The more we grasp for answers outside ourselves the more in the grasp of fear we are. When we look outside, its only because we are fearful of what we might find inside.
The love that attracts others to you is the love that unites. Being anchored in love is the only true place of refuge, it’s where all beings can be united simply by being anchored in love...
It's very important to be anchored in love so people know there's a place they can also turn to. My articles are expected to be there and I accept this because of what has been revealed to me; I'm truly honored to be used as an instrument in this way. Everyone needs a place where they know they can go and feel safe from the unconscious world. It does matter where you’re anchored. If you go to a place that's used as a distraction it may feel like you’re anchored, but you are not. If you get lost in something menial, the day will go by simply because that’s the nature of time, but if you're spending the same day anchored in awareness, you will also become anchored in love and people will be attracted to you.
Don't be too concerned with what others think, just be anchored in what you know as love and let no one take that away. Being anchored in love in a world that is mostly based in the ego will allow others to be anchored in their love, which is needed for any transformation to occur. The love that draws someone to you is the love that is anchored in both of you. Life is an experience and if you're not learning from it, you already have your mind made up what you think it's about. When you can truly see this the make believe word falls away. This falling away is of love and when you remain anchored in this place others will also be drawn there as it's the one place of refuge where everyone can be of love by simply being unitedly anchored...
Everyone uses the tools they think are the most beneficial or they wouldn't repeatedly use them, but that doesn't mean they are the most beneficial tools available. If a tool is truly beneficial, it will never ever cause suffering to you or others...
You can only use the tools that you have in place to react to life situation and whichever ones they are whether it be alcohol, drugs, anger, programs, therapy, medication, suicide, cutting, fantasizing, success, wealth, poverty, race, greed, envy, false pride, religion, tv, politics, sex, food, and so on, they are only used because they're thought to be the most beneficial ones. If you think those tools aren’t working, new ones will need to be used that provide more beneficial results; at least to your mind. If no new ones are used, the old ones will simply be used again and again providing the same results.
You will know when you’re using the most beneficial tools available because they will never cause you or anyone else to suffer. What’s meant by a beneficial tool is reflected in the actions that are manifested. If there is conflict within that causes conflict with others this isn’t beneficial. Beneficial tools will never cause conflict because that would equate to suffering. The gauge to see if the tools being used are truly beneficial is by how much attachment they cause. Attachment is the cause of all suffering so it’s a true gauge that can be used. Self investigation is also a tool, matter of fact every reaction one has is the result of some tool. Beneficial tools will never ever cause suffering, this is a fact; they can't because a truly beneficial tool is based in the quietness of love. Tools that are based in attachment to satisfy self cause suffering and this occurs regardless if you think they are beneficial. Love doesn't attach or ever cause suffering nor do beneficial tools, as long as they are providing what’s best for all beings...
There’s no way you will ever fully understand life conceptually so answers are made up. Only in the space of silence can you listen to what the moments of life have to say without making up answers…
Listening to life as it occurs allows for harmony and in this space what’s not of the mind can arise; thoughts actually block this harmony. The silence is always there, but it’s not always listened to because of the noise between the ears. Most people are programmed to live visually without taking much time to truly listen and because of this you don’t hear. This visual living is why you get pulled around by the outer because listening to the silence underneath the visual hasn’t been developed. There’s no way you can fully understand life conceptually so you make up answers, but in the space of silence you can listen to what the moments of life have to say; listen to this silence and you will hear. Develop a listening meditation where you just sit with the sounds of the moment, add nothing take nothing away, just sit, listen and be with what arises.
Listening to life’s moments is so different than being controlled by the visual view. This is because through the visual a label of like or dislike is instantly applied and attachment follows. This is the point where the visual gains control and as this occurs the silence of the moment is missed. This is the beginning of how our stories are created, it’s because the space of each moment will be filled with something and it will either be a story or silence. Learning to listen to what occurs in each moment is a skill few develop and until it becomes the primary way life is viewed, the visual will continue to keep you in bondage as the outer control doesn’t allow life to be listened to…
The more attachment there is to your given name, the more this creates a delusional self. When this is exposed it doesn’t lead to knowing who you are, it leads to an awareness of who you are not…
When reflecting on my life, it’s kind of funny to see how it took forty nine years to develop an identity to a delusional self, along with all its tools and how for the last twelve years I have be undoing what my own mind developed because it was thought to be the most beneficial way to live. This delusional self began at the time of birth when my parents labeled me for the purpose of society having a way to identify me. This label was then attached to by a mind that wasn’t formed yet and it slowly was being developed into an identity of a delusional self.
