Everything has its place in life regardless if it’s considered right, wrong, liked or disliked, this is because what’s there is what’s there. To say it shouldn’t be there leads to suffering because the moment isn’t accepted as it is. This isn’t to say everything that happens is suppose to happen, but what does happen is what’s there and there’s no changing that. The results of what happens can be changed, but only if you’re coming from a different place than what was previously known. This may change the initial arising, but there are still the results of what’s occurring right now. So much energy is wasted on not accepting what has already occurred and why it’s wasted energy is because the unchangeable is not being accepted.
When you get to a place where a label of good, bad, or indifferent isn’t applied, in this place is your freedom. Nothing in life should be unaccepted, I know this is difficult to imagine and this isn’t to say to not take action to change things, but what has occurred has to be accepted so the action to change it comes purely from love and compassion and not from the ego. Even someone who is totally unconscious and causes much harm to others has to be accepted because it’s the conditioning in place that makes one do what they do. This especially has to be understood for yourself because to not accept what is is to suffer. Here’s an example: If you go to the doctor and get an unfavorable diagnosis, disliking it doesn’t change that fact. Accept it, learn from it and move on and just maybe your next visit will be more beneficial to you, but if it’s not that’s ok too because regardless of the diagnosis everything is impermanent and nobody gets out alive…

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