Friday, November 30, 2018

Conscious Space

Not justifying everything that’s done creates the slightest of space in the unconscious shield that’s in place. This allows a very slight opening for consciousness to change the way things are looked at…

When it’s said one is conscious it can be described as being aware of all the different mental fabrications that arise in each moment; this is awareness of why you see things as you do. This awareness doesn’t prevent what arises from happening, but it can lessen your reactions and some of the consequences; if there’s awareness there’s less attachment. Nothing on its own is inherently a problems. Alcohol has never poured itself down someone’s throat, it has to be reached for nor has Heroin caused anyone to abuse it and put it in their body; it’s the individual alone who reaches for it. This goes for anything. Granted most of this harmful reaching is done unconsciously, but I do try and shed light on this. I know a thing or two about this unconscious reaching because I did it for forty nine years.

So many things unconsciously controlled me and as long as there was unawareness of this the unconscious onslaught of control continued. How this gets engrained deeper in the subconscious is by justifying everything that’s done. From pointing out the faults of others, slander, being nasty to people, and so many other justified behaviors, all they do is keep the unconscious mindset in place. Aware that this is being done is the first step in breaking the bondage of unconsciousness. Stop looking out there for answers, stop blaming and talking about others, in other words stop justifying everything you do as being right and this just may create the slightest of space in the unconscious shield that’s in place which just may allow the slightest opening of consciousness to change the way you look at things. After all, if the way you unconsciously look at things doesn’t change, being unconsciously controlled by them will remain…

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Embracing Right Now

Embracing right now is a choice that solely puts your life in your hands. This has nothing to do with your circumstances, but if you don’t have awareness of this you will continue to push life away as situations arise…

Being present for what occurs in your life (embracing right now) is living life as it unfolds without excluding any part of it. It’s easy to push away what’s not wanted, but to include everything even though it may not be wanted is truly living. If you want to exclude something find out what it is and why it’s being pushed away. Obviously on the surface it would look as though it’s just not liked, but if it’s what’s happening, what good is it doing in pushing it away and not liking it. This becomes a defense mechanism that keeps you from truly enjoying life. If you only enjoy life when the things happening are liked, there will be much suffering because of the fluctuations of things. If you go on a vacation to a beach resort and it’s cloudy and rainy and you expected it to be sunny, therein lies your suffering, but if it’s sunny everything is great. This is but one example, I’m sure you can find your own that fits your life.

In the situation described, why it causes suffering is because what’s happening is being pushed away, maybe not consciously, but since it’s not wanted it causes a mind agitation. The thing about this is it’s totally out of your control, there’s nothing you can do to change what’s happening as you can’t change the weather. You can pray for the rain to stop, but I doubt that will work. You will either embrace life right now or you will continue to push it away by wanting it different, these are your choices and it solely puts your life in your hands. It has nothing to do with anyone else or your circumstances, but if you don’t have awareness of this you will continue to push life away by not embracing right now, and one day there will be nothing to embrace because life in this form will be no more.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Accept Yourself As You Are

You can only act in ways that arise from within you. A trigger activates your Conditioned Mind and you act accordingly. Accept yourself as you are and as the mind settles what’s within you will change…

Unity with others is dependent on learning to love yourself unconditionally because if you judge yourself there is no way we won’t judge others. In your judgements, your unity with others will be fleeting at best. Unity with humanity doesn’t start with humanity, it starts with you because if you can’t accept yourself as you are there’s no way we will be able to accept anyone else as they are. You may be able to accept them for a time if they’re as you want them to be, but they remaining that way will also be fleeting at best. This ability to accept yourself will only occur when you know our own mind, and only in the sense of how it’s the cause of not accepting yourself.

Think of this when you act in a way that’s not in your best interest, it originates from you. You unconsciously act in a way that isn’t beneficial to your own well being; this is done all the time. These acts come from your own mind, but its not the way that you act that causes the problem, it’s wanting the way that you act to be different, which is impossible because it has already has been done. So accept yourself as you are and the next time something triggers your Conditioned Mind to act in a way that’s not in your best interest, you may be able to pause and not do it. If you do act in a way that’s not beneficial, accept it. When the mind settles enough through this acceptance, what’s within you will change with the understanding you are perfect just as you are because it’s what’s there; just know there may be room for improvement, but accept yourself as you are…

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Simply Move On

Basically life is always changing and one day regardless of your current circumstances they too will also change so you might as well move on because change is simply the nature of life…

Change is the nature of life. Whether you’re going through a major change or a subtle one when it happens simply move on. Last year I had to get the left side of my upper mouth reconstructed, which took over a year of procedures, I simply moved on. There was also pain, but I moved on. Life never does anything to me or anyone else, sometimes things just happen and you better move on because if you don’t, you’ll be taken for a ride on the emotional roller coaster of the Conditioned Mind. There is always a choice for the person with the perseverance to not allow the circumstances of what happens to be in control. Circumstances in life never stay the same, from birth to death which are circumstances. The main thing to do when circumstances change whether they’re wanted or not is to simply move on.