One day this delusion was exposed as it will be for some, but for most it will remain in place until the time of death. Although for some death will be the time of this exposure, for many for whatever reason you will not be made aware of this. To those who do awaken to see the delusion of this identification, there is a freedom that occurs which can only be known in the non attachment of this made up self. Bondage is in the belief that you are this delusion, freedom is in the awareness that you are not. The more this is exposed, the more awareness there is this delusional self doesn’t exist, and in this awareness you will see not who you are, but who you are not…
When there’s not the constant push or pull to fulfill some self satisfying pleasure, the mind settles and the Universe works with your higher frequency for its betterment…
Let go of the stubbornness that causes you to suffer; it arises as greed, hate, and delusion and it does so because of the low frequency of stubbornness; this is why one suffers. Holding onto sense pleasures is of a lower frequency. The core of holding onto stubbornness is the belief that the more one satisfies their sense pleasures, the happier they will be. Satisfying these pleasures are not an issue until this low frequency takes hold, it is then that problems arise. Remove the mask of stubbornness and what you will be left goes beyond anything you can imagine.
The bondage of fulfilling sense pleasures is not only sought by just about everyone, it has been in place for ages. Forget about going beyond it, it’s no small feat just to become aware of it, but when there is awareness of the low frequency of pleasure seeking, the results are amazing. There’s no telling what you may experience when pleasure seeking takes a back seat. Your creative energy will go in a direction not previously known because the pleasure seeking that’s been blocking a higher frequency falls away.
When there’s not the constant push or pull for pleasure, the mind settles and the Universe works with whatever is in you for its betterment. There may be a musician, a painter, a gardener or botanist, or even a writer inside you, who knows a book may even come out of it. I guarantee you this, whatever it is that’s comes from your frequency, it will be from a higher one based in love because that’s just the way the Universe rolls. At least that has been my experience…
It’s the selfish view of satisfying “I” that keeps you from the vision of seeing your own light. This vision of light only occurs when your view comes from looking inward…
Although no one is more special than another in this existence, there are some who do see things vastly different than most; this happens by looking inward. I wouldn’t say some as chosen, but it is a fact some are simply more inclined to not attach to a selfish view which allows for a vision of light than if you are in the grip of a mind based “I” view. The two existences I’ve experienced are vastly different, one was selfish where there was much self created suffering, the other which is the one I’m living now is a view of light; non attachment. The differences in the two views is one creates suffering and is done in unconscious darkness and the other the one today is lived in awareness of light. Today the view is as it is because the selfish distractions don’t control as much as they once did; there is still conditioning, but there is also light.
The vision of your own light occurs as a by product of awareness and as the selfish view is replaced it opens up space to allow you to see your own light. This opening is directly linked to the letting go of “I”. It’s the “I” that attaches and it’s the cause of all suffering. Ever so slowing when one begins to look inward the distractions of “I” fall away. To me this is the light that was revealed to the great mystic’s which people considered special, but all they did was see their own light. This light is available to everyone, but one will have to overcome the selfish view that keeps you distracted from the vision of your own light and it will only be seen when you begin to look inward…
When the “I want more” conditioning isn’t controlling what’s allowed in, there’s much more peace in life, but this isn’t because peace is allowed in, it’s because nonsense isn’t allowed in so this naturally allows for there to be peace…
Much goes on in day to day living and for the most part there’s no control over what happens. Even if there was, with the way the Conditioned Mind has been developed, it wouldn’t change the way things are. The first thing that has to happen for the possibility of any change to take place is you have to understand what’s being allowed in to shape your day to day, even moment to moment existence. Much is viewed throughout the day, but it’s mostly allowed in through the default setting of the conditioning in place. It’s allowed in, but it’s not done with any sense of awareness so it leads you to being controlled. There’s no choice in this until there is, but unfortunately until there is you will allow in things that aren’t beneficial and hence if it’s not beneficial it will cause much trouble and suffering.
Think about the things that are attached to, the list is basically endless, the problem with this is not much that’s grabbed is beneficial. We are a species that has lost its way and it’s because of what we allow in. There is a nothingness to life that has to be seen so you can decipher if what your conditioning allows in is beneficial or not. A lot was allowed in for many years that I thought was beneficial, but in truth it kept in bondage to the “I want more” conditioning. I always wanted more so that’s what was allowed in, but it was never enough. Today it’s much different because to a large degree the “I want more” conditioning isn’t controlling what’s allowed in. Because of this there’s much more peace, but this isn’t because peace is allowed in, it’s because nonsense isn’t allowed in so this naturally allows for there to be peace…
The conditioned mind creates a view based in unconscious wanting. It’s difficult to break this because most of what is done reinforces this unconsciousness; a conscious mind is simply aware of awareness…
Life’s struggles has nothing to do with life, it’s an unconscious view based in the world of wanting that cause struggles, and this is because this view is controlled by the Conditioned Mind. When unconscious wanting is fulfilled and things are going your way there’s not much of a struggle; life is considered good. When things are going as wanted what causes your struggles is pushed aside. When this is done it makes the base of life centered in unconscious wanting and you will get pulled around by the Conditioned Mind like a puppet on a string.
