The beauty of life is in each moment. This beauty isn't observed because of the delusional view developed by the Conditioned Mind. This doesn't mean the beauty isn't there, it’s just not seen…
The greatest delusion is in making the things that you do who you are. No one begins their existence with anything and you don't take anything with you when existence in this form ends. Most of what goes on between your ears is all part of this delusion, it's no ones fault, it's the result of the way your mind has been conditioned. You cannot be anyone other than the person who’s been conditioned, but if the conditioning isn’t a benefit to life, it can be changed; if you want it changed. It isn't something that's permanent, it isn't who a person truly is, it's just part of the Conditioned Mind delusion.
You only become the delusion of who you are because you make it so. This delusion has many influences, they go back to the very beginning of existence. That is how powerful the conditioning is, it's passed on from generation to generation. Look how we hold on to our nationality, but what does it really mean as to what’s going on today. What does it matter what race you are unless it’s made to matter (we are all part of the human one anyway). I'm not saying anything that you do or your race is not a part of your make up, but it doesn’t have anything to do with what’s occurring right this second. Nothing would be different right now if any part of you was different; just something to ponder...

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