This isn’t the key to happiness because if something unpleasant happens, it will not make you happy, but it doesn’t have to control you and be allowed to take you from your place of peace. Many things happen in life, loved one’s die, people get sick, accidents happen, there are disappointments, heartache, there are also joys, and elations, but regardless of what occurs, move on because not only will it not last, but it doesn’t have to be allowed to control you. There’s an underlying peace and balance in understanding ” simply move on”. The key to this is understanding everything is impermanent and one day regardless what the circumstances are they will change so you might as simply move on, or not and remain in your own suffering…

Monday, November 26, 2018

Suffering Isn't a Necessity

In the present moment suffering doesn’t exist, this isn’t because painful things don’t happen, suffering doesn’t exist because there just isn’t a true need to attach a label to make it so…

Suffering isn’t a necessity to live life, and if you do suffer it has nothing to do with what happens; it has everything to do with attaching to what happens. There will be many painful things that occur in life, but they cause suffering only because that’s how they’re labeled. This labeling process is at the core of the Conditioned Mind. Without the attached label to what arises, there wouldn’t be a need for things to be different so there wouldn’t be a need to try and make things less painful; after all trying to make life less painful is how most people spend their life. Always wanting life pain free is why so many are in a state of suffering; it has nothing to do with what’s going on. Nothing can cause suffering unless it’s allowed and it’s only allowed because it’s not known how not to allow it.

Because of the attachment to the conditioning in place most will just go with what society has to say about suffering without investigating it. To much is taken as truth without looking to see the underlying attachment; this is why the world is in a state of suffering. The label you have for something or someone is the label you have for yourself, without a settled mind this will not be seen so the attached suffering will continue to be the controlling energy in place. The label of suffering breeds suffering always, this is the dog chasing its tail syndrome. To me suffering isn’t a necessity in life because in the present moment it doesn’t truly exist, not because painful things don’t happen, but because there’s no need to attach a label that makes it so…

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Out With the Old

Everyone develops tools throughout their life that are used as coping mechanisms and it’s these tools that determine whether you’re on a collision course with life or if you have tools that put you in cooperation with it.

Eleven years ago it was revealed to me the reason why my life was the way it was was simply because of the tools I developed at a very young age to cope with life; these became my defense mechanisms. Every reaction in life is the way it is because of some tool that was developed, and they’re automatically implemented by the Conditioned Mind when the conditions are right for a certain developed tool is called for. If life is to change the developed tools to cope with life situations need to be changed.

If it is not discovered what the cause of the non-beneficial behavior that is exhibited at times is, there will not be change. Most people develop Conditioned Mind Patterns based in satisfying only the self as these mind patterns are ego driven. The ego controls far to many lives. It is the cause of nothing but problems, and here is the kicker, the ego isn’t real. It’s just our developed tools that make it real.

The ego is based in the past and future, what is real is the present. You see the ego can’t be real because it’s never present, it needs the make believe stories of the past or future to exist. The old developed tools keep you out of the present, you’ll have to find a new set if you’re to live life in the present and you will need to develop them further if you are to remain in the present most of the time. Only the tools based in the past and future don’t allow for this. So you have a decision to make, either use your old tools or develop new ones, but remember to choose wisely because these are your life tools that you are choosing and they will not only control the way that you react to life, but they also put your life in your hands.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Beneath the Surface

I am right and you are wrong energy is the surface energy of the world that’s mostly in place which makes for ego charged situations, and with the ego running the show you won’t be able to see beneath the surface...

Not much really means anything when it comes to achieving a certain status in our society, not that there’s anything wrong with this, but it doesn’t mean anything except to the ego. This energy is what makes the ego what it is, it’s creates it. When ego “I” is embraced, the energy creates an I am special aura or look at me persona, but the fact of the matter is when it’s time to leave this world nothing is taken with you. I’ve learned one very important lesson in my life and that is my life really isn’t my life. Life itself doesn’t really care if I’m here or not, I make it important by attaching “I” to a story which creates me, me, me persona. Celebrity status goes to most people’s head as it really means nothing; just love and go beneath the surface. To me that’s what gets it done with the “it” being a level of quietness that doesn’t need a story to be.

Anything added to life doesn’t really enhance it. Simply being beneath the surface activities is so much more beneficial than what energy is controlling your surface life. So much of the ego energy is reinforced by the things the world has in place and it’s why everything is as it is. The ego can’t exist without a certain energy that feeds it. Without awareness of this, just by the design of the idolizing energy humanity has in place, the egos energy is constantly reinforced. I am right and you are wrong energy is the kind of energy that’s mostly in place which makes for very unstable situations. There’s no harmony when the ego energy is running the show and without harmony you only see what’s on the surface…

Friday, November 23, 2018

Conditioned to Suffer

Existence begins with everyone having the ability to be free of their conditioning, but because it’s not understood how harmful and diabolical the Conditioned Mind is, it locks you unconsciously into your own suffering…

The Conditioned Mind is harmful and diabolical. It’s so cunning you will unconsciously choose suffering over peace. It will create obstacles to keep you from honestly looking at yourself. It uses beliefs and concepts to hold you in bondage to its lies. I know what is seen us seen and I can’t change anyone, but I will continue to share what I know because I truly love all beings, but I don’t love the conditioning that’s in place. I understand how diabolical it truly is. It tells you to remain selfish and hold onto the little self. Whenever I respond to someone it’s never about the person, it’s always about the conditioning. Past conditioned energy is selfish so when a person justifies their conditioning, it’s not the person it’s the conditioning in place. Everyone truly has love in their heart to be free of their conditioning, but because it’s not understood how truly harmful and diabolical the Conditioned Mind is, it remains in control.