The more this occurs the more suffering there will be in your life. Sometimes it’s very subtle, but it’s there. As a matter of fact even if you’re not aware of being controlled by unconscious wanting, it still produces suffering. The suffering doesn’t occur because you don’t get your way, it occurs just by being in a state where the unconscious conditioned mind is in control.
The less unconscious wanting of what you want when you want it is the base of your view, the less you struggle with yourself and with life; this is simply because unconscious wanting isn’t in control. When you’re unaware of this the Conditioned Mind creates chaos by unconsciously wanting; there’s immense suffering in this unawareness. Practice being in a space of no mind, with no mind there is no unconscious wanting. When you don’t have unconscious wanting you don’t need and when you don’t need, you don’t create delusions that cause suffering; a free mind is free because there’s no unconscious wanting…
Life will always be life and it will always be as it is, but you don’t have to be stuck in a mind state where you’re not aware of what’s actually happening…
To be aware is to be non reacting in the present moment to what’s happening while it is happening. Anything that happens in life doesn’t have any specific effect on a person, it’s effect is directly linked to the conditioning that the person has in place; this is why one reacts to what happens the way they do. Reactions are in place for everyone, they just manifest in different ways. The quality of how aware one is of what’s happening while it’s happening determines how one reacts to it. Before something occurs there’s the space of stillness that it arises from, so if you’re already in an unconscious state of anger, when the next thing arises it’s immediately labeled with anger. If you’re in an awareness state of quietness and the same thing takes place, the reaction to it will be much different. The key here is to pay attention to things that are beneficial and conducive to your well being; this is not always easy to see because of the conditioning. Many of your reactions aren’t really beneficial or conducive to your well being, but they’re done anyway because that’s what’s in place. Until there’s awareness of this these reactions will be repeated over and over.
You are always in the present moment whether you‘re aware of it or not. When you’re not aware this is when what arises controls you. It’s one of the reasons it’s said, “nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts” because your thoughts control you as if you were a puppet on a string. Breaking free of this control is more of a mindset than effort, it’s being mindful of awareness aware of awareness. Stillness of each moment is where everything arises from so if your in harmony with this, what arises will have less of an effect on you. Life is life and it will be as it is, but you don’t have to be stuck in a state of non beneficial reactions because you’re not aware of what’s actually happening…
The main block to humanity’s unity is our humanness is put first so we’re being controlled by our thoughts. When awareness is put first there’s a connection to the universal heart of unity…
Living strictly from the thought (human) realm is the main reason why there‘s constant seeking and why we‘re disconnected from each other and the universal heart of unity. With putting being human first, you live through thought so there has to be a disconnect from the awareness of the universal heart of unity; thoughts separate, awareness (the heart) unites. Our humanness is a direct disconnect from each other when it’s put first because of its base (“I” sensed). The universal heart of unity doesn’t ever need, therefore when awareness is put first the “I” sense loses its control.
When awareness is put first a connection to all of life occurs, not through thought, but through the universal heart of unity. The main dilemma in our society is people are putting their humanness first and are being controlled by their thoughts. Just follow the news and see this for yourself. It’s nothing more than human desires being put before awareness.
The 12 Steps to Freedom are from my book “It’s Monday Only in Your Mind: Your Are Not Your Thoughts” They offer the possibility of becoming the awareness aware of awareness so life may be lived from the universal heart of having a human experience. They are offered for free on my website Use this tool and develop this awareness or not, that’s the choice, and the results of that choice will be to either remain in the control of the Conditioned Mind or to break free of its diabolical grip…
There’s no suffering in the space of truth because there’s no attachment so being aware of your “I” attachment and not holding onto it allows truth to be the direction that leads your life…
The struggle one has with life is strictly mind based and it’s because there’s no structure to the mind. Being led by the mind is equivalent to your life being a house of cards and we all know what happens when the first wind comes. Often mind based information is held onto which keeps you entrapped to the mind. I know how deeply ingrained the conditioning is and I know sometimes I may come on strong, but it’s only because what has been revealed to me simply can’t be ignored.
