Many things will cross your path throughout the day, some will be liked, some will not, and others you couldn’t care less about, but the key to the things that arise, is being aware of them and observing which ones grab you, which ones are pushed away, and which ones naturally come and go without attaching to them because there’s nothing there to adhere to. These observations become more and more important as one becomes more aware of them. Things occur all the time, but they’re not noticed, very few people are in touch with observing them which allows the things that occur to be in control. Many things occur in life that aren’t particularly cared for as demonstrated by the recent election, but all the energy that’s going in to not accepting the results and trying to change it with non loving actions, generates the same energy one is protesting against.
Unloving energy will never be changed with unloving energy, especially when the driving force behind it arises because one didn’t get their way. If this isn’t observed it will keep the unloving energy in place. Hate will never be driven out by hate, so if it’s not observed that hate is in place hate will remain and the very thing that one despises is the very thing that one becomes. This is the way it is when one is unconscious and allows things to affect you. There’s nothing wrong with being disappointed for a second, but after that it becomes attachment and suffering begins. And this suffering isn’t because things didn’t work out the way that is wanted, no the suffering arises because one has no clue the energy that’s despised in another is the same energy that’s controlling your life.

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