It breaks my heart to see a person unconsciously reinforce their own suffering, but there’s only so much anyone can do. I understand it’s just the conditioning in place, but the selfish energy is it only harmful to yourself, it’s harmful to all of beings. There really isn’t even a choice to make and I get that, but it doesn’t stop compassion from arising for those who remain in their own suffering. When someone says they are in the process, its unfortunate because most likely it’s the conditioned process; the process of suffering. I cannot sit back and remain idle when I see this and although I know a person will do what they do, when your life is controlled by the Conditioned Mind, it truly breaks my heart because it locks one unconsciously into their own suffering…

Thursday, November 22, 2018

A Grateful Heart

Happy Thanksgiving, not only for today, but for each and everyday because life itself is our greatest gift and one day it will not be so…

Being grateful for life occurs naturally when there’s an understanding of how to live from a heart of love; although love is natural it’s not automatic so cultivating love results in gratitude…

Gratitude naturally arises from a loving heart, but it’s not automatic. It isn’t produced by attaching to anything from the materiel realm. If gratitude was from the material realm it would coincide with one’s possessions and that would make a person of wealth more grateful than one who didn’t much. The true measure of wealth has nothing to do with possessions, true wealth arises from a loving heart, that’s what measures wealth. You can only be grateful when you are content with life as it is, not with the way you wish it was or how you want or expect it.

Wanting is never from our true self, it’s from the small self that thinks what’s wanted is needed to be complete. Whenever you want, it means you think life needs to be in some other way, this creates suffering. Gratitude doesn’t mean everything will be as wanted, but life must be accepted as it is if you are to be at peace and have a grateful heart; investigate this for yourself. Gratitude will not shield you from life problems, it will allow you to not create them. Be grateful for your life as it is and you will find your loving heart, and when life is lived from a loving heart there will be harmony with yourself and with all beings. When this occurs you can’t help but to have an attitude that’s full of gratitude for life as it is, not because of what you possess, but because of the natural love that arises from your own heart…

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Conditioned Expectations

The expectations you have are the expectations you put on not only yourself, but all of life. Without a settled mind this will not be seen so your expectations will continue to be your controlling energy…

There will be many unpleasant things that occur in life, but they’re only considered unpleasant because of the expectations you put on them and this is where suffering arises from. This expectation process seems to be at our core, but if it wasn’t the creation of a you who expects would never arise and you wouldn’t need for things to be different so there wouldn’t be a need to try and make something pleasant; after all expecting life to always be pleasant is how most people live. Always wanting life pleasant is why so many are in a constant state of discontentment, it has nothing to do with what’s going on outside of you, it has everything to do what’s going on inside. Nothing can cause discontentment unless it’s allowed and it’s only allowed because of some expectation.

Because of the conditioning in place most people will just go along with what society and the so called experts have to say. To much is taken as the norm without looking to see the underlying truth and this is why there is so much expectations. The expectations you have for something are the expectations you put on not only yourself, but all of life. Without a settled mind this will not be seen so your expectations will continue to be the controlling energy in place. Expectations lead to suffering, but this suffering isn’t necessary. In the present moment I have found suffering doesn’t truly exist, not because unpleasant things don’t happen, but because there are no expectations to make it so…

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Resisting Change

When you can truly be present for change and it’s accepted from the heart, all resistance falls away because it’s understood change provides growth and growth is what allows freedom.

Although most of the time change is resisted, the reason why is because it’s not understood that it’s needed. If you like milkshakes you wouldn’t want one every single day at every meal. Change has to occur, but the resistance to it doesn’t have to occur. Make this the day that change doesn’t hold you back. See it as the opening to move forward from the complacency of what’s familiar. It’s unfortunate, but nobody really changes unless they’re forced to. The Conditioned Mind loves the familiar, even if the familiar isn’t beneficial. I see it all the time in the responses to my articles. My articles simply provide another way to look at things, but many times they’re just discounted for what a person already has in place. I lived a conditioned existence for many years so I know what I’m talking about. Not many people truly understand the Conditioned Mind so when something new is presented and the resistance to change energy takes over, you remain locked in your conditioning.

Change is simply a part of life, it happens constantly, consciously and unconsciously, but what’s not understood is change is needed to grow. For years I was stuck in familiar Conditioned Mind Patterns that didn’t allow change to take place. Even when it looked as though change did happen, it was only on the surface. Surface change is a society measurement and it’s mostly a facade, inner change is truly transforming and it can’t be measured. When you can truly be present for change and it’s accepted from the heart, all resistance falls away because it’s understood change provides growth and growth is what allows freedom.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Locked In View

There’s not much life in something that’s stagnant and this is exactly what happens when one’s free flowing energy is cut off by a locked in view as it controls your life and causes you to suffer…

A locked in view is what causes you to only see things one way and this energy is from the side of suffering. It matters little what that locked in view is, as the rigidness of being locked in doesn’t allow free flowing energy. The is what happens when a story is created and it becomes the locked in view of what life is about in any particular moment. This becomes deeply engrained hence deeply locked in as you become more and more emotionally tied into whatever it is that’s being locked into. It’s very difficult to not attach to something that is held dear to our hearts, such as our children, spouse, parents, relatives, friends and so on, but you can have compassion, passion, and genuine love for something without attaching to it and being locked in.

