The more we grasp for answers outside ourselves the more in the grasp of fear we are. When we look outside, its only because we are fearful of what we might find inside.
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Nature’s Laws
Natural Laws are in place which when adhered to put you in harmony with life; they also offer protection against certain behavior. These laws when adhered to within their boundaries, allow for life to be lived to the fullest. The mind has to be open and free flowing for the adherence to these laws to take place. There are also man made laws that align to Nature’s Laws, but many of them are broken which blocks life from being as beneficial as it could be. The more adheres there is to selfish behavior the less chance there is to be in harmony with Nature’s Laws. When things are used and abused to satisfy self this blocks life from being natural. The animal realm adheres to Nature’s Laws and because of this there's perfect balance. Unfortunately the human conditioning relies too much on the intellect and not enough on what occurs instinctively.
Life is lived in one of two ways, acting in ways that allows alignment to our Nature’s Laws or not. A quiet mind can see this and slowly stops doing the things that block Nature’s Laws from being adhered to. As long as one is alive life will be lived, but in what way determines the actions and consequences. Go thirty five mph in a twenty five mph zone and regardless if you get a speeding ticket or not, you will be out of harmony with the law in place. So take heed and understand life doesn’t really ever do anything to you, but if you break the law it will be unnatural and it will certainly seem as it does…
Monday, May 30, 2022
Changing Your Viewk
Watching television is not my favorite way to past time, but the other night I watched a movie. When it was over I began looking for something else to watch. Twenty seconds on one channel, ten seconds on another, five on another, than another and another, you get the picture. It’s amazing how we stay fixated on something when it comes to our view; in this case the TV. We're so reluctant to change our view even though we’re going round and round in circles. Actually what's on the TV (the fixation) is mostly reruns, yet we'll watch the same channel (thought) over an over. Even though there are many channels (thoughts) we get stuck on the TV and don't know how to view this differently.
Think of something you get fixated on and see how hard it is to change your view when it gets you in its grip. Unless there's total awareness of this, changing your view will be just about impossible. The only way to change your view is to have something in place that will allow it to be changed. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won't be awareness a view needs changing. It may be a repeated view disguised with many different labels, but it's still an old view. Watch the subtleness of this and in time you’ll see the view for what it is and how it likes to default to what’s familiar. The issue is you can get so comfortable with a view that it's not realized it needs to be changed; this realization will only occur if you have something in place that's worth changing to…
Sunday, May 29, 2022
Less Attachment
Attach to things less and less will be needed. Imagine needing less to be happy, joyous, and free with the understanding your completeness already is…
Without inner silence the mindfulness needed to not create stories will not occur. Even this writing is a story of how not to create stories, but the mindfulness of writing helps to lessen the attachment to it and thus once it is written it is done. It’s the end of the story or not, depending on how “I“ relates it to its identity. The more “I” needs it for an identity, the more it’s attached to and the more of a story is created. Less attachment, less needed story, less needed story, less discontentment of what isn’t so all you’re left with is what is, no story just the actual reality of what is occurring now.
Story after story. The story of how I feel, or the story of my book, or my life’s story, every life is an endless book of stories, that is until one becomes mindful the story teller and the story are one in the same. Being with what is instead of a created story will be the most difficult thing you will ever do in life; just be in the silence of what is. Attach to things less and less will be needed. Imagine that, needing less to be happy, joyous, and free with the understanding your completeness already is. It‘s right here within your grasp, but you will never truly be mindful of it until you realize it’s not a story that you are grasping for, it’s learning to simply be with what is…

Saturday, May 28, 2022
Widening Truth
Truth isn’t something manufactured to fit nicely into a made up story of how you think life should be; truth is already true and doesn’t need a story to widen…
Although an awakening is a process of widening the awareness of what blocks the heart from love, it will only open and widen each day by the daily mindfulness and meditation discipline developed. No longer can the world revolve around your “I” it more so has to revolve around the “I” of others. Each day must begin with the vision of how you can be a benefit to others. Bring awareness into your day to day existence (although there may be some mishaps because the conditioned mind). This process is a continuation of widening the opening of the heart; with the widening of the heart comes the widening of love into your daily life and the life of others.
This widening doesn’t take thought, it takes a settled mind. All created stories are only attached thoughts so when you start understanding this “I” it’s the beginning of the end of life as it was once known. This will bring you to the realm of the unknown. This realm is not something that can be manufactured by thought; thought will only block this. This is the realm of the Spirit where our true nature arises, it’s where one connects to all of life and feels the warmth of the spirit. It’s our true home, our place of peace that passes all understanding, it’s the ever widening truth of existence; at least for those with a settled mind…