There are basically two directions that lead the mind. One is lies (suffering), the other is truth (non suffering) and these manifest in many ways. The core of suffering is attachment to “I” (lies), this direction leads to greed, envy, anger, pride, desire, doubt, restlessness, regret and so on. You can see how these lies will cause suffering, so if this is the direction that leads your mind, you will suffer. The other direction is truth, which leads to kindness, generosity, love, compassion, empathy, understanding, stillness, and so on. I’m sure you can see how these don’t cause suffering. Make no mistake though, one will still encounter the possibility of the lies even with being led by truth because of how ingrained the conditioning is, but if attachment to “I” isn’t in place the lies won’t be in place. To me the key is being aware of the “I” attachments and not holding onto them. Without “I” the direction that leads your life will be from truth and there’s no suffering in this space because truth simply doesn’t lie as there’s no “I” to do so…
What occurs when you awaken is there’s a shift that opens your heart. This is what allows the truth that has always been within you to be revealed so where there was once ignorance you now see…
People think there’s a change when something new is revealed, but the essence of what’s truly happening is there’s a shift to see what has always been there. A change doesn’t occur, it’s a shift from ignorant thinking to an understanding of the true nature of life; starting with your own mind. You cannot shift if you don’t know yourself and you cannot know yourself if you don’t understand the Conditioned Mind. It’s so difficult to shift because the mind will not look within. Your own mind tells you everything is okay, that you do enough to get by in life and as long as you see something as desirable it will tell not to look within because you are okay as you are.
Truly looking at yourself is not desirable, especially when it’s first started, that’s why many are hesitant to do it. It’s much easier and desirable to have an outward view and do what’s familiar, but there are only benefits when ignorance is removed. A step into the unfamiliar will need to be taken so you can get to know yourself. The mind defaults naturally to what’s familiar because it’s what’s out there, but revealing ignorance allows for truth, this is the way one shifts and truth becomes what’s familiar. When truth is revealed, what happens is the veil of ignorance is removed and where you were once blind you now see, but it’s not a change, it’s a shift, and it allows truth to be known as you finally see what has always been there…
The most important thing to understand about being seduced by desire is the less you’re attached to “I” the less you’ll be seduced because without “I” there’s no one who needs…
Being seduced by desire is so enticing because it feels good; this is why the draw of desire is so powerful. There’s only issue with this because of the impermanent nature of desire. It simply will not last, it has no staying power so something else will be needed almost immediately following the satisfaction of each desire. Think about it, with all the desires that have been fulfilled throughout your life regardless of what it was, it does not bring the satisfaction now that it brought at that time, and most times even if the same exact desire is physically repeated, it’s usually not as satisfying as the first experience. I used so many things as I was seduced by desire, but the satisfaction of giving into the desire never lasted; the seduction of the next needed desire always arose. This went on all the time, satisfying one desire after another and never being fulfilled.
I’ve come to understand being seduced by desire as the main reason people start using substances and become addicted. If fulfilling desire wasn’t sought, nothing would be reached for so there would never be an addiction, but unfortunately being seduced by desire has its way with humanity. It’s deeply ingrained in the subconscious and has been in place since our existence began. I know being seduced by desire is what controlled me for forty nine years and it was in direct relation with “I”. Without “I” no one is there to be seduced. Even with this understanding being seduced by desire doesn’t just disappear, but it does lessen somewhat. To me the most important thing to understand about this is the less you’re attached to “I” the less you will be seduced and it’s because without “I” there’s no one who needs to satisfy the next desire…
Nothing is attached to without a cause and if that cause isn’t understood you will unconsciously succumb to the attachments consequences as if you were a puppet on a string…
When some feeling or emotion arises something causes it. Learn to see the cause of the emotion arising and the feelings that go along with the cause. Whatever arises has a cause, the reason for that cause and the sensation of it needs to be understood if your aren’t to be blindly drawn in and controlled by it. Nothing is attached to without a cause and if that cause isn’t understood, you will unconsciously succumb to it as if you were a puppet. Why people don’t see how this attachment holds them in captivity is because many of the things that are being attached to are used to make your identity and also the attachment is done because your conditioning tells you it’s needed. When the cause of what’s attached to is understood or at least noticed, there arises an awareness of what you are thinking. When this occurs there’s the possibility it will fall away and in the process your attachment falls away.
