Someone posted an article yesterday about sunflowers which I found interesting. Although I knew sunflowers turned towards the sun to absorb its energy, I didn’t know they pointed to each other when it was cloudy out to absorb each other’s energy. This got me reflecting on my own process of awakening and how I too point to the light (silence) to absorb its energy, and how I also point to others to absorb their energy. To me no one is an island regardless of how spiritual they are and this is because the more spiritual one is the more it’s understood there’s only one energy and we rely on each other whether it’s sunny out or cloudy. With this understanding firmly in place it allows one to draw on another’s energy. This is the Law of Attraction, your love and the energy drawn on produces results of that energy.
This energy of the sunflower is of love, but there’s a lot of energy that isn’t of love. These energies aren’t different, they only seem different because their frequency is different. I say the sunflower energy is of love because of the results, flowers are beautiful and useful so how can their energy not be of love. I’ve learned that just because I emanate energy of love it doesn’t mean everyone will love me back. This has nothing to do with me as everyone has their own conditioning in place and will act accordingly. Although everyone has the ability to love, not everyone is on the frequency of love so I turn to those who are on the same frequency as me and I’ve found that although I frequently turn to the light, it’s turning to the love of others that allows me to love.

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