To me this locked in view is the view of most people and it’s why many suffer unnecessarily. I’ve noticed this occurring in so many lives and I can see the suffering it causes. Unfortunately those in the midst of this locked in view cannot see it, nor can one pull themselves out of it until the locked in view is seen as the cause of their suffering. The locked in viewed doesn’t allow the openness needed to be free from attachment and since attachment is the root of suffering, suffering is inevitable. The tighter the grip of something, the more one becomes locked in on it and the less free flowing energy there is in one’s life. There’s not much life in something that’s stagnant and this is exactly what happens when your free flowing energy is cut off by a locked in view as it controls your life and causes you to suffer…

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Imaginary Problems to Solve

Through the way we become conditioned, we see life as if there are imaginary problems to solve so life can be a certain way, and because of this we are constantly working on solving problems…

The issue with having to constantly solve problems to arrange life to be a certain way is it’s all imaginary, and even if one makes up a story that life is exactly how you want it, the mind begins creating a new problem almost immediately. Life is continuous, it’s broken up into segments (imaginary problems) by a mind that’s in a constant state of agitation. If this wasn’t true, one would see life as complete and it wouldn’t constantly need to be arranged to your liking. It isn’t because of anything right or wrong that makes one see things in this way, it’s because the mind has been trained to do (problem solve) instead of be so it’s only doing what it’s been trained to do, how can it not…

The Conditioned Mind sees imaginary problems all over the place. The shortest line in the supermarket, traffic, diets, to do list, politics, religion, and so on, all this manipulating is strictly done to put another imaginary problem in place; which one thinks solving it will make life perfect. Let’s say everyday has one new problem that’s solved, that would mean I solved roughly 21,000 imaginary problems, all for the sole purpose to constantly have life the way I think it should be. After all nobody purposely gets in the longest line at the supermarket, but if you did nothing would really change except for maybe not having to constantly solve your imaginary problems…

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Stick With the Facts

Feelings will arise that’s pretty much a given. To feel is human, but taking them to the next level to form a concept is when attachment arises as a belief that the feeling is indeed a fact; just stick with the facts…

If it’s not learned to just be with a feeling as it arises, it will control you. This is because the conditioning of a mind that wants to push the feeling away and change it. How this works is, let’s say someone walks up to you and says something that you don’t particularly like, immediately there’s attachment as there’s the feeling of not liking what was said, and where there’s attachment there’s the tendency to react in a non beneficial way. This is done again and again because of the conditioning in place. Someone says something you don’t like and you wind up saying something back to them. This goes round and round, basically you are at war.

Feeling aren’t right or wrong, there’s very little facts as to why they arise. The main thing is to allow their energy to remain free flowing so it doesn’t get bottled up and form a conditioned concept. These concepts are formed by attachment to mind patterns that change a simple feeling into a story; the story being the feeling needs to be changed. It’s not true the feeling needs to be changed, but that’s what the conditioned energy does, it makes you believe a feeling is unpleasant and a pleasant one would be better. This is energy that wants to push away when feelings arise because it doesn’t understand they aren’t right or wrong, they’re just what’s there and you don’t have to attach a story to them; just stick with the facts…

Friday, November 16, 2018

Free Will Benefits Humanity

A person can only do what the conditioning in place dictates them to do and although to most it looks as though you have free will, if what you are doing isn’t a benefit to humanity, there’s nothing free about it…

Acting in non-beneficial ways impacts no one more than the one acting in this manner. On the surface some are severely affected by these actions, but the long lasting impact of non-beneficial actions goes deeply into the subconscious of the one committing it. Non-beneficial actions are prevalent all around, at the water cooler at work, on the news, on the road, at home, here on FB, this is because of not getting your way and the conditioning in place arising, thus one acts accordingly. This is what’s thought to be free will, but there’s nothing free about it because this behavior keeps you in bondage. To awaken is to go in the direction of what’s beneficial to humanity, when this is seen you are truly exerting your free will. This doesn’t mean you will be perfect and do things that are beneficial all the time, but it will be the direction you’ll go in more and more.