As stated before, why it’s so difficult to see this is because what’s being attached to is thought to be bringing you pleasure of some kind, and it may be in some way, but it’s not true pleasure because no object has the capability of providing true pleasure; one is easily deluded by this. Regardless of what it is, if it’s causing you to think you need it to feel good (pleasure) the object becomes your prison. So if the cause of why attachment arises isn’t understood, you might as well remain limp because when your conditioning says it’s time to attach, you will have to obey as the conditioning telling you to do so is in control…
The inner unrest that keeps you from your peace has nothing to do with life, your unrest is a creation of your own mind and that’s what makes you believe you are not at peace…
There are practical ways to minimize the inner unrest that causes one to sabotage their own existence, but it has to be understood that the mind creating the unrest cannot be quieted by itself. You will have to find out why your own mind is telling you the unrest is needed to live life; a life that is controlled by the conditioning to create this unrest. Your own mind creates all the unrest you have by choosing to attach to thoughts that allow the unrest to arise, this unconscious conditioning is why one gets agitated. The Conditioned Mind develops this as you do things that are destructive to your own well being. Why this unrestful mind set is developed I’m not sure, but I do know it can be described only as insane because your own mind does this.
I now know it was my own mind that created my unrest and it arose from within myself. Because of the shift that occurred some years ago, there is now awareness that unrest doesn’t have to be created anymore. I sit for the sole purpose to develop the discipline that allows the mind to settle. If there isn’t discipline, the conditioning won’t be understood nor will why unrest arises so you will be led around by the unrest. Life does nothing to you, it’s your own mind that does it all. Why one lives in a unrestful place as opposed to a place of peace will never change until the conditioning that makes it so is changed. All I ever wanted was to be at peace, but I wasn’t aware it was my own mind that created the unrest that made me believe I wasn’t…
The only way to change a conditioned view is to have something in place that will allow it to be changed. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won’t be awareness your view needs changing…
Watching television is not my favorite way to past time, but the other night I caught the last period of a hockey game. When the game was over I began looking for something else to watch. Twenty seconds on one channel, ten seconds on another, five on another, than another and another, you get the idea. It’s amazing how we stay fixated on something, in this case the TV, when it comes to the mind. We’re so reluctant to change our view even though we’re going round and round in circles. Actually what’s on the TV (the fixation) is mostly reruns, yet we’ll watch the same channel (thought) over an over. Even though there are many channels (thoughts) we get stuck on the TV and don’t know how to change this.
Think of something you get fixated on and see how hard it is to change your mind when you’re stuck in your view. Unless there’s total awareness of this, changing your view will be just about impossible. The only way to change the conditioned view is to have something in place that will allow it to be changed. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won’t be awareness the view needs changing. It may be a repeated thought disguised with many different labels, but it’s still an old thought. Watch the subtleness of this and in time you’ll see the mind for what it is and how it likes to default to a familiar view. The issue is you can get so comfortable with this that it’s not realized the view needs to be changed; for this realization to occur you have to have another view that’s seen as more beneficial than the one in place…
Everything passes in life and that’s a fact, but attachments trait is to make everything permanent. Only when the mind is settled will one see attachment for what it is and only then will your attachments fall away…
Holding on to your view even in the face of evidence to the contrary is the most binding attachment of them all. Basically attachment occurs in stages, believing what is seen, the mental reactions to what is seen, and holding on to what is seen even though it’s proven not to be as it’s seen. The first two are the ones that occur the most. Most people learn from these to a large degree, but the last one is where attachments become deeply embedded in the subconscious. They grab hold of you and make you do all kinds of nonsense. There are many ways for attachment to manifest, just look at all the things that are reached for. Attachment is the thing that will bring satisfaction, but as soon as it’s held onto it’s gone so the next thing is needed. This is attachment at its most diabolical.
To me this is how attachmentu operates, you think someone is following you, that’s the beginning; it starts with a thought. Now the mind takes over and the mental reaction occurs or as I like to say “let the nonsense begins”. If the person thought to be following you passes you, the attachment will simply fall way, but if you’re in the grip of it, you will think the person passing you is just part of the plan; attachment will always have to run its course before subsiding. No matter what it is in life, it will pass away, that’s a fact, but attachments trait is to make everything permanent so it can remain in place. Only when the mind is at ease will attachment be seen for what it is and only then will your attachments fall away…
Sit to develop discipline and watch your thoughts come and go, eventually there will be more and more space between them. It’s in this space that you will see all the spiritual rubbish holding you in bondage…
With the emergence of the internet there’s so much more information available on spirituality that it really needs to be investigated before you consider what to use to assist in your development. Here is the definition of Rubbish: Worthless material that is to be disposed of. To see if the information you‘re using to develop your direction is beneficial, there can’t be anything associated with it that forms attachment. Methods, programs, religion, God, guru’s, life coaches, teachers, or any other form of rubbish that’s used to keep you attached just keeps you entrapped to the very thing you are trying to break free of. Just as there’s a lot of “fake news” out there today, there’s also a lot of fake information on spirituality. Bondage is not something that’s truly understood by many people so most of the information out there keeps you in bondage in some way. Those telling you to buy their book, pay for retreats run by paid speakers, or follow a program (instant bondage) are clever to a fault, with the fault being you are kept in bondage by following them.
