just how broken down the old one was. This goes with the saying "You don't know what you don't know" this is also what happened to me when I finally let go of the familiar habits in place. I started realizing just how out of sorts my thinking was; I began the process of changing the familiar habits.
Although learning is a natural process of life, learning to grow spiritually is not automatic. It does seem to take some effort even if it's only the willingness to go in a different direction. There are many intellects in the world who don't have a clue as to what it means to live in the space to grow spiritually; they never seem to let go of their familiar habits. The mind loves the familiar and will always try to convince you it's better to stay with those habits instead of going into the unknown. It may be true that you don't know what you don’t know, but if this isn't investigated, the only thing you will ever know is your familiar habits (the old). And because nothing new is being allowed in, your familiar habits will remain in place and new growth will not be allowed to occur…
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Paradise Within
Look down at your feet, regardless of where they’re planted is paradise. If it isn’t it’s because the need to reach for it is in place and blocking you from seeing the paradise you’re already in…
When all of a sudden you’re not in paradise, what is it that takes you from it? There are TV commercials that tell you where to find paradise, but truth is if you’re not in paradise it’s because you left. For years I was constantly searching for paradise and except for brief moments, it always eluded me. Why this happened was because paradise was always contingent on something that was outside of myself and it was always a paradise based in what I thought I needed to provide comfort. There’s no need to list what this paradise was because there were so many things; the things reached for are numerous. False paradise comes in many many forms and unless you truly take a step back to see this, the reaching for it will always be there, and seeing it will never happen.
The lies of the Conditioned Mind will dictate what you will reach for as your paradise. Until the conditioning to reach is changed, paradise will continue to be sought and never be seen. The only way this will change is by going inward to discover why there’s a need to reach and once this is revealed, therein lies paradise. Paradise isn’t from the thought realm, it comes from the still small voice within. It tells you it doesn’t matter where you are or what’s happening, all you have to do is look down at your feet and regardless of where they’re planted this is paradise. If you need something else it’s because the need to reach is still in place and blocking you from seeing the paradise that’s already in place…

Wednesday, April 26, 2023
A Moment
A moment is all that’s needed for the Universe to connect with the love of your heart. This moment is how the energy of love will make you and the entire world different…
If it was possible to take a moment before every response the world would be so different. Sit with this and envision it. I know my conditioned responses have led to most of the problems I had with people and with life itself. Life and people do their thing and I respond instantly, but today the responses are much more conducive to harmony because there is usually a moment between the responses and my reactions. It wasn’t always this way and it isn’t this way all the time now, but it’s becoming more and more the way of many of my reactions because of taking a moment when something happens. Like I said not always, but more often than not.
Taking a moment happens because of the discipline developed by sitting. What this does is it stops the Conditioned Mind Patterns from their automatic responses based in the self serving mind; a moment allows for the possibility of those patterns to be broken. When this occurs it opens the heart to the truth that sets you free. Self serving reactions will not fall away on their own, it will take much sitting to develop the necessary discipline for a moment to occur. All it takes is a moment for not only your existence to become different, but also the entire world. When responses to life are from a moment, they arise from the energy of love and slowly but surely the world responds with love. This has to occur, it’s the law of love and all it takes is a moment…

Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Beneficial Thoughts
To truly love, control of your own mind is needed so you can say no to the thoughts that aren’t beneficial to you and yes to the ones that are…
Learning to notice your thoughts so you can get some semblance of not allowing them to control you will take much discipline, much more than most people are willing to develop. This lack of discipline is why the world is the way that it is; not enough people are willing to do what’s necessary to gain control of their own mind. This lack of discipline also doesn’t allow the willingness to do the things necessary that allows love to be the minds default setting.
Without discipline, too much of what others do and outer circumstances are allowed to control your emotional state. Because of this, life leads most people on an emotional roller coaster. Far too many people are attached to their emotions to the point that there’s no control whatsoever of their own mind. So simply put, if you don’t have control over your own mind, your mind will have control over you. And depending on the type of conditioning your freedom and the love you give to others will be fleeting at best…

