The more attached you are to your given name the more a fictitious identity is created. When this is exposed it leads not so much to knowing who you are, but more so to the truth of who you are not…
One day as I was sitting in silence it was revealed to me that it took neatly forty nine years to develop an identity to a fictitious self along with all the tools I thought were needed to make me who I thought I was suppose to be. For the last fourteen years I have be undoing what my Conditioned Mind developed because it was thought to be the most beneficial way to live. This fictitious self began at the time of birth when my parents named me for the purpose of society having a way to identify me. This name was then attached to by a self that wasn’t formed yet, but it slowly was being developed into a fictitious identity.
On this day the lie was exposed for me as it will be for everyone I gather; for most it will remain in place until the time of death. Although for many death itself will be the time of this exposure you may never become be aware of it. For those who do awaken to the fallacy of this fictitious identity there’s a freedom that occurs which can only be known in the space of non attachment to this made up fictitious self. Bondage is in the belief that you are what you think you are, freedom is in the knowing that you are not. The more the lie of this fictitious identity is exposed the more you’ll see the truth that the fictitious self doesn’t really exist. In this truth there’s a knowing not of who you are, but of who you are not, and it’s in the exposure of this lie that sets you free because you are no longer in the prison of your fictitious identity…

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