Friday, May 27, 2022
Now Reality
Many get stuck searching because the lie of “I” is never understood and life becomes about whatever story is made up as the reality of Now is missed…
The definition of emptiness is a lack of inherent existence. When it comes to the mind this is its true nature and the reason I say this is because there is nothing in the mind that is inherently there. In this emptiness arises the conditioned nature of “I” but there is no substance to “I”. It exist strictly from the story that’s made up; there’s no inherent existence. There’s the body that exist and all it’s labeled components, but if each component was unlabeled, the body would still exist, just not as an “I” form. Look deep within to see if you can truly find where “I” is. Form is emptiness and emptiness is form. It doesn’t mean if the form is reduced it disappears, it means in its reduction is the form itself; these are opposites sides of the same coin. Everything that makes up our “I” ideas, concepts, memories, feelings, emotions, judgement, likes, dislikes, opinions, experiences, and so on is attached to as the body, hair, limbs, ideas, and so on, but if you look for “I” behind all this it’s doesn’t inherently exist. This is what stillness is truly all about; stripping away the layers of all the false identification. We identify with all the wrong things and ignore the reality of the Now.
The only reason to look within is to expose this lie of “l”, there’s no other reason. A reason can be made up, but this is why many remain stuck searching because the lie of “I” is never understood. Life becomes about whatever story is made up, but the reality of what’s here Now is missed. This is what “I” is, a story nothing more. It’s seen as real, but the realness of it can never be grasped. It just creates story after story with itself always at the core. Truly investigate this to see if you can find “I” remember though not the story of “I”, but the reality of Now…

Thursday, May 26, 2022
Society's Box
What is considered the box by society entraps most people to the idea of what others think the box is. Unless you can go beyond it there will be acceptance of someone else’s idea as society’s box…
Stepping outside of what is considered society’s box as far as thinking goes is a must if one is to go beyond the trap of the considered box. You may ask why would a person want to go beyond what’s considered society’s box, here’s why. The so called box is based in form and to be attached to form causes suffering. It’s as simple as that, society’s box attachment to the senses (form), life will still occur it just won’t be experienced as fully as it can be. There will still be experiences simply because you’re alive, but they will be dictated by form and there’ll be much nonsense associated with them. Society’s box entraps you to what others think and unless you can see this to go beyond it, there will be acceptance of someone else’s idea as your own. It’s an easy trap to get snared in because the bait is so enticing.
This plays right into the reward system of society’s box. Who does anything that doesn’t have the reward of pleasure associated with it? This can be applied to just about anybody and anything. When was the last time you purposely did something that you knew was going to be unpleasant with no reward attached to it. This is pivotal in understanding the process of the Conditioned Mind because until you can just be with whatever arises, without judging it or associating it with pleasure, society’s box syndrome will be what dictates the life you’re living and it will probably be someone else’s idea of what is considered the society’s box.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Heart Gratitude
Grateful to be alive, not only for today, but for each and everyday because life itself is our greatest gift.
Being grateful for life occurs naturally as does love when there’s an understanding of what’s needed to live from the heart. Although love is natural it’s not automatic so cultivating love is when life results in gratitude.
Gratitude naturally arises from a loving heart. It isn’t produced by attaching to anything from the materiel realm. If gratitude was from the material realm it would coincide with one’s possessions and that would make a person of wealth more grateful than one who didn’t have many. The true measure of a wealthy life has nothing to do with possessions, true wealth arises from a loving heart, that’s the measure of wealth. You can only be grateful when there’s contentment with life as it is, not with the way you wish it was or how it’s wanted or expected.
Gratitude won’t shield you from problems, but it will allow you to not create them. Be grateful for your given life and you will find your loving heart, and when life is lived from a loving heart there will be harmony with yourself and with all beings. When this occurs you can’t help but to have an attitude that’s full of gratitude for life as it is, not because of what you possess, but because of the natural love that arises from your heart…

Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Lure of Pleasure
The most important thing to understand about the lure of pleasure is the less there’s attachment to “I” the less you will be lured in because without “I” there’s no one who needs the next pleasure…
The lure of pleasure is so enticing because it actually feels good; this is why the lure is so powerful. There’s only issue with this because of the impermanent nature of pleasure. It simply will not last, it has no staying power so something will always be needed almost immediately following the attainment of each pleasure. Think about it, with all the pleasures that have been attained throughout your life regardless of what it was, it doesn’t bring the pleasure now that it brought at that time. Most times even if the same exact pleasure is physically repeated it’s usually not as pleasurable as the first experience. I used so many things as I was lured in by my pleasure seeking conditioning, but it was never lasting; the lure of the next needed pleasure always arose. This went on all the time, attaining one pleasure after another and never being satisfied.
I’ve come to understand this lure of pleasure as the main reason people start using and become addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, money, tobacco products and an array of other things. If pleasure wasn’t sought nothing would be reached for so there would never be an addiction, but unfortunately the lure of pleasure has its way with people. It’s deeply ingrained in the subconscious and has been in place since our existence began. I know this lure of pleasure is what was controlling me for forty nine years and it was directly associated with “I”. Without “I” no one is there to be lured. Even with this understanding the lure of pleasure doesn’t just disappear, but it does subside somewhat. To me the most important thing to understand about this is, the less attachment there is to “I” the less you will be lured in because without “I” there’s no one who needs the next pleasure…