The only thing you need to do is look inward so one millisecond of space is created between your thoughts. Once this occurs and there’s awareness, more and more space will slowly expand; it takes nothing but awareness to create this space. The rubbish out there is that someone’s program, book, method or whatever will keep you in bondage to the very thing you’re trying to break free from. I know people defend their so called guru or people they follow adamantly, but it’s only because there’s no awareness of the bondage they’re in. Sit often and just watch your thoughts come and go, eventually there will be more and more space between them. It’s in this space that you will see all the so called spiritual rubbish holding you in bondage…
Life is constant energy, it never stops. If the energy of the moment is noticed it will allow much more understanding of your life than if you’re blindly controlled by habitual energy patterns…
If the energy of the moment isn’t seen, that’s when the habitual conditioned mind patterns take over; it’s just the process in place. You can be in a state where you’re happy and out of nowhere arises something that triggers one of your habitual conditioned patterns. Depending on the base of what arises determines if you’re still happy after what arises is attached to. This is how it works, you’re pulled around by habitual mind patterns and the energy of the moment is unnoticed so it’s controlling energy attaches to what pattern is associated with the moment. This is where everything arises from, feelings, emotions, sensations, and whatnot, hence the puppet on a string syndrome takes hold if the energy of the moment isn’t noticed. Think about this, you can’t have any feeling or emotional swings without attachment to the energy of the moment. Most people don’t really have a clue of this do very few truly live life. I don’t say this in jest, I’m no different, although I do notice this energy a little more these days.
Here’s something to possibly assist in understanding the energy of the moment a little better. Make a commitment to sit for a certain time, say thirty seconds, keep it real. In those thirty second just watch what arises, watch the energy, a thought arising and just notice its energy. Just sitting, looking, acknowledging, noticing, letting it arise and pass; all of this is just the energy of each particular moment; this should assist in getting a better grasp on the moments energy. Increasing or decreasing the committed sitting time is up to the individual or don’t sit at all and remain a slave to the energy of the moment as it arises and habitually controls your life. It’s the energy of each moment that makes your life what it is and if this goes unnoticed so will most of your life…
Living strictly from the intellect only knows love through a story of the mind. The heart knows love through the sheer presence of its own existence. The intellect will never grasp what the heart knows intuitively…
The difference between the intellect and the heart is simple, the mind (“I”) is from the intellect and the heart is from the presence of love. If you’re truly aware of this you will pick up on the difference intuitively. The heart connects and the intellect separates, this is because the heart only knows unconditional love and the intellect only knows how to put conditions on everything, hence this is why humanity is as it is. It doesn’t mean when you live from the heart you won’t be troubled by things, they just won’t have the same effect that living from the intellect creates. I notice an intellect response immediately when someone responds to one of my post. This isn’t to say my post can’t be debated, but since I write from my heart when someone responds from the intellect it’s immediately picked up on because it creates conflict.
There’s very little if any “I” attachment living from the heart, living from the intellect is strictly from “I” attachment. All conflict with yourself and others come from the intellect, it’s impossible to have conflict when living from a heart of love. You may not enjoy everything that happens in life living from the heart, but you will accept it because that’s how the heart works. The love of the heart is from the energy of the Universe, it connects to everything. We are all the same energy of creation and cannot truly be separated from it, but it can seem like it because that’s what the energy of “I” (intellect) does. When a person states there’s a void in their life it’s because the intellect is causing a story of separation from the heart, but since everyone who is alive has a heart so there’s no true separation, it only seems like there is because the intellect and not the heart is running the show…
A thought is energy that weighs you down to a world where there’s very little freedom because there’s no room for truth. If you’re ever to be free, the energy of thought will have to be let go of…
The more thoughts you have about something, the more you’re limited by its energy; you cannot experience the openness of something if you’ve already decided how it is. To remain open you need to be thought free. This is essential if you’re to be aligned with the Universe and be free from thoughts that weigh you down. The energy that holds you manifest as thought. You need to be cut free if there is to be freedom; this hold is very subtle. Even the thought of whether you like this post or not is only energy and the purpose of this energy is to keep something in the same place. This post can resonate with you without a thought, but thoughts do seem to make the world go round. That doesn’t mean its a good thing, but that’s just what I think lol.
I lived an existence that was trapped in certain thoughts for most of my life and this caused much conflict with people who didn’t see things the same way; wars are started over different thoughts. If you’re really honest with yourself you’ll see that most disagreements are caused by having a different thought about something. I’m not saying you shouldn’t stand up for what is known to be right, but truly knowing about something or having a thought about it is totally different.