Monday, April 24, 2023
Lost in Thought
When there’s a thought you need something to provide peace, it means you’re lost in that thought. Until this is understood, you’ll remain lost in the thought that peace is something to find…
There will never be peace in your life if you’re lost in the thought of finding peace. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are conditioning, we get lost in the thought that peace is something to find. Unfortunately these thoughts are what makes the very thing you’re seeking (peace) elusive. Thoughts are the reason there’s constant reaching for something from the outside, and until these thoughts are no more, you’ll remain lost in the thought that peace is in the next thing reached for. Reaching for anything is the proof that you’re lost. I can’t stress this enough as being lost in your thoughts has to be seen if you’re to ever experience true peace.
The thought of being at peace isn’t peace. What has to happen if you’re to ever experience peace is there has to be an understanding of what’s blocking you from peace; the reason why there isn’t peace is because of the inability to just be. When the need to reach for something arises, lost in thought begins. This is a conditioned cycle that’s very difficult to break. Peace isn’t something that can be attained so it’s in doing less that peace arises. Many get lost in trying to find peace, but since it’s something already within, the thought associated with finding it needs to be discarded so you can see it’s there. This isn’t easy to see so I assist where possible. But this isn’t offered to help you find peace, it’s offered so you may possibly uncover the reason why you’re lost in the thought that you’re not at peace…

Sunday, April 23, 2023
Mind Awareness
If you don’t have awareness of your mind, your mind will control you. Your freedom is contingent on this and either there will be awareness to be in control or your mind will be in control…
If you don’t have awareness of what goes on between your ears, your mind will have control over you. And mostly likely it will manifest behavior not conducive of love. This is not easy to understand because of the lack of developed awareness. If you investigate this, you’ll not only notice where your stories come from, but also see how they don’t add anything beneficial to your life. Yet you create them, but it’s not really you who does this, it’s the unaware mind. You will understand this truth when you stop being controlled by your mind and stop creating unnecessary stories. By learning to be aware of your mind, you’ll gain control over your emotional state and the way you react to situations. By being controlled by your mind you are pulled around as if you are a dog on a leash, but I think a dog actually has more freedom.
When there isn’t a created story what remains is emptiness and you are that emptiness. Not in the sense that there’s nothing there, but more so because your mind is not in control. The Conditioned Mind is diabolical and will not allow you to understand this emptiness because it will mean you are gaining control over it. It’s the last thing the Conditioned Mind wants you to do because it’s the end of the control it has over you…

Saturday, April 22, 2023
Inner Radiance
It’s the outer view of satisfying “I” that keeps you from seeing the inner radiance of your own innate beauty; this beauty is a result of the radiance that comes from looking inward…
No one is more special than another in this existence, but there are some who do see their inner radiance beyond the outer view. Although no is is chosen per se, I would say what makes this happen for some and not others is some are more inclined to not attach to an outer view which allows them to see much more inner radiance than if you are in the grip of an outer view. I have lived two existences, one which was from the outer view where there was much self inflicted suffering. And the one I’m living now which is an inner view in the direction of seeing my own inner radiance. The differences in the two views is one created suffering and was done in ignorance and the one today is lived in awareness of the ignorance. Today my view is as it is because the outer distractions don’t control me as they once did. I’m still in the world, but I’m not as controlled by it.
The inner radiance that is seen is a by product of awareness as the outer view is let go of. This opens up space to allow wisdom and insights to occur. This opening is directly linked to the letting go of “I”. It’s “I” that attaches and is the cause of all suffering. Ever so slowing when one begins to look inward the outer distractions of “I” fall away. To me this is what was revealed to the great mystic’s; they were considered special, but all they did was look inward. This looking inward is
available to all, but you will have to overcome the outer view of “I” to not be distracted from it. It’s the outer view that keeps you from the inner radiance of seeing your own innate beauty and it will only be seen when you look inward…

Friday, April 21, 2023
Sense Pleasure Prison
Sense pleasure is directly linked to the prison of “I”. If you really want to understand your life from the spiritual realm, you’ll have to get very quiet and become aware of how subtle sense pleasure is…
Through the senses a label of pleasure is applied, and those labels are constant. Everything is judged, even labeling a pen on the desk is a judgment. Not a harmful one, but a judgment just the same. When you learn not to label you can become aware of the distractions that keep you from going beyond the prison of sense pleasures. With this new awareness your mind finally settles enough to notice the deeper view. This is the initial awareness, but it will require much more practice to go deeper yet. The deeper you go, the more you will have to let go of that which is sensory. And the more the sensory world is let go of, the more you will understand the deeper view and the freer you will be.
The only reason life is viewed from “I” by so many people is because there isn’t awareness of quietness that’s necessary to view it differently. This isn’t something that’s right or wrong, but it is limiting. Without the discipline to understand the difference between the prison of sense pleasure and the deeper view, there will be no difference and the prison of “I” will be the only view you will have. Not right or wrong, but limiting and what is limited is your label…