Monday, May 23, 2022
Conflicts Lack Love
One learns from others and basically that’s what is emanated and showcased to the world, if it isn’t based in love there will be conflicts within…
It’s not only important who you study to emanate in life because it will determine the what’s practiced, it’s also important to know the truth of the teachings of who you are studying because that will be the example that others see as a result of what’s practiced. Practice love and love will be what the world sees, practice something else and that will be your showcase. This matters because when you’re a learner of truth you become an example of truth; others who are also urged to seek truth will be drawn to you. People who are in conflict with you may also be truth seekers, but because there is conflict within they are still seeking. When truth and love merge there isn’t any conflict within. When the base of your life is love there’s never conflict with anyone on your end. Others may be in conflict with you, but pay them no mind because they aren’t at fault and it’s not for you to convert them. What is within them is for them to rectify.
The two main teachers I’ve studied are Jesus and Buddha, although there were other teachers I have learned from, but those were main ones who resonated with me., and what is was that resonated with me was the love that was the base of their teachings. To me their teachings weren’t based in a set beliefs they preached about, what they taught was from the love in their hearts. This didn’t mean people weren’t opposed to what they taught, but it was because of their blindness that they opposed them. It was also because of not understanding the truth of love which is what led to their opposition in the first place.
One’s own lack of love (truth) is what causes any opposition and it’s directly linked to the lack of love in your own life. That’s why even if you were the most loving person to roam this earth there would be those who oppose you because of the lack of understanding of what truth is in themselves. Love all just don’t expect them to love you back…

Sunday, May 22, 2022
Imprisoned Opinions
When there’s awareness your opinions put you in a self created prison, freedom can take over. This freedom is always there, but not experienced because you think your opinions have value…
Thinking your opinions have value puts you in a opinionated prison. Without this attachment life would be viewed through the eyes of freedom which by the way are the eyes of peace, but because of a opinionated prison this view isn’t seen. The prison of opinions are made up by the energy of ignorance, this makes everything that happens in life about your opinion, but it isn’t truly ever about your opinion, it‘s not about anything in particular except the prison your opinion puts you in.
Opinions are what makes the mind attach to thoughts and those attachments becomes the prison that cause the associated thoughts to control your life. What is really happening is this, life just happens, it’s not personal, it’s not about anything you think it is. It’s not about right, wrong, love, hate, good or bad, it‘s mostly about learning to understand your minds true nature of quietness and not be imprisoned by your made up opinions. When there’s awareness of this you experience freedom; a freedom that has always been there in the space of quietness, but it was never experienced because your own mind forms an opinion that imprisons you because you think it has value…

Saturday, May 21, 2022
Pacifier Immaturity:
Seeking self satisfaction is a sign of immaturity. It's the I want what I want when I want it reaching mind. Self seeking is directly linked to one’s level of maturity. If you don't think this is true what's the difference in what you use now as opposed to the pacifier or bottle that was used as an infant? Only the object has changed, the same immature reaching is in place. Stop and see the baby in place who doesn't like what's being written here. Your feelings may be hurt, but who cares if this article allows you to see the truth needed to act in a mature manner.
Acting your age (mature) will only occur when seeking self satisfaction ceases. Judging is immature, jealousy also is. Greed, hate, and wanting life different (delusion) is immature. Reaching for a program is immature and is no different than reaching for pacifier to provide comfort. Matter of fact anything that's reached for is a sign of immaturity because it all falls under the disguise of a pacifier. Maturity occurs when nothing in life needs to be different or a pacifier isn’t reached for. Acceptance of the way things are goes a long way for yourself and humanity with an anchor that provides the maturity of not needing to reach for a pacifier in whatever form it takes on…
Friday, May 20, 2022
Conditioned Reactions
Most reactions that occur are conditioned and put in place by yourself. If your life isn’t lived to its fullest potential of love it’s your own conditioned ideas that are blocking it from being so…
Although things appear to be a certain way it’s not always as it seems. It’s difficult to see beyond your own mind when conditioned ideas are brought into play. So much of what the mind holds onto becomes conditioned and is put in storage to be used at particular times; this is how most lives are lived. It’s as though we already have in place the way things are going to be handled; conditioned reactions are formed in this way.
Advertisement is a billion dollar industry because of this. Politicians have people write speeches using certain words which they know are going to sway people. Supermarkets know exactly where to place products. It’s all based on putting things in a certain place so conditioned reactions are triggered .
This goes on constantly because the Conditioned Mind makes it so. If you had no previous conditioning none of the above methods would work, but this is not the case. One of the keys to not living a conditioned life is to develop some way to be anchored in the present as much as you can. The more you’re present in the moment, the more you’re with what life has to offer. When this occurs there’s peace because the conditioned ideas that are in place no longer need things to be different than what they are…