Nothing can truly be called free will until there’s truly a choice. What I mean by this is for forty nine years I was in bondage to a self serving will and there was absolutely nothing free associated with it. I was told by my mind what to do and I followed along like a puppet on a string. For me I stopped drinking alcohol at the age of twenty eight and thought this was a choice, but the only thing that happened was my self serving will just used something else. Bondage is bondage regardless of what has a hold of you. It isn’t until there’s awareness of this that the self serving will slowly began transforming and going in a beneficial direction. You cannot be self serving and free. You can tell yourself you have free will, but the only way it will truly be free is if it benefits humanity…

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Stomping Your Feet Energy

If humanity is to ever unite and get along, the selfish energy in place will have to fall away. If it doesn’t, the energy that makes an adult a stomping your feet baby will continue to be reinforced…

This is a simple truth, we are a divided society because we are selfish and we want what we want when we want it. Just look at the recent USA election, the people who oppose the winning side are doing so out of selfishness because things simply didn’t go their way, so now the must stomp their feet and act the way a spoiled brat child would. This is separating energy and that’s what keeps society stuck. As long as people act selfishly by succumbing to their selfish energy, it doesn’t matter what happens because it won’t last so the selfish energy will always be in control. This selfishness rears its ugly head in circumstances that don’t go your way and the conditioning justifies it to cement this selfishness deeper in the subconscious; it’s no wonder humanity is the way it is.

Most people will justify their selfish behavior by lying to themselves that they’re only opposing something because their way is what’s best for everyone, but that’s one of the tools the Conditioned Mind uses to keep the selfishness in place. This article is about the energy of selfishness making babies out of adults who stomp their feet and cause undue suffering to humanity. Here’s the kicker, the moment this isn’t agreed with, it causes separation between us and your selfish behavior is reinforced so your contribution to humanity is of suffering. The very thing that’s being opposed is the very thing that’s being reinforced in yourself. This is how energy works and if humanity is to ever unite, selfishness will have to fall away. If it doesn’t, the energy that makes an adult a stomping your feet baby will continue to be reinforced and unfortunately it will be the controlling energy of humanity…

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Two ways to Exist

There are two ways to exist, one way is you run away from life and that follows you everywhere, and the other way is you are willing to face life which is the way that will bring you freedom…

Suffering in this existence is pretty much inevitable because of the Conditioned Mind, but it doesn’t have to be this way. There are many lessons to learn in our life, but until it’s realized there are two ways to exist the one you’re most likely to be stuck is the one where suffering follows you everywhere. This is the dog chasing its tail suffering and it never ends because it can’t. It’s controlling energy is immersed in the attachment to “I” and as long as this is in place it will follow you everywhere. “I” keeps you firmly locked in place, nothing satisfies the unquenchable thirst of “I” so this why the suffering follows you everywhere; “I” is always thirsty. Even though this is the suffering that’s in place for most, there is another way to exist that is beneficial to one’s well being and this is because it pushes you to a state where there is freedom.

This freedom is from the attachment to “I” not from suffering, because without “I” there’s no one to suffer. This other way leads to freedom because as agitated energy arises and it will, instead of attaching to it, you allow it to push you to new insights and revelations; you are with the pain of what arises instead of pushing it away. There’s no reaching to mask it, there’s no running from it or using something as a distraction. What happens when you make a stand with what arises, the lies of “I” are exposed, and if there’s no “I” there’s nothing for the suffering to follow; liberation naturally occurs. Read this very carefully and if the full meaning of this can be grasped, freedom from the suffering that’s been following you around for most of your life will begin to fall away, but understand this will only occur when there isn’t an “I” to follow.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Results of Your Own Actions

We are our own judge and jury and for the most part our verdicts are determined by our own actions; what is done when no one is looking. The energy you live by is a direct result of your own actions…

Remember the cartoons from years ago when a Devil and Angel would pop up on a characters shoulders. This happened when a decision was needed about something. The pop up figures were always the image of the individual, it was because that’s who the real struggle and conflict is always with. Nothing outside of you can harm you as much as your own thoughts. A struggle mostly occurs when things aren’t lining up with the story of the way you think things should be. This energy is something that’s real. You can make it like you’re this spiritual guru and behind closed doors be selfish and unloving, but you’re not fooling anyone because wherever you go there you are. The energy that you live by is a result of your own actions. You are your own judge and jury and for the most part your verdicts are determined by your own actions; what is done when no one is looking. Your own actions shape your life.

There’s nothing to prove to anyone, you can preach love and recite all the airy fairy nonsense that fits into a so called spiritual box, but if you’re not showing loving kindness to all beings, it’s all being done for one reason and that’s to satisfy the devil cartoon character (ego) on your shoulder. So many conditioned stories are made up about life and this keeps one in their own prison. You can get in touch with this simply by seeing how much love you show to all beings. Lip service means little here because it’s not only the world that gets hurt, it’s also yourself. So much arises daily as the devil and angel characters pop up, just make sure the one selected allows for the loving kindness of all beings because that’s what energy you will get in return.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Desires Bondage

Don’t let the different consequences of desires lull you into an unconsciousness sleep. All desire leads to bondage (attachment) in one form or another regardless of what it is that’s desired.

If there’s always something to desire it’s because you don’t think what you have is enough. And if you don’t think you have enough, there will always be something that’s desired. Desire isn’t something that’s inherently a bad thing, why one desires is where issues arise and this is only because where there is desire, one thinks something is missing. What is desired only matters to the degree in how the thing desired affects your life. A desire to drink alcohol in access and do drugs have consequences much different then desiring to go to a program to stop using those things, but the desires core is the same and that’s what needs to be examined. Don’t let the different consequences of desire lull you into the sleep of unconsciousness because all wanting leads to bondage in one form or another and as stated this includes all desires.