Thursday, April 20, 2023
The Tool of Now
Using the tool of Now to cope with life eliminates many of its seemingly problems. This is because what arises never causes a problem as long as you’re using the tool of Now…
Nothing needs to be dismissed for one to be free. Freedom can not be found by pushing anything away. Pushing something away would be likened to getting rid of something, but truly getting rid of something will only happen when it’s dealt with. If it’s not dealt with it will never go away. When it’s dealt with it won’t have to be pushed away because it will naturally fall away. This is how one has to approach each moment if freedom is to be experienced. The way the tool of Now is used to cope with life as it arises will eliminate many problems because a problem is generated by not using the tool of Now. Granted it may be something that really hurts and has no benefit whatsoever, like the death of a loved one, but if it’s not dealt with in a way that it’s not pushed away, the energy of the situation will get stored and remain hidden until it’s time to rise up again. This is why the same thoughts are repeated over and over automatically; they have to repeat themselves because of the trace energy in place.
Using the tool of Now can allow you to be with what arises and not push it away. The only reason something is pushed is because it’s not wanted. This pushing is the same energy as grasping, it’s just used differently. Using Now is a tool so there’s no pushing or grasping. Pushing and grasping may seem like they’re a different action, but they’re the same attachment. This is very subtle to see and it will only be noticed when you’re using Now as it arises. So regardless if life is labeled good or bad, it’s all the same attachment, and the only thing the applied label does is block one from using the tool of Now…

Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Conditioned Lie
A lie is nothing more than a decision made by a mind that’s conditioned to self serve. There’s no truth to a lie because there isn’t anything factual to back it up…
As life happens it’s mostly interpreted to suit a Conditioned Mind lie. For me, it’s very difficult to take things serious because I understand the lies so well. There are so many decisions made to form a lie that someone has about something, but where it becomes humorous to a degree is because lies really have no value. People think they do and will state them adamantly, but they don’t. They are given more credibility and have more effect on things the higher the position one has in society or is held in esteem, but the value of any lie should always be questioned because they’re all derived from someone’s Conditioned Mind, not from facts.
I know this was how most of the decisions were made in my life, there wasn’t much factual thought in them. And whatever the lie was about the decisions made really only had value to me because my conditioning was based to self serve; my lies were all based on a self serving thought. This self serving lie process took years to develop. It seemed that something occurred and it was placed in a category of like or dislike as quickly as it occurred. There wasn’t a thought process to this, there was no thinking, it just went automatically into its preconditioned assigned category.
All lies are valueless even though a person may think they matter, they don’t because there’s no factual evidence of truth to them. When something isn’t based in truth, it’s pretty much valueless. Decisions based on lies always makes things worse because destruction is the only option when decisions are based on lies instead of facts. Because of this, things shouldn’t be taken too serious. Enjoy the humorous lies without their factual evidence and know it’s truth that sets you free because without it the self serving truth-less lies remain in control…

Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Courage Needed
Looking at yourself takes an amount of courage that most people will never possess because the conditioning in place won’t allow it. Until this changes the conditioning remains in control…
Everyday I’m amazed at the things people are ok holding onto, with the emphasis totally on satisfying a fictitious self. This is done without much consideration for anyone else and it’s strictly from a self-serving attitude. I know it’s because they know not what they do, but the suffering this causes and how it reinforces the conditioning in place can be truly disheartening. I said can be disheartening because if you’re truly awake there’s the understanding that the way things are is the way things are; wanting them different also reinforces the conditioning in place. I’m writing about this because there are answers that many don’t have the courage to embrace. It’s like there’s a cure for cancer, but some just won’t listen. Without going into specifics, the conditioned unconsciousness runs so deep that people will justify doing all kinds of selfish behavior without blinking an eye; drugs, alcohol, gambling, porn, rioting, protesting, total defiance for any authority, murder, rape, assault, robbery and looking inward, this is only the tip of the Conditioned Mind iceberg.
Here’s why this is, at least from my experience. It’s much easier because of the way one is conditioned to justify selfish behavior than to have the courage to look at yourself. Looking at yourself takes an amount of courage that most people will never possess because the conditioning in place won’t allow it. Until this happens your conditioning remains in control. There’s really no way around this. You don’t have to save the world, but you have to have the courage to look inward so you can at least save yourself…