Thursday, May 19, 2022
Perspective Isn't Truth
Freedom from attachment is based in truth and truth is based in stillness. An attachment based life produces lies which is the nature of suffering; only truth can set you free…
You will never know what truth is if you’re not using tools that cultivate truth. There are many who have gone before us and left us tools of truth, but we look for loopholes so we can do what we want and ignore these truth teachings. There are so many tools that point to truth, but they‘re discounted because of attachment. Also the many teachings that point to truth aren’t heard because the messages and the messenger are judged by the Conditioned Mind. We hear our own message and interpret it as truth so the ego can be satisfied.
What many think truth is isn’t truth; it’s perspective. There’s my perspective of truth and your perspective of truth, but neither of them are truth. There’s the stillness beyond all the perspectives of truth, but it will never be understood or seen until there’s enough quiet to know it’s right in front of you and has nothing to do with what you think. That’s the thing about truth, it’s always there and it’s always right in front of you, but because of the ego generated attachment it’s a perspective you’re most likely seeing as truth; this is something that only a very settled mind will see…

Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Blind Desiring
The Conditioned Mind creates a view based in fulfilling blind desires. It’s difficult to break free of this because blind daily actions are reinforced. A mind aware of this is aware of awareness…
I understand life struggles have nothing to do with life, it’s a blind view based in blind desires that cause struggles, and this is because this view is controlled by the Conditioned Mind. When blind desires are fulfilled and things are going your way there’s not much of a struggle; life is considered good. When things are going the way that you want what causes your struggles are pushed aside. When this is done it makes the base of life centered in blind desires and you get pulled around by the Conditioned Mind like a puppet on a string.
The more this occurs the more suffering there is in your life. Sometimes it’s very subtle, but it’s there. As a matter of fact even if you’re not aware of being controlled by your blind desires, they still produce suffering. The suffering doesn’t occur because you don’t get your way, it occurs just by being in a state where the blind desires of the Conditioned Mind is in control.
The less the blind desires (which is just wanting what you want, when you want it) are the base of your view, the less you struggle with yourself and with life. This is simply because blind desires aren’t in control. When you’re unaware of this the Conditioned Mind creates chaos by blindly desiring; there’s immense suffering in this. Practice being in a space of no mind, with no mind there is no blind desiring. When you don’t have blind desiring you don’t want and when you don’t want you don’t entertain energy that causes suffering; a free mind is energy free of blind desiring…

Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Mindfully Aware
To be aware is to recognize, to be mindful is to understand. When it’s learned to be mindful of the life you are living, you’ll be mindful of living the life you are given…
When you’re aware of something it‘s usually in association with the identity of I or self. When you’re mindful of something there’s a separation from the identity to the I or self. Mindfulness itself is a wholesome quality because it connects you with what truly is, not with the way you think it should be. People are aware of all sorts of things, but it’s not a wholesome quality if it’s based in self. How people look at what happens in the moment matters only if the next step to go deeper is cultivated. Mindful of this instead of just being aware of it eliminates the need to have things a certain way; this way regardless of how things are the same heart felt wholesome quality is present. This is the beauty of being mindful, the wholesomeness is there regardless of the situation.
Where most get stuck is in just being aware of the situation, but not going beyond it to the state of mindfulness. Whenever you‘re mindful instead of just being aware, it changes the entire dynamics of a situation. Mindfulness is the deeper aspect of life. It allows for a connection that awareness doesn’t. This is a large part of the problem within our society, people are aware they have certain behaviors based in satisfying self, but they don’t go deeper to find out why this is so and how to change it. So you stay locked in the self-serving behavior, aware it’s occurring, but not mindful it‘s occurring. When you become mindful of the behavior, you’ll see how it affects so many more people than just your self and you’ll want to act in the appropriate manner of love. It’s very difficult to be mindful and still behave in a self-serving manner. So when it’s learned to be mindful of the life you are living, you will be mindful of living the life you are given…