You might say that’s not true, a desire to better yourself is a good thing, but that would mean you need things to be different to accept yourself. Accepting life exactly how it is is the only place you will experience the peace of not desiring things different. I’m not saying don’t better yourself, but if it’s at the expense of your peace of mind, what is its benefit. I say go for the gold, just understand even if it’s attained you will find it’s not providing the benefits you thought it would; shortly afterwards another desire will arise. Investigate this and see how desires arises from needing, and needing causes bondage (attachment) which causes suffering. Break free from desiring things to be different and you will inevitably stop suffering.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

One Container: Earth

Most people have an individual agenda that’s usually attached to satisfying themselves in some way and until this is seen even though we all exist in the same container (Earth) not much will change.

Earth can be looked as if it’s a container and everything in it are seeds from the same energy. Human form is different than most seeds because we have the ability to think, but we all have the same potential to love. Each seed is different in some way and this is how life becomes different for each thing. Even if you’re planted right next to another seed the results of how you grow will be different. Remember a name is only given to something for identification purposes, for the most part we don’t go around giving names to the animals, birds, fish or insects, a label is mostly applied; we are still from the same energy. There’s nothing individually that truly exist, we are in the same container. There’s nothing real in this existence, no real you or me, no Muslims of Christians or whatnot, nothing individually in the way that it’s seen. There’s conditioning which makes an individual thing seem real, but as far as existence is concerned, we are all just seeds in the same container.

Just as with any seed, there are many factors that determine the results of how they grow, some will produce fruit (love) and some will not, but all seeds exist in the same container. This needs to be realized if we are to grow and evolve. Humans haven’t really progressed much since existence began. We may have advanced intellectually, but spiritually not so much. There is still way to much thought on the individual level for unity (oneness) to be a reality. Most people have an individual agenda that’s usually attached to satisfying themselves in some way, and until this is seen even though we all exist in the same container, not much will change.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

A Moments Peace

As you become more and more anchored in the moment, your created stories are needed less and less. Without a story, there’s a moments peace that the mind settles into because it’s the only thing that’s there.

There is nothing that exist outside the single purpose of one moment. Your whole life is a successions of these moments. If you fully understands the moment, there will be nothing else to do and nothing else to seek. Unfortunately for most the moment is missed so the past and future are constantly drawn on to satisfy your mind agitations. Many different stories are used as an alternative to this way and it’s not my place to label them as anything. I’ve found something that works for me and that’s what I share. It’s funny because it’s not a concern of mine if one agrees with what I share or not. I understand we all see things as they’re revealed to us, but people feel the need to tell me how their view is the right one. There is no right view, there’s living with a view that only benefits yourself and there’s living with a view that benefits all beings.

About all that I know is this, at one time my Conditioned Mind controlled me as if I was a puppet on a string and because of this I lived a self serving existence and my view of life didn’t result in much of a benefit to anyone. Eleven years ago this view became different and things that I did began to benefit others. I know I write a lot about the Conditioned Mind, but it’s what was revealed to me so it’s what I share; it’s the only thing I can share. As I become more and more anchored in the peace of the moment, the created stories are needed less and less. Without the attachment to my story, there’s a moments peace the mind settles into because it’s the only thing that’s there.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Lies Exposed

A quiet mind gains insight by allowing your lies to be exposed. This inner place of peace is the place where all truth awaits to be revealed, but only when quietness is the focus.

A true understanding of life cannot be revealed by doing. There are many highly intelligent people who will never understand this. This doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with intelligence, but you only know what you can focus on. For me, insights came from the realization that the cause of why I struggled so much with life was because of a selfish view; now the focus is on this. This is what a quiet mind affords a person, it has nothing to do with intelligence.

Focused on quietness is where insight is revealed and when your lies are exposed; this is how insights arise. Use whatever gateway that works to get quiet and focus on that. The mind will settle more and more into a state of quietness that allows insights. Becoming truly insightful isn’t for a select few, it’s available to anyone. It takes an understanding that quietness has nothing to do with intellect, it’s something which occurs as a result of inward focus. The insight that leads to a greater understanding of life can only be realized in quietness so if the focus is on an intellectual understanding, don’t be surprised by the lack of insight. To me, you only gain insight by allowing your lies to be exposed, this has nothing to do with intelligence. It’s your conditioned lies that block you from love and this block will only be removed when your lies are exposed and the minds focus is on quietness.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Parameter of Love

To be inside a parameter of love the heart must be unlocked. Although this may not change what’s outside the parameter, it does change you from viewing life from “I” to viewing life from love…

Think of it as though life is a fenced in backyard, when you love you’re inside the fence and when you don’t it means you’re living mostly from “I” which automatically puts you outside the fence. Outside the fence was how the first forty nine years of my life were lived. Occasionally I was inside the parameter of the fence, but not very often and this was because my “I” conditioning kept my heart locked which didn’t allow me to access the fence. It’s nearly impossible to enter the fence from “I” because “I” is the lock that keeps that heart and thus the opening to the fence closed. When you see this, it gives you something tangible to work with which allows the heart to be unlocked, and with an unlocked heart one can be inside the parameter of love more often than not.