Monday, April 17, 2023
Mind Hunger
Although the pleasures of the world take on many forms, it’s the hunger of the mind that makes one seek them. This hunger can only be satisfied in stillness because when the mind is still there is no hunger…
One aspect of the Conditioned Mind is how it’s in a hunger seeking mode most of the time. The mind hungers to keep all the pleasure thoughts and discard the unpleasant ones; it spends most of its time doing this. Whether it’s weaving in and out of traffic, only to catch a red light and have all the cars that you passed pull up to the same light, or doing something and asking yourself why you did it. The reason for doing this is to strictly satisfy your mind hunger. That your own mind questions why you do what you do is how diabolical it is. But understand it’s only this way because of the way it has been conditioned.
The hunger seeking mode is not one which is in our best interest, but the Conditioned Mind doesn’t really care about that; control is all it cares about. It makes you think seeking pleasure is a necessity, but when the mind starts to settle and it loses its grip on you, you will see the fallacy of this. True pleasure is in stillness not in things, but the pleasure of stillness is not the same pleasure that the world offers. The pleasure of the world is based in lies, the pleasure of stillness is based in truth. It’s only in stillness that the hunger of the mind is satisfied. Not because it’s fed something, but because in stillness hunger never materializes so there is no hunger to feed…

Sunday, April 16, 2023
Clarity of Silence
The energy that unites humanity is the clarity of silence. Because of the clarity of this space, others are drawn to it. It’s the one place where there’s unity simply because there’s silence…
It’s very important to have clarity in the energy of silence so people know there’s a place to turn to. I’ve written many articles on silence simply because silence is the key to a beneficial life. I share and don’t mind doing this because of what has been revealed to me; I’m grateful for this. Everyone needs a place they know they can go for clarity from the unconscious world. It does matter where you go for this. If you go to a place that’s used as a distraction it may feel like clarity, but it won’t be. If you get lost in something menial, the day will go by simply because time waits for no one. But if you’re spending the same day in the clarity of silence you’ll become secure in its energy and people will turn to you.
Don’t be concerned with what others think about you, just have clarity in what you know as silence energy and let no one take that away. Be secure in the clarity of silence in a world that’s mostly based in “I” (ego); this will allow others to have clarity which is needed for any transformation to occur. The unity that draws you to someone is the silence energy that becomes a part of humanity. Life is an open experience and if you’re not learning from it you most likely have your mind made up already what you think it’s about. When you truly see these made up stories aren’t needed they fall away; this falling away allows the clarity of silence to arise. When you’re in this space others are also drawn to it. It’s the one place where there’s unity simply because of silence…

Saturday, April 15, 2023
Desires Fulfilled
You will fulfill the desire to serve creation or you’ll fulfill the desire to serve yourself, and in the process you will reap from the one that is sown…
You can either desire the human world or you can desire love which is of the spirit world. You can’t intentionally flip flop like an on and off switch, it’s one or the other; love can’t be your intention only sometimes. You’ll fulfill the desire to serve your creator or you’ll fulfill the desire to serve yourself. Just understand you will reap from the one that is sown. And when what’s sown is through the love of creation, the energy emitted will be from this love, and so will your daily desires. This can only occur because of being not doing and unlike doing when being is the base of life, you will always be fulfilled. The question is, how can we bring the love of creation into the daily actions of life when there’s so much conditioning geared towards the opposite of love?
It’s never the thing on the outside that causes your desires, it’s always from the conditioning within. Even when this is known it still doesn’t automatically lead to love desired actions. The dilemma is this, the human desires get in the way of our spiritual nature. There’s too much emphasis on the desires of the world and not enough practice is done to quiet the mind that allows the love of creation to be the desired state of your life. So sit often and you just may desire love over fulfilling your human side…

Friday, April 14, 2023
Heart Answers
Our answers in life can either be from the heart or the head. The more attachment there is to the daily occurrences, the more your answers will be from the head. When you let go that’s when your answers will be from the heart…
In order to not get caught up in the head, it’s very important to remain in the heart (present moment). If the so called spiritual path is about anything, it’s this because the heart is always in the present moment. I have been given so many valuable answers, the one thing they have in common is non attachment is the only way you will ever be free, and it can only be done when your state of being is centered on the heart. This is not a belief or concept of something, these are answers that life gave me. I don’t really understand all the so called teachings, they seem to be about a created answer from the head instead of one that’s given from the heart. Any teaching that is created about something is just a concept or belief; a heart answers is given not created.
When you’re present you’re with a heart reality. And if there’s non attachment to the only reality there is, it will be impossible to get lost in your head; therefore you would never suffer. Look deeply at what is attached to. Even if there’s some behavior that’s not changed, if there’s non attachment to it, you will still be free. Non attachment (heart living) is the only true state of being where one is free. Even trying to change the world for its betterment is an attachment from the head. Allow life to be as it is and allow the heart not the head to be the giver of answers…