Monday, May 16, 2022
Life Just Is
Only the Conditioned Mind needs to create a meaning for life. In the space of stillness everything just is and it’s clear that the meaning of life is to just live with whatever’s there, without the need to create a meaning…
I have often stated when I began this part of my life thirteen years ago, it was with one thing in mind and that was to find a way to bring peace into my life. It has pretty much remained this way, but it seems to be naturally going in a deeper direction of what’s best for humanity. Our stories become our prisons and I carefully watch how the mind at least mine, wants to make life have some sort of meaning. Created meanings are plentiful, but they’re all just stories; when the mind settles this is seen. What’s happening to me now is I care more for humanity than I do myself, but not in the way where it’s my meaning to save humanity…
What I mean by “it’s just what’s there“ is I don’t think about what I do, it’s simply a part of me. It’s just like the first forty nine years of my life were lived to satisfy my “I Self” without much thought of anything else; this was done because that’s what was there. You will do what you do because of what’s in place and until this is realized a true meaning will never be understood because a created one will always be needed; that’s just the way the Conditioned Mind operates. When the mind quiets no labels need be applied to life, only the Conditioned Mind needs to apply labels and create a meaning. In the space of stillness everything just is and it becomes clear that the meaning of life is to just live with whatever’s there; without the need to create a meaning…

Sunday, May 15, 2022
Heart Shift
What occurs when there’s an awakening is a shift opens the heart. This allows truth that has always been there to be revealed so where one was once blind they now see…
People think there’s a change when something new is revealed, but what truly happens is there’s a discovery (a shift) to see what has always been there. It’s not really a change that occurs, it’s a shift from delusional thinking to an understanding of the true nature of life; starting with your own mind. You cannot shift if you don’t know yourself and you cannot know yourself if you don’t understand the Conditioned Mind. The reason why it’s so difficult for a shift to occur is because the mind is seldom settled. It tells you everything is okay, that you do enough to get by in life, and as long as what you’re doing is pleasurable there’s no need to look within because you’re okay as you are.
Truly looking at yourself is not pleasurable especially when it’s first done, that’s why many are hesitant to do it. It’s much easier and pleasurable to have an out there view and just do what’s familiar; there are benefits when honest self reflection is done. A step into the unfamiliar will need to be taken so you can get to know yourself. The mind defaults naturally to what’s familiar because it’s what’s out there, but honest self reflection allows for truth to be revealed, this is the way truth becomes what‘s familiar. When truth is what’s revealed what happens is the veil of ignorance is removed and where you were once blind you now see, but it’s not a change it’s a shift that allows truth to be revealed as you finally see what has always been there…

Saturday, May 14, 2022
Need to Reach
When the need to reach for something arises it’s because the mind is in bondage to that particular need. Until this is seen you will remain in bondage to the needed fulfillment of the next thing reached for…
You will never find the fulfillment you’re seeking if you’re in bondage to the need of that fulfillment. Fulfillment is something that’s already within you, but because of the way your mind is conditioned, you get bound up in the need that fulfillment is something outside of you. This bondage makes the needed fulfillment you’re seeking impossible to grasp. This is also the reason you constantly need something from the outside. Until this is seen you will remain bound to the needed thought of fulfillment in the next thing reached for. Alcohol, gambling, drugs, sex, social status, programs, therapy, self help books, god, and on and on, these are proof you’re in bondage. I can’t stress this enough as this bondage has to be seen if you are to experience true fulfillment in your life.
It’s impossible to think your way to fulfillment, what does have to happen if fulfillment is to be experienced is there has to be an understanding of why you’re not fulfilled; that you aren’t fulfilled is only because of the inability to just be. When the need to reach for something arises, the bondage to the need begins; this bondage is a vicious cycle that’s very difficult to break free from. Fulfillment isn’t something attained or achieved so it’s in doing less that you’re fulfilled. To many people get lost in trying to attain fulfillment, but it’s something that’s already within; the binding need about attaining fulfillment needs to be discarded so you can see this. This is not easy to grasp, but I write so the bondage of your needs can be seen for what they are; the reason why you aren’t fulfilled…

Friday, May 13, 2022
Attachments Draw
Whatever you’re drawn towards if it’s attached to this will be what causes your suffering. We are the creators of our world and the more draw there is to attach to something the more of a struggle there is with life…
It amazes me to watch how much draw there is when something grabs hold of me, and the more attached I am the more I’m drawn in and held in captivity to the thing. I have come a long way in the letting go process, this is measured is by how often there’s attachment to something and how long it takes to snap out of it; it’s also very important not to get attached to non attachment. Most of why there’s reactions to things is because of the development of the squirrel cage mind. It can be difficult to accept this at times, but if this is truly understood there is no difficulty at all.
A lot of people question my writings, and that’s their attachments draw. I put myself out there, but I write what happened to me and I do not profess to know what’s best for anyone else but me; for me that even comes into question at times, lol. Everyone will do as their attachment draws them in, even to the point that it causes their own suffering. I don’t want to suffer through my attachments draw and if this is to be so I need to find in me what the cause of suffering is. I‘m not telling anyone to attach to anything written. I know a freedom from attachment was revealed to me that was never there before; how this has come about is what I write about, nothing more. Whether it’s for you is not up to me, that is up to the attachment that draws you in…