There is a place where thoughts aren’t needed, but if this isn’t understood you will never lose the energy of thought and you’ll remain stuck in an existence that’s thought driven. When this is the place you live from, there’s very little freedom experienced. When you can just be with life as it unfolds and not think of it as this or that you’ll be on the verge of truly experiencing life thought free, and without this energy grabbing hold there will be freedom to be with life as it is, without the need of a thought weighing you down…
Through the way one becomes conditioned, life is seen as if there is always a fake problem that needs solving, and because of this life is lived mostly through a view of fake solutions…
The issue with having to constantly solve problems to arrange life to be a certain way is it’s all fake. Even if you make up a story life is exactly how you want it, the mind begins creating a new fake problem almost immediately. Life is continuous, it’s broken up into segments (fake solutions) by a mind that’s in a constant state of agitation. If this wasn’t true you would see life as complete and it wouldn’t constantly need to be arranged to your liking. It isn’t because of anything right or wrong that makes you see things in this way, it’s because the mind has been trained to create and solve problems so it’s only doing what it’s been trained to do.
The Conditioned Mind sees fake problems all over the place. The shortest line at Target, traffic, weight, to do list, politics, religion, and so on, all this manipulating is strictly done to put another fake problem in place which is solved with a fake solution; this makes life perfectly fake. Let’s say everyday you make a fake problem to solve, if you‘re fifty years old that would mean roughly 18,250 fake problems were created strictly so you can try and have life the way you think it should be. If you learn to not push anything away or pull anything in nothing would really change except for not having to constantly create fake problems and use fake solutions to live a fake life…
There are many idols out there that are attached to that keeps you in bondage, and although it may appear the idol creates the bondage, the bondage is to “I” that attaches to the idol…
There are many traps that induce bondage in the world, the Bible uses the description of idols and there’s no difference what is used because what they have in common is the attachment to “I”. Here’s where this gets tricky because anything that is made into a story and is attached to is an idol because it becomes a prison to the one who is attached to its story. God is made into an idol by people and becomes a prison although most don’t see this. Just look at the different religions and how all the followers of a particular one think theirs is the right one. Many of these religions have beautiful teachings, but it’s in the way they’re attached to that actually takes away from them. This isn’t to say there isn’t value in them, but there’s never value in attaching to something because it enforces an I am right and you are wrong aura.
I found this idol attachment happening to me yesterday, someone didn’t agree with my article so right away I felt I had to defend it ;after all I wrote it so it has to be right, lol. I always have to look at myself so I can identify what form my idol is taking on. I’m not saying to not enjoy things, this is just to show how attachment to anything becomes bondage and blocks the heart from remaining open to allow everything its freedom. Idols take over when they get control of “I” as “I” become the idol. I am right is an idol, as is anything one reaches for. The world presents many idols that are disguised and until these are identified, the idol of “I” will remain and so will your bondage…
Attach to nothing and there will be nothing that you need. Imagine just being in the space of awareness happy, joyous, and free with the understanding your awareness is your completeness…
Without inner silence the awareness needed so you don’t have to create stories will not occur. Even this writing is a story of how not to create stories, but with the awareness of writing it this helps to minimize the attachment to it and thus it’s simply written. This may or may not be the end of the story, that depends on how “I“ is related to an identity. The more “I” needs an identity, the more it’s attached to and the more of a story is created. No attachment, no needed story, no needed story, no discontentment of what isn’t, so all you are left with is what is, not the story, but the actual reality of what is occurring now.
Story after story, the story of how you feel, or your life story. Every life is an endless story, that is until you see the story teller and story are one in the same. Being with what is instead of a created story will be the most difficult thing you will ever do, until you can just be in the silence of what is. Attach to nothing and there will be nothing that you need. Imagine just being in the space of awareness happy, joyous, and free with the understanding your awareness is your completeness. It‘s right here within your grasp, but you will never truly be aware of it until you realize it’s not a story that you are grasping for, it’s learning to simply be with what is…
Awareness allows discipline of the squirrel cage mind and the more this discipline is developed, the more awareness you will have of the delusions that you’ve been controlled by…
Awareness is a engagement where you are basically just noticing and being with what occurs. Awareness is like the guard of our thoughts and this is what determines which ones are let in. Many thoughts come to the you, but when you become aware of them it becomes apparent which ones are beneficial and which ones aren’t. The expansion of awareness can be likened to learning to ride a bicycle. In the beginning there’s much awareness of getting on the bike, keeping balanced, peddling, keeping an eye on the road ahead, and trying not to fall, but after about a week the awareness expands and takes a back seat. It’s still there, but there’s no longer engagement, there doesn’t have to be. What happens next is riding the bike becomes second nature and is done without needing to think about it.