Thursday, April 13, 2023
Most people consider life complete if everything is going their way. It can always be complete regardless of the circumstances, but only if it’s seen how all things are impermanent, including life itself…
An important point on life being considered complete or not, if you’re thinking it isn’t it won’t be. Even if you say it is, it will still not be complete if that’s what you truly believe. I equate this to whistling in the dark to keep away the bogeyman. As long as you’re whistling the distraction will keep the fear in check. The moment you stop it will return. The key is to identify why you think life isn’t complete in the first place and be with that. People say be positive, but being positive to me doesn’t change the facts of why life is labeled as incomplete. Some not so pleasant things do happen in life. If it’s just masked over and ignored it becomes ingrained as an energy pattern in the subconscious that repeats itself. This is how life becomes incomplete. Life itself is always complete, it’s people who are conditioned to make it something else; this is another lie of the Conditioned Mind.
Life will be complete when it’s seen in the light of how all things are impermanent including life itself. Believe me I get it, being ill, losing a loved one, living in poverty, and many other things that occur in life difficult; what makes you think it’s difficult is the attachment to what occurs. Labeling life as difficult doesn’t change what’s occurring, it only changes where life is put as being complete or not. When the true essence of impermanence is understood, it puts life at the top of the completeness scale regardless of what’s going on because it’s seen that one day life in this form simply will not be…

Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Being a Light
Being a light to provide direction so others can find their way is important, but when the light only illuminates one way, it loses its guiding effect…
There’s no such thing as one way to wake up from the sleep of unconsciousness because it’s just about impossible to see exactly what another person experiences. No one travels the same exact road in the waking up process. I find it quite amusing the way some people project their waking up process as being the only way. This is not to say this isn’t the way for that person, but that’s their experience and it’s very unlikely two people let alone many have the same experience. I know for me I just try to shine a light that points inward so one can come to their own conclusion in finding what will provide them their awakening. I seriously doubt that anyone went through exactly what I did to get to the place I’m in now, so why would I expect anyone to see things as I do.
Members of one site always talked about there not being a self as if this is the only way one can experience an awakening. Many others use religion as the road to waking up. I’ve found there are many roads to the so called top of mountain and none of them are wrong. I don’t know and don’t really care what direction one travels, it’s not my place to judge. Although I understand the conditioning in place is in control, I really find it funny when someone goes against what someone says because “they put it out there so it’s fair game.” To me the bottom line is to show love and respect to everyone, even if their way is not something I’ve experienced. The only reason someone shares something is because it’s what’s in place, and it‘s not up to me to judge it simply because it’s “out there”. But it is up to me to watch my own light and make sure it’s true, as if it’s not it will only dim the light that others may be looking to…

Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Hidden Lies
What the hidden lies of unconsciousness do is it keeps the exact energy that you’re standing up against in place; in the process nothing changes…
The hidden lies are in place to grab you and pull you deeper into an unconscious state. Not many break free once the lies take hold, but if you know they’re there, they’re less likely to grab you; not being aware of them is what keeps them hidden. Not many investigate this so they’re led around by the lies unconsciously. By the time this is noticed it’s usually too late and you become a prisoner to the lies. This has been going on since humanity began. Today’s world is full of hidden lies just as thousands of years ago. There’s just more news coverage and social media to spread the lies. MAKE NO MISTAKE THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT IS BEING DONE. This cause, that cause, I don’t like this or that, all the unconscious energy being put out. I have been unfriended by many because they have chosen not to look at this. The hidden lies in place cannot be seen by one who is attached to them; strong language but true.
The hidden lies of unconsciousness are nothing new. This has been and will continue to occur because of the energy in place. Having an unconscious mind set feeds the hidden lies with an energy that allows them to continue. If you don’t think this is true investigate what has changed in the last two years or even the last two thousand years in the way humanity reacts to things. This article isn’t about the last two years because this energy has been in place for many many years. This is what the unconsciousness of the hidden lies does, it keeps the lies in place. In the process although this energy makes one think they have to stand up for what they believe, it doesn’t really change much. Only exposing the hidden lies and knowledge of the truth will change things…

