Friday, July 5, 2024

Mind Prison

When there’s a need for something outside yourself it’s because of a mind prison. Until this is seen you will remain in prison as you seek to quiet your mind with the next thing you think is needed…

You will never find the peace you’re seeking because the seeking is why you’re not at peace. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are conditioned, the seeking of peace becomes a mind prison. Unfortunately a mind prison makes the very thing you’re seeking impossible to grasp. A mind prison is the reason you constantly look for something from the outside. Until this is seen you’ll remain in a mind prison thinking peace is in the next thing reached for. Alcohol, gambling, drugs, sex, religion, social status, programs, therapy, self help books, politics, and on and on, this is proof that there’s a mind prison. I can’t stress this enough as this mind prison has to be seen if you‘re to experience true peace in your life.

It’s impossible to think your way to understanding this. Why there’s a mind prison is because of the inability to just be. When the need to look for something arises, the mind prison begins. This mind prison is a vicious cycle that’s very difficult to break. Breaking free of the mind prison and being at peace isn’t something attained or achieved. It’s by doing less (detaching) that peace is experienced. Too many people get lost (mind prison) trying to find peace through outer attachments. Since peace is something that’s already within you, the mind prison is a circle because it becomes about finding what’s already there. This is not easy to see, but it’s why I share so the mind prison can be seen for what it is; the cause of why there’s a need to look for peace…

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Love Energy

When one truly awakens it’s to an energy which is of love. This love energy lives on in those who are touched by it forever because that’s how love works…

There’s one thing that is guaranteed in life and that is everything changes. This is because everything is constantly in motion whether this is realized or not. Last week a person I have known for thirty years passed away. His existence no longer met conditions to sustain life in his current form so he passed on to wherever it is one passes on to. From the time our existence begins, to the time it ends, life is in a constant state of motion, until one day all motion as the body knows it, stops. This is part of the process of existence in this form, it’s not personal, it just is. 

It may seem as though life becomes stagnant at times, but it’s only the mind that makes this so. It’s impossible for life to be stagnant. Our cells are constantly changing as is the Universe. When this is realized, life is lived anew in each moment because life IS anew in each moment. It’s only the Conditioned Mind that wants life to be put in a box of space and time because this is what it uses to try to make sense of things.

Today if you are alive you’re dying, but also today if you’re alive you‘re living. Stagnation creates death, there’s not much life in the Dead Sea, but a sea fed by rivers that flow through it is full of life. When you come to an understanding that it’s only the body that stops functioning, you awaken to love energy because it’s the connection to the Universe. No one truly ever dies, we all live on in those who are touched by our love forever, not for any other reason except that this is the way love energy works…

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Automatic Reactions

Most reactions that occur in life are automatic; they’re put in place by your own conditioning. If your life isn’t lived to its fullest potential, it’s your automatic reactions that are blocking it from being so…

Although things seem to be a certain way, they’re not always as it appears. It’s difficult to see beyond your own mind when automatic reactions are brought into play. So much of what the mind holds onto becomes automatic and is put in storage to be used at certain times; this is how most minds are conditioned. Conditioned to automatically have in place the way things are going to be handled is how conditioned reactions are formed. They’re all based on putting things in a certain place so automatic reactions are triggered.

This goes on constantly because the Conditioned Mind makes it so. If you had no previous conditioning, automatic reactions wouldn’t arise, but this is not the case. One of the keys to not living an automatic reactive life is to be anchored in the present moment. This is important because the more you’re present, the more you’re with what life offers. When this occurs there’s peace because the automatic reactions are no longer controlling you as things don’t need to be any different than what they are…

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Made Up View

Everything in life passes and that’s a fact, a made up view is what makes everything permanent. Only when the mind is settled will the made up view be seen for what it is, and only then will it fall away…

Holding onto a made up view even when there’s evidence it’s false is the greatest of all delusions. Basically delusions occur as made up views, believing what’s seen, the mental reactions to what’s seen, and holding onto what’s seen even though it’s proven not to be true. These first two made up views are the ones that occur the most, many people learn from these to a large degree. The third made up view is where delusion becomes deeply embedded in the subconscious. It grabs hold of you and makes you do all kinds of nonsense. There are many ways made up views manifest, just look at all the things that are reached for. The delusion here is things will bring satisfaction, but as soon as it’s grabbed it’s gone so the next thing made up view arises; this is delusion at its finest.

To me this is how a made up view operates. You think someone is following you, that’s the beginning; it starts with a delusional thought. Now the mind takes over and the mental reaction view occurs, or as I like to say, the nonsense begins. If the person thought to be following you passes you, the made up view will simply fall way, but if you’re in the grip of this type of view, you‘ll think the person passing you is just part of the plan. The made up view will always have to run its course before subsiding. No matter what it is in life, it will pass away, that’s a fact, but a made up view makes everything permanent so it can remain in control. Only when the mind settles will you see the made up view for what it is, and only when this is seen will it fall away…

Monday, July 1, 2024

Fake News

The Conditioned Mind creates a lie seen as a fake void, this void is a fake lack of love. Until this is seen, one will constantly need to reach for something to try and fill this fake void that doesn’t truly exist…

For many years I had a fake void in me that was created from a lack of understanding love. That’s why I constantly reached for things to fill it, I have since come to understand this. This fake void isn’t a true void at all, it’s emptiness; this emptiness is the essence of love. It’s where life truly happens when one is busy making other plans. By not understanding this, I spent most of my life trying to fill a fake void with whatever I could get my hands on. This is an endless list as to what can be used, so each individual has to investigate for themselves what that is. It’s ironic though because now most of my life is spent in the space that for so long was seen as a fake void; the truth of this has been revealed to me.

This fake void is the reason why anyone reaches for anything or wants life to be different. If this was understood for what it truly was, humanity would be much different because contentment would be the way of the world. The void is a fake lie of the Conditioned Mind and it keeps one constantly needing the present moment to be different; it keeps you reaching to fill it. This will need to be understood if the reaching is to ever end. When it is understood, the fake void transforms to love because the present moment doesn’t need to be different. When the present moment doesn’t need to be different, life reveals its true essence which doesn’t ever need to be filled with anything because the fake void is seen for the lie that it is…