Thursday, May 12, 2022
Destructive Consequences
The more controlled you are by a thought, the more destructive the consequences will be. The destructive consequences are determined by the hold the attached thought has over you…
The problem with thoughts isn’t when you’re busy, although they’re still randomly arising non stop, but because of the busyness there isn’t much focus on them. Problems arise when you’re doing the daily mundane tasks that don’t take much focus. In this state of semi idleness if there’s unawareness of this, when a thought arises there’s nothing to distract you from becoming attached to it because the mind has no focus; this opens the door for destructive attachments to occur.
Here is an example of a thought process, you’re at home relaxing feeling all is well, all of a sudden a thought pops in that you want to have a beer, substitute the beer with something more suited to your conditioning. At this point if there’s awareness, the thought will be allowed to pass through, but if there isn’t look out because the destructive attachment begins. First a past pleasure is brought into the present, then the Conditioned Mind makes you attach to the pleasure, so now there’s an impulse to reach for something (in this case a beer) this puts actions into place and once the beer is opened and consumed destructive consequences follow.
There wouldn’t be much of a consequence from consuming one beer, but often time it turns into six. The more controlled you are by a thought the more destructive the consequences are. Because so much of the thought process is to provide pleasure there’s nothing this pleasure seeking (which is the bondage of self) can’t make worse; this understanding is imperative if you’re to be free from destructive thoughts. It needs to be understood that it’s your own Conditioned Mind that creates your destructive attachments. Why this is such an issue is because this leads to the belief these destructive thoughts are the best solution life has to offer. Without awareness of this and with no tools in place to prevent it, tragically there’s not much focus given to the destructive consequences of your thoughts…

Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Oneness Energy
The energy that unites and draws humanity together is the energy of Oneness. When you’re in this space others will be attracted you as it’s the one place where there’s unity simply because of the energy of Oneness…
It’s very important to be stable in the energy of Oneness so people know there’s a place they can turn to. My articles are expected to be there, I don’t mind this because of what has been revealed to me; I’m grateful for this energy. Everyone needs a place where they know they can go for oneness from the unconscious world. It does matter where you go for this, if you go to a place that’s used as a distraction it may feel like oneness, but it won’t be. If you get lost in something menial, the day will go by simply because time waits for no one, but if you’re spending the same day in the state of awareness you’ll become stable in the energy of Oneness and people will turn to you in unity.
Don’t be concerned with what others think about you, just be stable in what you know as Oneness energy and let no one take that away. Being stable in the energy of Oneness in a world that is mostly based in “I” (ego) will allow others to also be stable which is needed for any transformation to occur. The unity that draws you to someone is the Oneness energy that becomes a part of humanity. Life is an open experience and if you’re not learning from it, you most likely have your mind made up already what you think it’s about. When you truly see these made up stories aren’t needed, they fall away. This falling away allows Oneness energy to arise and when you’re in this space others will also be attracted to it as it’s the only place where there’s unity of all humanity and it’s simply because of the energy of Oneness…

Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Mind Chaos
A chaotic mind won’t quiet on its own regardless of the belief system in place. Beliefs actually hinder the quieting because they’re just a mind chaos response that blocks your inner presence…
If your mind chaos is in control and running your life, it doesn’t matter much what’s going on, it’s going to be difficult to be at peace. It’s such a chaotic world and what makes it so is most people are looking for an answer outside themselves when the answer is within. What the chaos actually is and how it’s created is by not being aware that you already have your answers. With a mind that’s conditioned to want answers you have to constantly look for them, hence the mind chaos. This is how the chaos of a Conditioned Mind is formed and how it blocks awareness to your inner presence. It’s chaos created because if you knew you had your answers, the need to look for them would be non existent and so would the mind chaos.
Everyone has the ability to consciously be aware of the mind chaos, but it’s just not something that’s going to happen on its owns. It’s a beautiful thing that your peace is in your hands and that it’s totally up to each individual how much peace there is in your life. A little quiet equates to a little peace so it’s up to each individual to do what’s necessary to become more aware of the mind chaos. As you’re more aware of being in the present moment the mind chaos quiets and you’re left with an inner presence. If you’re waiting for anything else, you’ll be waiting a very long time and it will probably not happen while you are alive in this form…