Monday, April 10, 2023
Society's Normal
What is considered normal by society entraps most people to the idea of what others think normal is. Unless you go beyond this there will be acceptance of someone else’s idea as what normal is…
Stepping outside of what is considered normal by society as far as thinking goes is a must if one is to go beyond the trap of what’s considered normal. You may ask why would a person want to go beyond what’s considered normal by society, but here’s why. The so called norm is based in form and to be attached to form causes suffering. It’s as simple as that, society’s normal attaches to the senses (form). Life will still occur it just won’t be experienced as fully as it can be. There will still be experiences simply because you’re alive, but they will be dictated by form and there’ll be much nonsense associated with them. Society’s normal entraps you to what others think and unless you can see this to go beyond it, there will be acceptance of someone else’s idea as your normal. It’s an easy trap because the bait is so enticing.
This plays right into the reward system of what society considers normal. Who does anything that doesn’t have a reward associated with it? This can be applied to just about anybody and anything. When was the last time you purposely did something that you knew was going to be unpleasant with no reward attached to it. This is pivotal in understanding the process of the Conditioned Mind because until you can just be with whatever arises without judging it or associating it with pleasure, society’s normal syndrome will be what dictates the life you’re living and it will probably be someone else’s idea of what is considered normal…

Sunday, April 9, 2023
Jesus: A Message of Love
If you want the world to change learn how to change yourself. But understand it’s not going to happen by believing in something, it will happen when your heart opens to connect with Universal Love…
Humanity has been unconscious for thousands of years. Look at the Bible which portrays what was going on in the region at that time. To me the story of Jesus is meant to bring humanity a message of love. No doubt it is Spirit led, but to those of that region who were lost not only to Roman rule, but also to the doctrine of the Old Testament, they didn’t care. Jesus pointed directly to the father and said, only through him (his love) could one see the love of the father in their heart and thus be able to love their neighbor. Love is magical in its ability to transform, but it’s not magical for a select few to experience. The teachings of Jesus are second to none when it comes to a direct path from the freedom of the bondage of self. The message from Jesus wasn’t about Jesus, it was about finding the love in your heart through his love so you could connect with Universal Love. You can call that God if it makes you feel better, but to me it’s simply love and doesn’t need a label.
Regardless if you believe in the story of Jesus or not, love is his message. Humanity is no different today than it was over 2,000 years ago. All that has happened is there are different beliefs being held onto; everyone still thinks theirs is right. The Pharisees were scared Jesus was going to make their profits less, they were of the world and that’s why they did what they did. What Jesus taught wasn’t of the world so they just wanted to get rid of him. I don’t hold onto beliefs so I don’t get into the story of what happened to Jesus as being true or not. All I know is the message of love left behind has the ability to transform and it doesn’t take a belief to have this occur. Love is what humanity is missing. We are lost and have missed the mark. If you want the world to change learn how to change yourself. Just understand it will only happen when your heart opens and connects with the love of Jesus…

Saturday, April 8, 2023
Different Views
No view is inherently right or wrong, but if there’s only one it limits life and in the process it doesn’t allow any other results except for those from that one view…
Having different views is what makes life different. It doesn’t make what happens in life different, it only makes the view of what happens different. If you’re locked into a certain view this only allows you to see things one way. To me the more one is locked into one view the harder it will be for there to be a shift to see things a different way. Not that there’s anything inherently wrong with one view, it just doesn’t allow for much openness. When one sees things from one view it limits their life to that one view. Most times this view isn’t even your own, it’s formed from someone else’s opinion, teaching, book, video, or discussion.
To be locked in one view keeps you trapped to the results of that view; think about how limiting this is. No possibility of another view, always going down the same path, never allowing anything new. This is so limiting, but with seeing things only through one view, how limiting this is will not be seen. Sitting and developing discipline so the grip of the mind lessens can assist in possibly altering a one view mind set, but there has to an inkling there’s another way to see things. It’s not that any view is right or wrong, it’s just that having only one has limits and in the process it doesn’t allow any other results except for those from that one particular view…

Friday, April 7, 2023
Recognizing Your Conditioning
Without recognizing your conditioning, you’ll be blindly controlled by it. It will say jump and you will jump, and most likely you’ll ask how high…
If you want to understand your mind you will need for it to settle so you can observe it. Whatever you think and reflect upon, that is what becomes the inclination of the mind and hence this is what becomes your conditioned actions. If there is no settling, there’s very little chance for the mind to be observed. As conditioning is formed it becomes second nature, there’s very little observation in this mind activated action. These conditioned actions are different for everyone, but their root is common. All conditioning arises in some way to seek satisfaction. It matters little what one uses to fulfill this satisfying seeking conditioning. And because there’s very little awareness of this, it controls you. There needs to be an understanding that your actions become conditioned and you’re controlled by it. This is what determines whether your actions are wholesome (loving) or unwholesome (selfish). Simply put, loving actions should be cultivated so they become instinctual.
If there isn’t some discipline developed to allow the mind to settle, an understanding of this will be difficult; observing the conditioned patterns will not be recognized. Without recognizing your conditioning you’ll be blindly controlled by it. This is why things are done without hesitation that aren’t in your best interest. Without the ability to observe your thoughts you’re like a puppet on a string. If nothing is in place to allow the mind to settle, the Conditioned Mind puppeteer will continue to control you as you blindly and without hesitation do things that aren’t in your best interest or the best interest of others…

