If you’re looking for answers when questions arise, truthful answers aren’t going to just be revealed. You’ll most likely be distracted and bounce around making up answers until there’s awareness of the inward silence that reveals truth…
Truth is beautiful and when you look for your answers inward the beauty of truth is revealed. This occurs naturally, but you need silence within to discover this; this is the only way truth will be revealed. Truth is always there, but unfortunately we have been conditioned to look in the wrong places or not look for it at all. Our outward conditioning justifies so much of our behavior and blocks inward silence from revealing truth.
Lie to yourself, justify whatever it is you want to justify, but the sad truth of our society is most people’s existence isn’t based in truth. If you’re not looking inward for your answers, you are living a lie. Truth will only be discovered through the silence from within. Why most don’t look for their inward silence is because the Conditioned Mind tells you it’s not necessary, that you are doing okay with the way things are. Besides it’s much easier to point the finger at someone else, but the truth is people aren’t doing okay with the way things are and this is because most think their answers are outside of them.
Our politicians look outside, the judicial system looks outside, religion looks outside, the economist look outside, drug and alcohol counselors, psychologists, psychiatrist, and on and on all look outside. There are no answers outside, there are only distractions to keep you from the your inward silence and getting real answers; those answers when looked for inward are based in truth. Most people live the lie that their answers are outside and to look inward is unnecessary, know this lie and it will set you free, but only if there’s inward silence…