Monday, May 9, 2022
A Mother's Light
A Mother’s light is special because of the connection she has with her child. This connection is love beyond words as it’s formed in the womb because mom and the child are one…
A Mother’s love is something that needs no words to describe. It’s a love that’s forever binding regardless of what happens. Watching a mother care for her child is so beautiful; this isn’t limited to humans. Mom loves from instincts, it’s a love that occurs from within. Watching a mother take care of her child is the love that everyone should have for each other. This love is the same love the Universe has for each and everyone of us. A Mother loves all her children the same as the Universe loves all of us the same. Mom doesn’t see color and never puts conditions on her love; she just loves. If we are to survive as a species we will need to go beyond the limits of the Conditioned Mind and see how to love unconditionally. We’ll need to observe how a Mother loves and mimic that with all humanity.
A Mother’s love never ends, there may be disappointment in her heart at times, but that’s only because she wants what’s best and it’s the love in her heart crying out. Humanity is on a course of self destructing and it’s because of a lack of love. If it’s not seen how the Universe is our Mother and we’re all from the same energy, our separation will be the end of us. Mom is always there for us as is the Universe, but unfortunately we‘re given enough rope to hang ourselves, and that’s exactly what we’re doing. Watch a Mother give birth and see the light in her eyes, it’s the same light (the stars) the Universe has for all humanity. This light arises because there’s no thought of herself, the child born is just an extension of herself; they are one. Only when we all see each other in the same way will we as a species turn our attention to loving each other unconditionally and see the light of oneness in each other’s eyes…

Sunday, May 8, 2022
True Answers
Our answers in life can either be true or false. The more attachment there is to the daily occurrences the more the answers will be false. When you let go is when your answers will be true…
In order to not to get caught up in the daily occurrences of life, it’s very important to remain in the present moment. If the so called spiritual path is about anything, it’s this because it‘s the only place that actually exist. I have been given so many valuable answers, but regardless of them I’m always led to the same answers; non attachment is the only way you will ever be free, and it can only be done when your state of being is centered in the present moment. This is not a belief or concept of something, these are answers that life gave me. I don’t really understand all the so called teachings, they seem to be about a created answer instead of one that’s given. Any teaching that is created to about something is just a concept or belief. A true answers is given not created.
When you are present, you are with the only reality there is, and if there’s non attachment to the only reality there is, it will be impossible to lose your center of being; therefore you would never suffer. Look deeply at what is attached to. Even if there’s some behavior that’s not changed, if there is non attachment to it, you will still be free. Non attachment/non judgement is the only true state of being where one is free. Even trying to change the world for its betterment is a form of attachment. Allow life to be what it is and allow life not people to be the giver of answers…

Saturday, May 7, 2022
"I" Addiction
If it wasn’t for the attachment to an “I” that creates bondage, addiction would be non existent because the craving of an “I” based life to be in some other way would never occur…
Each day most of our waking hours are spent trying to arrange the day to an “I” liking, the only problem with this is most of our day is wasted trying to arrange the day to an “I” liking. This occurs because we have been conditioned to believe there’s an “I” that needs things to be different. This conditioning keeps the mind addicted to this “I” which creates a constant state of agitation; when the mind is agitated it will use whatever tools it has developed. Not so much to quiet the agitation, but more so to distract from it. The distractions in this case manifest as Conditioned Mind Patterns that are constantly trying to arrange life by using whatever it deems necessary to satisfy ”I”.
If it wasn’t for the need to satisfy “I” the cravings to want life to be in some other way wouldn’t exist. This agitation is the cause of the constant rearranging of life and it’s because of “I” needing life to be a certain way, but something would exist without the addiction to a this “I” and that would be peace; the peace of just being because the addiction to the “I” wouldn’t exist. If you don’t think this is true, it’s probably because of the addiction to “I” that’s not allowing your mind to settle so you can be aware of the peace that passes all understanding and go beyond the cravings brought on by “I” wanting things to be in some other way. Until this changes, nothing changes…

Friday, May 6, 2022
Conditioned Scars
Because the past is held onto as if it’s needed it creates an identify formed mostly of scars from the past. These scars show where you have been, but they don’t have to dictate where you are going…
Scars only show where you have been, they don’t show where you’re going. Everyone has a past and there’s plenty of things that have happened that leave scarred energy patterns, but when you awaken for that millisecond it’s a breakthrough of a lifetime; in that millisecond your entire existence becomes different. This is why it’s so important to understand the conditioning that’s taken place over the years because without this understanding it will be impossible to change the conditioning that’s creating scars. The only way life will ever change is when the conditioning that makes scars changes.
The most misunderstood thing about the process of life is how the scars of the past dictate the future. It doesn’t have to be this way, but until you stop listening to your Conditioned Mind this won’t change. This doesn’t mean the scars are to be ignored, on the contrary they need to be faced so they can be identified for what they truly are; energy patterns from the past that are being held onto. They only exist and they’re only in control because of this. The Conditioned Mind is so subtle that it prevents you from seeing there’s only a scarred past because your mind attaches to it…