Life and love are synonymous, but only when inside the parameter of love, and you can only be inside when the heart is unlocked and opened. The locks of the world that keep you outside the fence are many. Think of it as though you are on the outside of a house looking in through a window. Love unlocks the heart to see things that were previously unseen, and this is what opens you to see as if you were inside the house looking out. When you’re on the inside looking out it’s because the heart is unlocked, and with the heart unlocked it may not change what’s around you, but it does change your parameters from viewing life from “I” to viewing life from love…

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Childlike Guidance

Before being conditioned by the world and going back to a time when you were a child, returns you to your natural state of innocence and allows love to be the guiding principle in your life…

You cannot truly love unless there’s awareness of love as your guiding principle and love can’t be your guiding principle unless the inner clock is turned back to undo the things that have been developed that doesn’t make this so. This isn’t to tell anyone how to live their life, but someone said that being loving is not natural for human beings and we have to work hard at it. My experience has not been this so I don’t agree. I understand this is someone’s experience and an experience isn’t right or wrong, but this hasn’t been mine. My experience is that love has always been in me and will always be in me naturally, it was just blocked out by the way my mind became conditioned.

Here is an example, just substitute the Conditioned Mind with a polluted body of water. When you take a body of water that’s been polluted and you want to return it to its natural state, all you need to do is remove the pollutants. If something is added to the water it no longer is natural.You only need to remove the pollutants to return it to its natural state. To me this is what was meant when it was written “Truly I tell you, unless you become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” so unless love becomes your guiding principle, heaven will never be experienced.

The practice of discipline and concentration are important because it allows the mind to settle so the mind pollutants can be removed and our natural state of love becomes our guiding principle. Love is already in our heart, but our polluted Conditioned Mind blocks many from seeing this. It does seem like it’s going to take hard work to return to our natural state, but only because its been a long time since we were little children. By practicing discipline and concentration all we are doing is removing our mind pollutants which allows the mind to settle so the principle of our natural state of love becomes guiding. We aren’t becoming something that we aren’t, we are returning to our natural state of love and are allowing the love that is already in us to become the guiding principle to live by…

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Form Concepts

When one can only see and attach to form therein lies the root to all suffering. It’s in letting go of form concepts that you will see there are many parts to the whole, this reveals just how empty all things are.

When we stay attached to form as existence, life becomes conceptual and although we do experience life, it is why it’s seen differently by everyone except those who don’t see life through a conceptual idea; this state is of emptiness which needs no concept as existence still is. Everything is a part of the whole so nothing is truly what a concept makes it out to be. When you look at a tree and apply the concept “tree” the parts, the trunk, limbs, branches, and leaves separate it and the true nature of the tree is lost. If you can see this with the tree, you can see it with everything, including yourself.

Without a concept of you where is the you, most don’t even think about the parts on the inside.
There is much freedom in seeing this because it allows for the emptiness of all things to be revealed, and when you see there’s nothing to hold onto no matter what, you are free. You give a form that keeps track of time a concept and call it a watch. There are so many parts to it, which part is truly the watch. Concepts will keep you in ignorance because they will block out seeing the true nature of emptiness in all things. With concepts you can only see and attach to form and therein lies the root to all suffering. It’s in letting go of the concepts of form that you will see there are just parts and this reveals the emptiness of it all.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Wrong Side of the Bed

Inevitably one day you will wake up on the so called wrong side of the bed, but you never ever have to let your feet touch the ground and give in to this energy…

Life is simply life. Some things that happen are favorable and some things that happen aren’t, and although the tendency is to hold onto the favorable things as long as possible, the only way that life can always be favorable is in the way you adjust to it when it’s not favorable. Sometimes for whatever reason you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed and because it’s relatively unknown why this is, it sets the tone for the day. It doesn’t have to be this way, instantly an adjustment can be made, but there will have to be awareness of the wrong side of the bed conditioning. If there isn’t, the wrong side of the bed conditioning will be in control for most of that day and and the days thereafter.

Awareness is key in any awakening process. The more awareness you have of the “lies of I” the deeper your awakening will be. Those who are in the throes of the Conditioned Mind have very little awareness of the lies. Mostly Conditioned Mind behavior points at and blames others for what’s wrong in the world. The agitation of wrong side of the bed conditioning keeps most in the spin cycle of this pointing and blaming. Life will always be life, there will always be ups and downs, but it’s the adjustments you make that determines what and how something affects you. There are plenty of times I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, but I’ve learned to not let my feet touch the ground in this state, and although the wrong side of the bed state returns periodically throughout the day, it doesn’t last because I have the awareness to make the adjustment to not give in to its energy…

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Better Isn't Better

Until you embrace the energy of just being with what’s occurring right now, you will continue to seek what you think will make life better and miss out on the reality of simply what’s in place…

A better life is never better because it’s the way you may want it, it’s better when you can accept it the way it is. Everything that occurs in life is the best it can be because it’s what’s there and although it may be labeled better or worse, neither one of these labels changes what occurs. The Conditioned Mind constantly pushes away what it labels as not liked and it constantly tries to pull in what it sees as better, but what’s not understood is that both of these energy’s are the same. It’s like positive and negative energy, on the surface these energies seem like total opposites, but upon further investigation what’s revealed is positive and negative are from the same energy; both push and pull. On the surface these energies produce different results, and because people are controlled by results (the ones that make life better) they think positive is better because it makes life the way you think it should be. I’m not one for positive affirmations because that also is the energy of wanting things different (better). Not needing things to be better (different) allows you to be in the space of stillness with what’s actually occurring without labeling it, this is true peace.