The engagement of awareness is used to develop discipline so what’s actually happening is seen. Awareness of whatever it is the focus is on puts you in the present moment; you can’t be aware of what’s happening right now in the past or future. This is what awareness allows and the more this discipline is developed, the more awareness you have of the delusions that are in control. Although certain truths have been revealed to me in the last twelve years, they are always in the form of becoming aware of a lie there is attachment to. Secrets of the Universe I do not know, the lies that caused me to create my own suffering I do. It’s a process that started out as slight awareness and has expanded to awareness aware of awareness. It’s in this space that riding a bike becomes second nature and is done without needing to think about it…
The Conditioned Mind is a story making machine and all the storylines eventually come to a end. However most of these endings are unconsciously created to fit into a storyline of fulfilling some desired want…
The endings to the stories the mind uses need to be investigated so you can tell if they’re valid or not, by valid I mean beneficial to your life. So many people make up endings about certain things without looking if they’re producing results that are beneficial. Many endings are accepted that benefit only yourself and it doesn’t go much further than that. Even if you’re running around saving the world, who says the world needs saving and also the running around helping others is done more for yourself. It’s very difficult to get in touch with valid endings that arise from the space of stillness as opposed to the ones that are made up to satisfy some storyline.
Most of the stories endings are created to fit nicely into an ending for one’s own benefit. Very few people are truly selfless, not because that don’t want to be, but by not understanding the dynamics of the Conditioned Mind there’s no way one can be. Every story has a ending, it’s just part of the story, so there are two ways to see if your endings are valid. The first would be to not create a story, this way a ending isn’t needed, and the second is to understand energy is not created or destroyed, it’s only transformed. Although this form that’s being occupied right now will one day come to the end of not functioning in its current state, its energy will go on. If you want to see if this end is valid, sit and be still and you will see no end is valid and neither is your story…
The energy of the past or future is so binding because of the way the Conditioned Mind uses them to process life; until there’s awareness of this the present moment will basically be out of reach…
Here’s the reason the present moment is invaluable and why it’s so difficult to be free. However old you may be, if you aren’t living in the present moment, you’re in bondage to your past experiences or you’re possibly using the future; where nothing truly exist. As far as my past is concerned, there’s sixty one years of past energy; it’s no wonder the mind has a difficult time settling. There’s just so much information for the mind to process and it’s added onto every moment of every day. There’s also future energy and although this is different than the past, things are still used from the past to process the future. Case in point is the way the mind uses its reaching mechanisms. Most of why something is reached for is to change the present and also the future; this is why when a person stops using one thing another thing is substituted for it.
People only gain weight when they stop smoking cigarettes because they turn their attention to reaching for food in response to a mind agitation. When the mind settles and more time is spent in the present moment, the reaching is lessened and so is the substitutions, hence there’s less weight gain. The older a person is, the more binding the conditioning. It’s a fact there’s less bondage to past energy for those who start a sitting practice at an early age; it makes sense because they don’t have all that past energy gnawing at them. Don’t make this more complicated than it needs to be. Live in the present moment where life truly exist, or use past and future energy where the only thing that exist is past and future bondage. It’s your choice and it’s also your bondage…
When there’s the idea you need something to provide peace, you are lost in this idea, and until this is understood you will remain lost in the idea (thought) that you are not at peace…
There will never be peace in life if you’re lost in the idea of finding peace. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are conditioning, we get lost in the idea that peace is something to find. Unfortunately your ideas are what make the very thing you are seeking (peace) elusive. Ideas are the reason one is constantly reaching for something from the outside and until these ideas are no more, you will remain lost in your thoughts that peace is in the next thing reached for. Reaching for anything is the proof that your ideas have you. This can’t be stressed enough as these lost ideas have to be seen if one is to ever experience true peace.
The idea of being at peace isn’t peace. What has to happen if you are to ever be at peace is there has to be an understanding of how your ideas block your peace. The reason why one is not at peace is the inability to not have the idea of peace. When the need to reach for something arises, the lost idea begins; this is a conditioned cycle that’s very difficult to break. Peace isn’t something that can be grabbed so it’s in doing less that peace arises. Many get lost in trying to find peace, but since it’s something that’s already within you, the idea associated with finding it needs to be discarded so you can see it’s there. This isn’t easy to see, but I will assist in any way I can. Understand though this isn’t offered to help you find peace, it’s offered so you may possibly uncover the reason why you’re lost in the idea you are not at peace…