Thursday, May 5, 2022
Harmonic Energy
Although humanity is one consciousness, when individual energy is out of sorts because of selfish desires it puts you not only at odds with yourself, but it also prevents harmony with the entire Universe…
We begin our existence in this from in total harmony with Universal energy. In our beginning stages we’re in harmony with it; there isn’t really much to block this energy. We live mostly fulfilling our instinctual needs, not much true thought goes on. As we get older we start the process of becoming conditioned to whatever environment and influences we’re exposed to. In other words we start to form our story and this story is what changes our harmonic energy. This is why Jesus made many references in his teachings to children, because as a child without the Conditioned Mind being deeply entrenched, your energy remains in harmony with the Universe, or as Jesus called this, Father.
This is why Jesus said “become like little children.” He didn’t say become a politician, doctor, lawyer, professional athlete, writer or anything else because if you have the heart of a child you can become anything that you please because you will be in harmony with the Universe. This harmony is your oneness and it’s what makes you complete regardless of anything that you do; you will attract the things of the energy you live by. You may fool people by being successful according to worldly standards, but the Universe will not nor can not be fooled as you only receive what your energy is in harmony with…

Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Seeking Satisfaction
For many satisfaction is something that’s constantly sought and it’s a direct link to what keeps the mind in a state of agitation. When things are accepted as they are, satisfaction is no longer a necessity…
We live in a satisfaction cultured society, when it’s cold we desire warmth and when it’s hot we desire to be cool. Chasing after this satisfaction is how so many spend their entire lives, and if it’s not learned to be with the dissatisfaction of what happens and not constantly push them away, there will be very little peace in one’s life. Most live in a place where they’re afraid of this dissatisfaction because it means facing themselves. Although our true essence is the love of all creation, this isn’t seen because the Conditioned Mind doesn’t allow it to be so.
Once discipline is developed that allows you to at least slow the mind down a bit, it can be seen how chasing after satisfaction occupies most of your waking hours; you’re in a constant fix it mode of trying to have things the way you think they need to in order to be at peace. The problem with this is nothing stays the same so you have to constantly make adjustments. It’s truly exhausting to live in this way, but it’s the way most live. It doesn’t have to be this way, but the only way it won’t be is if you can be with what occurs and not want it any different than what it is. This doesn’t mean you can’t have satisfaction, just understand satisfaction isn’t what allows you to be at peace, only accepting things as they are will and that’s only because you see the satisfaction in that…

Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Storied Beliefs
When there’s awareness that your beliefs are a made up story, contentment takes their place. This contentment is always there, but not experienced because your storied beliefs block it…
Without storied beliefs everyone would view life through the eyes of contentment which by the way are the eyes of peace, but because of these stories this view isn’t seen. The view of storied beliefs are made up by the energy of unconsciousness, this makes everything that happens in life about your beliefs, but it isn’t truly ever about what is seen, it‘s not about anything in particular except the storied beliefs that are formed of what it’s about.
Storied beliefs are what makes the mind attach to thoughts and those attachments are the cause of the associated thoughts that control your life. What’s really happening is this, life just happens it’s not personal, it’s not about anything you think it is. It’s not about right, wrong, love, hate, good or bad, it‘s mostly about learning to understand the minds true nature of quietness and not being lead around by your storied beliefs; whatever you make them. When there’s awareness of this you will truly be content; a contentment that has always been there in the space of quietness, but it was never experienced because your storied beliefs didn’t allow you to see…

Monday, May 2, 2022
Always Needing More
While you’re busy making plans life happens and if you’re not careful most of your life will be missed because you’ll be too busy needing more to enhance it as opposed to living life as it is…
The only thing that makes a person think something more is needed to enhance life is their own conditioning; until this is realized this conditioning will keep you in the state of needing more. This need for more is continuous for most so this means most are missing what life truly offers. If a person is alive life will be experienced, but ask yourself is your life being fully lived or are you under the spell of your own Conditioned Mind that makes you think you need more to enhance life. Needing more is the default setting of most mind; unfortunately so much of life will be missed because of this. This is a mind agitation that keeps needing more in place which doesn’t allow any contentment with what’s actually taking place.
Grab more of whatever you think you need, but except for a few brief moments your contentment will be fleeting. Sit and visualize having all the riches of the world and see what this really changes in your life. It will only be a matter of time before you will need something more because regardless of what one has or what’s going on, if there isn’t some level of contentment with the way things are, life will constantly need to be different and the need for more of what you think will make life better will make discontentment and needing more your norm…