Thursday, April 6, 2023
Based Illusions
Issues based in illusions can’t be fixed with the same illusions. It’s not that truth has to be known to change this, but the illusions will have to become known if they’re to cease being in control…
It’s very difficult to explain truth because there’s so many different definitions of it. Instead of trying to prove what truth is, let’s explore what the illusions are. Illusions are something that have no real facts as its base. Perceptions aren’t factual, they’re usually made up by the perceiver to suit some sort of illusionary belief. People ask me if I believe in God, I answer that I believe in what is known which is based in the facts of what’s experienced. That’s why I share only what’s experienced. I don’t see the benefit of making up a story about something to suit a mind made need. In my case I know love is more beneficial than hate, and kindness is better than being mean. In this I learn what the blocks are to living a (factual) life so it’s of maximum benefit to myself and to all beings. Truth will be known when your illusions are understood.
The biggest illusion in place is that the world will satisfy you, this is reinforced everyday. It’s an illusion which is at the core of our entire misaligned society. It creates all our issues as a society. Religious sects all claim to have the truth, no facts, just their truth. Politicians pretend to fix problems based in corruption with corrupt solutions. The entire entertainment and sports industry are based in illusions that create separation in our society not unity. There’s also the illusion of social and career status. Illusion after illusion, what happens to a society when this is its base, we become an illusionary society. Not because we want to, and not because we don’t know the truth, it’s simply because we don’t understand the based illusions in place…

Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Conscious Mind State
Life will always be life and it will always be as it is, but you don’t have to be stuck in a mind state where you’re not conscious of what’s actually happening…
To be conscious is to be non reacting in the present moment to what’s happening while it is happening. Anything that happens in life doesn’t have any specific effect on a person, its effect is directly linked to the conditioning that the person has in place. This is why one reacts to what happens the way they do. Reactions are in place for everyone, they just manifest in different ways. The quality of how conscious one is of what’s happening while it’s happening determines the reaction. Before something occurs there’s the space of stillness that it arises from, so if you’re already in an unconscious state of anger, when the next thing arises it’s immediately associated with anger. If you’re in a conscious state of quietness and the same thing takes place, the reaction to it will be much different. The key here is to pay attention to things that are beneficial and conducive to your well being; this is not always easy to see because of the conditioning. Many of our reactions aren’t really beneficial or conducive to our well being, but they’re done anyway because that’s what’s in place. Until there’s consciousness of this these unconscious reactions will be repeated over and over.
You are always in the present moment whether you‘re conscious of it or not. When you’re not conscious this is when what arises controls you. It’s one of the reasons it’s said, “nothing can harm you as much as your own unconscious thoughts” because your thoughts control you as if you were a puppet on a string. Breaking free of this control is more of a mindset than effort. Stillness of each moment is where everything arises from so if you’re in harmony with this, what arises will have less of an effect on you. Life is life and it will be as it is, but you don’t have to be stuck in a state of non beneficial reactions because you’re not conscious of what’s actually happening…

Tuesday, April 4, 2023
The Lure of Reaching
The most important thing to understand about the lure of reaching is the less attachment to “I” there is the less you will be lured in because without “I” there’s no one who needs to reach…
The lure of reaching is so enticing because it’s actually satisfying; this is why the lure is so powerful. There’s only issue with this because of the impermanent nature of reaching. It simply will not last, it has no staying power so something will always be needed almost immediately following the attainment of whatever is reached for. Think about it, with all the things that have been reached for throughout your life regardless of what it was, it doesn’t bring the satisfaction now that it brought at that time. Most times even if the same exact thing is physically repeated it’s usually not as satisfying as the first experience. I used so many things as I was lured in by my reaching conditioning, but it never lasted; the lure of the next reach always arose. This went on all the time, reaching for one thing after another and never staying satisfied.
I’ve come to understand this lure of reaching as the main reason people start using and become addicted to things. If needing satisfaction wasn’t sought, nothing would be reached for so there would never be an addiction. But unfortunately the lure of reaching has its way with people. It’s deeply ingrained in the subconscious and has been in place since existence began. I know this lure of reaching is what was controlling me for forty nine years and it was directly associated with “I”. Without “I” no one is there to be lured. Even with this understanding the lure of reaching doesn’t just disappear, but it does subside somewhat. To me the most important thing to understand about this is, the less attachment there is to “I” the less you will be lured in because without “I” there’s no one who needs to reach for the next satisfaction…

