Although what occurs now happens now, when it’s seen through cloudy eyes it’s not seen as it actually happens. You can’t be present for the present until your cloudy eyes clear up…
Living from cloudy eyed past energy isn’t something that jumps out at you; the view lingers in place waiting for its opportunity. It doesn’t have to be glaring, nor do the cloudy eyed energy patterns always manifest as totally destructive action. It’s destructive when it doesn’t allow you to be with what’s occurring right now. It takes you away from truly living your life. You end up living the same life over and over, doing the same thing, hence getting the same results. Basically it’s as if you’re stuck in a rut which only gets deeper each time the cloudy eye view is grabbed and brought into the present. You can’t be present for the present when the cloudy eye energy is being used to live now. Much quietness will be needed to see how the cloudy eye view is in control.
The cloudy eye energy patterns are very subtle and are deeply ingrained. Noticing this is the first step in one’s liberation from this energy. This energy is so controlling because it’s brought into the present and blocks the ability to truly see. Not many actually see the moment of what’s actually occurring. Although what occurs now happens now, it’s mostly seen through cloudy eyes so one isn’t with what is actually happening now. There’s so much cloudy energy, only in awareness of this can they even begin to clear up. Watch the mind and how it constantly uses the cloudy eye energy. How you can tell something is cloudy is by the label being applied to the present moment because when it’s all said and done, the present moment needs clear eyes to see…

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