This peace doesn’t need anything better, there’s no needing anything different when there’s peace. Needing life better energy only arises when the mind is agitated and it’s not realized this is occurring. This is why being with what occurs in the present moment is so valuable; there’s no needing life better energy. When you’re present, you are free and at peace. The Conditioned Mind is a liar and makes you believe all kinds of nonsense that makes you succumb to the needing life better energy. Until you embrace the energy of just being with what’s occurring right now, you will continue to seek what you think will make life better and miss out on the reality of simply what’s already in place…

Saturday, November 3, 2018

One Energy

In the beginning there was energy, out of that energy the human race began, and although we may not look and talk the same we’re all from the same energy so our differences are only on the surface.

The value of sitting is priceless when it allows you to be aware of what’s truly going on in life. Here’s a story to show what can happen. It’s a story about a pumpkin patch where everyday the pumpkins fight with each other. The gardener who takes care of it would keep the peace as best as he could, but to no avail the moment he left, the fighting would commence. One day the fighting was really out of control and the gardener suggested meditation to the pumpkins. Although the pumpkins were reluctant, they did it. The fighting finally subsided as the pumpkins settled down and became quiet.

As this quietness took hold, one of the pumpkins noticed there was something on top of his head. As this was investigated it was noticed that it went to the pumpkin that it was just fighting with. As these two discussed this and investigated this further, it was discovered that all the pumpkins in this patch were connected. It was also understood that this meant they were all from the same energy. The awareness of this which arose from the quietness of meditating, showed their bond. No longer did the pumpkins fight, matter of fact they become one of the best producing pumpkin patches of their time.

Just substitute the pumpkins with people and it really isn’t that far fetched. Without something in place that allows the mind to settle most of the drama that occurs in life wouldn’t happen. The only way anything new is allowed into your life is if the old isn’t taking up all of your minds space. Space is needed to see what’s truly going on and if there isn’t any nothing new will be seen and the old will continue to run the show. Our connection as humans isn’t seen because of all the noise going on and unfortunately it will continue until people notice as the pumpkins did, that we’re all connected and created from the same energy.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Flowing Mind Expansion

Depending on how attached to “I” you are determines how restricted your minds expansion will be. The flowing mind is a mind that keeps on expanding to reveal the true nature of its own existence…

Think of the minds expansion in relation to water flowing, the only thing that stops the flow is when there’s a block of some kind. It can be likened to a value that’s closed; in this case that value is “I”. The mind is in a constant state of expansion (flowing) as long as its value remains open, but once “I” takes over the value begins to close, and depending on how attached to “I” you are determines how closed the value is and how restricted your flow and expansion are. For some there’s barely a trickle of flow, for others the value “I” fluctuates between open and closed, and for a some who have awareness of this the value remains open most of the time and their expansion is continuous.

The opposite of this holds true for the collective (society’s) expansion. Think of society as a large apartment building with many faucets (restrictions). In this case the more faucets that are opened at the same time the less flow there will be. The key here is understanding the differences in the individual flow and the collective flow. The main thing to be aware of is where the restriction of flow comes from. They’re always from the attachment of “I” it’s just that it’s very deceiving because the restriction of flow can be different; that’s just the nature of the Conditioned Mind as the lie of “I” has many tools to deceive. Attachment does nothing but restrict so when there’s awareness of this the minds restrictions lessen and the flow and expansion continues on its natural course to reveal the true nature of its own existence…

Thursday, November 1, 2018

One or the Other

The mind is really very simple to understand. It can be broken down into two rather simple mind states loving or unloving, and everyone who is alive will be guided by one or the other…

There’s a lot of stuff (thinking) that goes on between the ears that determines what mind state one will be guided by. What it comes down to is you will either be guided by love or you will not. Everything that happens is the result of something else so the results of living in a loving or unloving state is a direct result of something. This isn’t used to apply a label of one is right and one is wrong, but if investigated it can be seen how love produces results more in line with kindness, peace, harmony, and joy and being unloving puts you more in line with results of anger, greed, hate, unhappiness, and discontent. I had an unloving mind state for many years and this resulted in much suffering in the form of feeling isolated and alone most of the time. Many different things were used to try and not feel this way, but to no avail because no matter what the isolation would always return.

Eleven years ago I began understanding the differences of these two mind states and started developing certain things that put me more in line with a loving mind state. An unloving mind is selfish in nature and produces undesirable results based in the material world. A loving mind has no selfishness and the results speak for themselves. This doesn’t mean unloving conditioning will be gone for good, but for me it has lessened to a large degree and hence there is literally no more isolation, or hate in me. If the difference of these two mind states aren’t seen, it seems the unloving mind state controls more; I would say it’s because of the influences of the material world that make this so. Even though by being alive you’re part of the world when you finally wake up, this results in not allowing the selfish collective mind state of an unloving world to control you…