Monday, April 3, 2023
Knowing the Lies
Those who claim to know truth, but don’t know the lie remain a slave to the lie. You needn’t have all the answers to know truth, you just need to know how not to be a slave to the lie…
Someone mentioned to me it’s arrogant to claim to know truth and what makes me so sure that what I see is really truth. I responded, I know truth because I know the lie. You see truth isn’t about having all the answers, it’s knowing the lies. At one time I thought I had all the answers and it was a problem because since I had all the answers I was ignorant of the lies which made me ignorant of truth; I couldn’t know truth if I didn’t know the lie.
Several years ago I began developing a practice of quietness which opened up a knowing of what it was to be a slave to the lie, and I say “was” because I am a slave no more. I know the poison of the lie and I choose not to allow it to control me. I know how living selfishly and being judgmental causes not only myself to suffer, but those around me to suffer as well. Because this is known I‘m provided with tools to live differently. If I wasn’t aware of these lies I wouldn’t be aware of truth.
The ultimate delusion is a person who claims to know truth, but doesn’t have an inkling of the lies; this is the place most people live. Many state that there are different versions of truth and no one can know all truth, but it’s been my experience that there aren’t different versions of lies, a lie is a lie, so to me there aren’t different versions of truth. When you know the lies you will know truth. Truth can be known when you know your own lie. Remember truth is not about having all the answers, it’s knowing all the lies. The lies the world present are the gateway to Universal Truth because they are the gateway of knowing worldly lies. So all truth can be known, but only when one knows their own lies…

Sunday, April 2, 2023
Formed Stories
Every story is formed for one reason and that’s to make you think life is better. If it was that easy you could just go around making up stories whenever life wasn’t the way you thought it should be…
There are very few hard line facts in a story so what is it that makes a person think a story is needed to make life better? The only reason stories are made up to begin with is because of the way our minds have been programmed. They’re used to keep the mind in a state of agitation by making one believe things need to be different for life to be better. It’s what the ego uses to keep one in bondage to a self that doesn’t exist. This is how most wars are started, because of an egoic story. And whatever the story is whether it’s in a God that’s going to make things better, a superior race or the annihilation of one that will make things better, it all stems from one’s own story that if things were different life would be better.
Life really has nothing to do with a story, but it does have everything to do with trying to arrange life and thinking if things were different it would be better. This is what needs to be discovered if the falseness of a story is to be revealed. If attaching to a story is found to make life better by all means make the story, but for me I would have to say life is better without forming stories; especially that they exist only in my mind. If stories are seen to be real and have some facts to back them up, attach to them, use them, but in truth don’t be surprised if when they are needed to fall back on to make life better, they don’t do what you thought they were going to do…

Saturday, April 1, 2023
Beyond "I Self"
If you’re stuck in an “I Self” based existence, you’re being held captive by an “I Self” based world. This is a prison you will only be released from by going beyond your “I Self” into the eternal space of Now…
You cannot have a problem in your life that isn’t created by your “I Self”. This doesn’t mean things that happen are always beneficial, but regardless of what happens, it’s your “I Self” that makes something a problem. Lots of things happen throughout the day and each time there’s a choice to make it a problem or not. Everyone has this choice, it just takes a certain amount of awareness for this to be seen. What awareness does is it slows down the thought process that runs continuously. This slowing down is the beginning of truth arising; without the slowing the necessary quietness that allows this will not happen.
If the “I Self” is the base of your existence noise will be the base of your decisions. This will not allow you to watch the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind. If this nonsense isn’t seen, the mind will never slow down and there won’t be any Now space created. When life is “I Self“ based (unconscious) it’s as though life is a struggle. When the mind slows down, you can see how it’s the Conditioned Mind that takes everything that happens and makes it problematic. This revelation will assist in breaking free of the hold your “I Self” has over you and you’ll be able to see that you’re not the “I Self” you’re beyond it (consciousness). This doesn’t mean unpleasant things won’t happen, on the contrary life will still happen, you just won’t allow yourself to make it a problem. When this occurs and you have no created problems the next step in the process of going beyond an “I Self” existence is to go into the eternal space of Now…